Minnis 'planning council shake-up'


Tribune Staff Reporter


IN what can be seen as evidence of a continued rift within the Free National Movement, a party insider alleged yesterday that there was an “underhanded” move unfolding inside the opposition to oust former election candidates who are a part of the party’s Central Council and replace them with new hopefuls to “stack the odds” in favour of leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

The former council member, who requested anonymity, explained that tonight when the party holds its Executive Committee meeting followed by a Central Council meeting, it is expected that an announcement will be made that old candidates will be asked to leave the council while several new candidates will be announced.

Many in the party, the insider insisted, only learned of this proposed move in a letter recently penned by a sitting council member, who felt the need to speak out after receiving an email explaining that 2012 candidates were no longer welcomed in the council.

According to the insider, the agendas of both meetings have been kept secret, which is viewed as a “nefarious” plan by Dr Minnis who “is doing all he can” to prevent the FNM from holding a convention for fear that he might not be re-elected as leader.

Attempts to contact Dr Minnis and the party’s Secretary General Michael Foulkes were not successful up to press time.

When contacted by The Tribune last night, other insiders who seemed indifferent over the issue confirmed that certain failed candidates who were on the FNM’s ticket during the last general election were being removed from the council. However, this move was the result of a motion previously agreed to several years ago, The Tribune was told, and not a plot by the party’s leadership.

According to the FNM’s constitution, any election candidate “who is not otherwise a council member shall be accorded membership for one calendar year after a general election or until a new candidate is selected.”

However, questioning the impetus for the move, the angry FNM asked why the party could not wait until after convention to select its slate of election contenders, as any new leader might not be comfortable running alongside Dr Minnis’ choices.

In a letter sent to The Tribune yesterday, the disheartened FNM lamented the current trajectory of the party saying under the stewardship of a “terrifyingly incapable” leader, all the party has worked so hard for over the years was rapidly slipping away.

Since Dr Minnis took over the reigns of the party, the FNM member insisted, there has been an alarming trend toward evasiveness and disingenuousness in the FNM’s dealings.

“His failings are by now well known to all: his total inability to hold the PLP to account for any of their countless transgressions, his uncanny ability to make (Prime Minister) Perry Christie actually look competent in parliamentary debate, his poor to non-existent public relations skills, his notorious feud with the English language, and his complete lack of resonance with the public at large,” the letter said.

“Since Minnis took the helm, there has also been an alarming trend towards evasiveness and disingenuousness in the party’s dealings. Thus, we see the removal of a well-liked senator (Heather Hunt), on the excuse that the FNM has a two-year rotation policy in the Upper Chamber – yet other senators appointed at the same time continue to sit for three years and more. We also see Minnis embroiled in a serious conflict of interest allegation, where all his efforts to extricate himself only seem to dig the hole even deeper.

“There have also been a series of deplorable moves to compromise the party’s internal democratic process in an effort to stack the deck in Minnis’ favour and ensure he retains leadership – regardless of what the party faithful and the public at large may think. Placing personal interests above those of party and country is a tactic that belongs to the PLP. It has no place in the FNM.”

“Yet we have seen several ‘Mingdomite’ appointees of questionable suitability for their positions – most notably one who is personally close enough to the leader to raise serious eyebrows over the choice. Again, ‘Friends, family and lovers’, is supposed to be the mantra of the governing party.”

“Minnis’ latest attempt to suborn the democratic process of the FNM for his own selfish ends may well mark the beginning of the end for us. It is a betrayal of the principles of the party’s founding fathers.

“Minnis must know he is but a flickering candle in the enormous shadow cast by giants like Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, Kendal Isaacs and Hubert Alexander Ingraham. In his hand, the bright torch of freedom has become a stale, smouldering pile of ashes,” the insiders continued.

The FNM insider further pointed to a “cynical” attempt to stave off an internal leadership challenge by the “arbitrary” recruitment of Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells and Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins last November.

This, the insider, said was a move that was in contravention of party protocol and may yet come to bite the party where it hurts.

• See letter — page 11.


B_I_D___ says...

Minnis hanging on as leader of the FNM, and Bran continuing with the separatist Green party will split that election vote again next year and the PLP will just walk right back into power. Green and Red need to unite somehow and Minnis needs to step back.

