Probe into social media claim over Dion Smith


Tribune Staff Reporter

NASSAU Village MP Dion Smith yesterday said a police investigation has been launched into “erroneous” allegations circulating on social media that he had to be “taken down” from the Paradise Island Bridge over the weekend so he wouldn’t commit suicide.

Mr Smith, the executive chairman of the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) and deputy speaker in the House of Assembly, said those responsible for the allegations will be brought to justice “if deemed necessary.”

Mr Smith said that he was not on the bridge when the alleged “incident” was reported to have taken place. He added that while he does not know who could possibly be responsible for the allegations, the rumours were likely the end result of “political mischief” in an attempt by some to “create confusion and spread malicious lies” about him.

On Sunday,, claimed it received reports that a certain “PLP MP” was involved in an “incident” on one of the two Paradise Island bridges. The website claimed that persons spent “about half an hour” trying to “talk the young PLP lawyer and MP down from the bridge.”

Although the website never used the word suicide in their report, a sentence beneath a 2012 campaign picture of Mr Smith read: “Dion Smith would be the 6th MP to jump off the bridge to the future,” a snide reference to the resignations of several persons from Cabinet and the Progressive Liberal Party who were considered to be a part of the PLP’s “new generation” of leaders.

At a press conference at the BAIC’s corporate office on Old Trail Road, however, Mr Smith, accompanied by his wife, Rose Smith, denied the rumour, adding that it is “unfortunate that some in our society would go to the extreme to cause harm to others.”

“It is extremely disappointing to see where political mischief would lead people and the extent that they are prepared to go as this article was totally untrue,” he said. “I wish to state for the record that these detractors will not succeed in deterring me from the mission at hand.

“I am focused on my mission to serve the good people of the great constituency of Nassau Village by trying to help the wide majority. Although I have not been able to wipe every tear from every eye, these constituents deserve the very best.

“…It is also my duty to bring the community of Nassau Village closer together in an effort to combat the scourge of crime. This is what I am focused on and I do not have time for distractions. I remain steadfast and committed to helping my constituents and also carrying out my duties in my capacity as deputy speaker of the House of Assembly and the executive chairman of BAIC.”

When questioned as to whether he was near any of the bridges on the day in question, Mr Smith said: “No, never was. That is why it is so disturbing. As I said in the statement, the extent to which people would go to, it’s just unbecoming, and I think we, as a country, we are bigger than this, definitely.”


TalRussell says...

Comrades please advance forgive me if I finding myself at a complete loss to the seriousness of this news story?
I have witnessed many a politician the world over running to the media for all sorts and kinds feeling need personal defense mechanisms but this has top the most bizarre and it's a local news story at that.
Considering the record number "recorded only" murders for 2015, wouldn't you think we policeman probes would done have their hands full?
My apology, but I done lost count as to exactly how many policeman's probes are done being conducted at the request we politicians?
There is political humour in da air, and tis well and alive in we Bahamaland's 2016!

Posted 5 January 2016, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Really? In the middle of a friggin gang war you're gonna take police resources to investigate this nonsense?


Brush it off and go away. No one cares.....

Posted 5 January 2016, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Maybe they can take Smitty back to the scene of the crime and he could show them what he was really attempting to do. Who knows he might be successful this time.

Posted 5 January 2016, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

If i was in the PLP i'd be trying to jump ship too....

Posted 5 January 2016, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...


Posted 5 January 2016, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Now if only you and your PLP colleagues would literally do what someone falsely reported you have done, then the whole damn world would be a better place!

Posted 5 January 2016, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades Tribune Readers any attempted or even the threat of suicide must be taken seriously, so please do not think we bloggers are making light of such a serious subject.
But this is not what happened here as no potential harm came or was about to come any person.
Then why are the police probing - what? Shouldn't they have advised Dion that to pursue the matter further he might consider suing for emotional stress?
As erroneously reporting as this was by an otherwise nondescript social media site allegedly responsible for spreading this, they would have hit the PR jackpot had they left the politically insignificant Dion to he self, to have created more of a PR buzz to sufficiently cause a scene of a crowd to look up toward top bridge as the governing PLP party and Red Party held hands as their last political stand as they were hanging off bridge’s ledge.
Good lucks to Comrades Bran & “King’s Counsel” Wayne. They will need take note why it ain’t easy draw no crowd and they must be prepared call-out the banjo players to attract spectators to watch their Rawson Square public floggings events.

Posted 5 January 2016, 6:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Police investigation? If this man believes he has a case for libel against the site, etc, then file suit against them to get the process rolling from there. Otherwise, away from us with this foolishness about a police investigation. This doesn't even classify as criminal libel.

Posted 6 January 2016, 12:23 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 6 January 2016, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

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