Posted 7 January 2016, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

In 2012, DNA managed to siphon off enough votes to give the PLP a 29/9 victory. IF you take all the DNA votes and put them in the FNM column (lets be honest, ain't no PLP voting for DNA) IF all those votes went to FNM, the result would have been FNM 24 - PLP 14. If Bran runs a full slate in the next election (38 candidates) then PGC gets an easy win. PLP FOREVER....get used to it!

Posted 7 January 2016, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Marrcus don't feel too bad for repeating this since many others have. Yes, makes for an often repeated long tale since the 2012 General. But remains fictional.

Posted 7 January 2016, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 8 January 2016, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 8 January 2016, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 8 January 2016, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The biggest worry is the fact that ALL Bahamian politicians seem to put self and party before NATION. When will we get some real patriots to serve the nation or are we stuck with this set that only want to enrich themselves?

Posted 7 January 2016, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade I think you're really asking readers who is prepared to step into the battle to become our new Pindling?

Posted 8 January 2016, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades while i should be expected to be among the last to jump onto the defense ship of Minnis and his red leadership, yet reporter Khrisna's research should have left him not to be reporting a story with so many inaccuracies and contradictions.
Yes, even I will indulge in political speculation but never to intentionally ignore or worst to twist the facts to suit my personal political agenda.
At least no reporter shouldn't have trusted selective leaks from red sources so many times having been rejected by their selected constituencies voters.
You'd have be a complete jackass not to sense Long Island's Loretta is The Tribune's second leadership choice - to their #1 Papa Hubert.

Posted 7 January 2016, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

What? I am beginning to like Dr: minnis

Posted 7 January 2016, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Single sourced "dictation", (how many quotation marks are in this story?) But I understand investigative journalism takes more time and money than news houses have at their disposal...the facebook-ization of the mainstream media - print the story before you investigate. Who knows maybe the source has proven reliable in the past

Posted 7 January 2016, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

SayWa says...

When the Punch does it, we call it gossip. When the Tribune does it, its supposedly legit news, lol.

Posted 8 January 2016, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal

cucumber says...

It seems as if too many members are speaking out against the leader, Mr. Hubert Minnis after he was twice elected in Convention to lead the Free National Movement. Mr. Minnis is the leader so why can't we just let him lead without trying to under-mine his leadership? Are we so anxious to see this country government be destroyed by the PLP government. Are we so blind that we refuse to see what we are doing to ourselves. Who is this Party Insider who is so cowardly that he chooses to hide behind anonymity rather than come out and be a man or woman to say where he stands without fear. This is why we are where we are today, too many of our citizens are too afraid to speak out so our Politicians know what Bahamians are thinking about their stewardship of our country.
Rumor has it that certain members of the FNM are hoping that Mr. Hubert Ingraham comes out of retirement to lead the Party to victory once again but that will never happen again, that horse has out of the pen and Mr. Ingraham will never return so it would be better that they realise that, Also, we all are aware that it was because of Mr. Ingraham's mode of Leadership that we are in opposition today. It is my opinion that were it not for his inability to take advice we would've still be the Government today and the country would be in a different position than it is today.
I do think that Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner has acquitted herself well and will be an exceptional leader and eventual Prime Minister but for now Mr. Minnis has the reigns and as good members of the FNM we have an obligation to follow him until he loses the next opportunity to defeat the PLP and also loses his leadership of the Party at the next Party's Convention. That is how loyal members operate, not speaking out anonymously which doesn't do any good for anybody.
My advice is that we spend our time marshaling all our resources, people, money and time to ready ourselves for the war that is to come. All of the opposition forces in the country owe it to the country to remove this inadequate government.
Last year May 2015 another country to our South was faced with a similar situation and even though it didn't seem possible all of the opposition put their many differences aside and ousted the corrupt Government. Even though they combined their efforts they ere only able to win by one seat, which showed how strong the Government was and that they will do everything necessary to retain power.

Posted 7 January 2016, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Dear Cucumber, I take the liberty to quote your dissenting question as to "Who is this Party Insider who is so cowardly that he chooses to hide behind anonymity rather than come out and be a man or woman to say where he stands without fear.". And indeed you go on further to say, "That is how loyal members operate, not speaking out anonymously which doesn't do any good for anybody.". This leaves me to ask about your identity... WHAT IS YOUR TRUE NAME??? Or does the quotes best describe you as a true "COWARD"?

Posted 8 January 2016, 6:54 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

It is a simple solution .................... let the real FNMs step up and either take back their party OR start a new party and leave HAM with the scraps ............ there are enough viable persons out there to put together a SOLID alternative to Perry/PLP ........... if HAM is not the better choice, then let the other alternatives step up (or forever hold their peace) ............... there is NO place in 2017 for wannabe or real kleptocrats ............................... Pindling's spawn have to be exterminated.

Posted 7 January 2016, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yeah it's incredibility ironic that the party officially recognized as Her Majesty, The Queen England's Official Opposition Party in The Honourable House of Assembly have come to this place at a time when it appears the entire governing PLP cabinet are at the height their most troubled times with voters.
Yet it just isn't seen as being enough of a governing chaos to prevent some fractions within red party from running to the media to talks about how little love there is for Comrade Minnis. Who just happens to be the democratically and beat the living hell out Loretta duly elected leader of their damn red party at that.
In name Jesus, what more does Minnis have to do to please this special club of reds?
Yet, still what you're not seeing is a lot of reds stepping forward to support Long island's Loretta as Minnis's replacement?
I could argue the support to return Papa Hubert to the party's leadership role seems to have gone equally as mute.
Who knows what believe anymore about. Papa Hubert - just maybe his long expedition absence to the small Fishing Village of Cooper's Town, hasn't makes the red hearts grow fonder for they once dear defeated leader's return?


Posted 7 January 2016, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Both Hubert and Dr. Minnis are too old to be a political party leader. The Bahamas needs some new and fresh blood.

Posted 7 January 2016, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

this is the reason I wont vote anymore,these idiots are hellbent on not unifying,standby for the country to stay in PLP rule.

Posted 7 January 2016, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades I don't know if you will agree with me but both Christie & Papa Hubert's political personalities does appeal same voters mindset.
Both men's have mastered the art of preaching lots about why voters need fear and never trust words of the other.
They both like draw big crowds and get them all excited and bring them under their spells.
Both enjoy the trappings and power high office fuels their egos with.
They don't like talk much about substance but known make the most outlandish promises via their respective parties election platforms.
Neither PM have much tolerance for entertaining such talk about their successors.

Posted 7 January 2016, 10:53 p.m. Suggest removal

wasturrup8493 says...

This is what happens when you have old, senile men as leaders. There is no chance for the young in this country. All parties are suffering from a lack of indecisive and incompetent leadership. Old men won't die and bright(mentally) young men are not afforded opportunities. They are not open to ideas nor to trying something a different way. Fact is that most great leaders were sane, sober and current. As a young Bahamian it is sad to say that in my eyes,all hope is lost for my country. I don't vote because the biggest issue in politics is color and not policy. We vote based on feelings instead of facts. Look at it, we have a whole lot of lawyers and doctors yet there is no clean cut legislation. Hate that my country sucks so much.

Posted 8 January 2016, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

SayWa says...

I dont know why people are surprised. If any of us was in his situation, we would do the same thing. Papa put his people in place, Perry put his people in place, Pindling put his people in place. Thats how it works. If you dont, you will be restlessly undermined by those wanting the position you hold.

Posted 8 January 2016, 9:29 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades - regardless the reporter's story is fictional by intent or pure laziness and the reporter, nor the story, belongs anywhere close to anything aligned to journalism.

Posted 8 January 2016, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Re-post: Minnis is certainly strutting his stuff and showing off his true colours now......and it ain't at all a pretty sight to see. By now most past supporters of the FNM have hopefully come to the realisation that Minnis is a much more warped and evil tyrant than even Christie himself could ever be...and that's putting it mildly! The Moskos, Symonettes, Coles, Pritchards, Pyfroms (including Holoweskos), Bethels, Kellys and the like will all be in for a most rude awakening if Minnis should ever (somehow) become PM.

Posted 8 January 2016, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

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