FNM ratifies eight candidates in countdown to election


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Free National Movement last night, during its Central Council meeting, ratified eight candidates as it moves closer to completing its full slate of hopefuls to run in the 2017 general election.

This meeting comes on the heels of a stinging letter penned by a former council member who voiced concerns over the party’s fate and was highly critical of FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis. The former member, who requested anonymity, accused the Killarney MP of an “underhanded” move to oust former election candidates who are a part of the Council and replace them with new hopefuls to “stack the odds” in his favour.

However following the Council meeting last night at the party’s headquarters, FNM Chairman Michael Pintard “categorically” denied this saying the party would not exclude any former candidate from the Central Council. He said former candidates need only send him a letter requesting to sit on the council and it would be approved.

When asked about the claims of secrecy with party dealings made by the insider, Dr Minnis told reporters that he was unaware of where the allegations came from, adding that the ratification process had been transparent.

The new candidates will automatically become members of the party’s Central Council and are expected to soon begin an education process, according to Dr Minnis.

They include: Shanell Ferguson –Fox Hill; Don Saunders -Tall Pines; Frankie Campbell - Southern Shores; Leonard Sands - Bain and Grants Town; Dr Duane Sands – Elizabeth; Halston Moultrie - Nassau Village; Howard Johnson - South Beach; Zyndall Forbes South and Central Andros.

Mr Pintard said: “Suggestions have been made that attempts have been made in the Free National Movement to exclude former candidates from council or that persons were unaware of what the process is following a general election in respect to candidates.

“The Constitution is clear. It specifies a period of time for persons who had lost the last general election would be in council. Despite the fact that even after that deadline had passed under former Senator and former Chairman Darron Cash it was still extended for a year.

“So every effort was made to continue to include more former candidates. So as you approach the period to ratify candidates this council had a discussion about ensuring that that came to an end. Despite the fact that it has come to an end I want to say categorically that the Free National Movement will not exclude former candidates from council. If we are going to err we are going to err on the side of inclusion and not exclusion.

“Yes a note was sent from the Secretary General (Michael Foulkes) to former candidates reminding them of the outcome of the resolution which is the right of the secretary general, but I am saying as chairman who presides over the Council there will be no former candidate excluded.

“The process is simple, write the chairman as any other member can asking to participate and I will not refuse them an opportunity to be a part of this council.”

He continued: “Obviously if you are enjoying some kind of participation in council you are going to feel slighted even though you are aware that there is a sunset period that you can serve in council and I applaud persons for having the kind of passion of wanting to serve.”

On Wednesday the angry FNM questioned the impetus for the move and asked why the party could not wait until after convention to select its slate of election contenders, as any new leader might not be comfortable running alongside Dr Minnis’ choices.

In a letter sent to The Tribune, the disheartened FNM lamented the current trajectory of the party, saying that under the stewardship of a “terrifyingly incapable” leader, all the party has worked so hard for over the years was rapidly slipping away.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Minnis is certainly strutting his stuff and showing off his true colours now......and it ain't at all a pretty sight to see. By now most past supporters of the FNM have hopefully come to the realisation that Minnis is a much more warped and evil tyrant than even Christie himself could ever be...and that's putting it mildly! The Moskos, Symonettes, Coles, Pritchards, Pyfroms (including Holoweskos), Bethels, Kellys and the like will all be in for a most rude awakening if Minnis should ever (somehow) become PM.

Posted 8 January 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

People like the Moskos, Symonettes, Coles, Pritchards, Pyfroms (including Holoweskos), Bethels, Kellys are exactly who we need running the country, business men and women instead of teifin lawyers.

Posted 13 January 2016, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 8 January 2016, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

is that really the choice we are given? PGC or Minnis? really?

Posted 8 January 2016, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

IKR. None of them are my selection

Posted 8 January 2016, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Good politricks Doc and Pintard. Take over ya party since u the leader. Unfortunately you have some incredible bad apples in this bunch. They have to be someones friend or lover for y'all to decide to run them. Can't believe this is the best the fnm can do. Very disappointed. Doesn't bode well for the election and for the Bahamas. Financial houses not in order and I wouldn't want some of these anywhere near the public purse. Very sad. But Maybe the other doc will get elected this time and we finally get to see what he can do.

Posted 8 January 2016, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 8 January 2016, 2:53 p.m.

Honestman says...

These are troubling times for the FNM and for the country. With the PLP making a complete mess of the economy and with serious crime worsening by the day, the Leader of The Opposition should be hitting bull's eye after bull's eye on the political front. He should be riding high within his Party and be almost a "shoe in" to be next Prime Minister. Is the FNM determined to commit electoral suicide by continuing with a leader who is clearly not inspiring even his own party members far less the wider electorate? The country will not easily forgive the FNM if the party causes the PLP to be handed another five year term. If that happens then The Bahamas will quickly end up being a failed State and the last to leave should kindly turn the lights out.

Posted 8 January 2016, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

If the PLP are "handed" another five year term it will be by the voters not by the FNM party. Also, I think there is too much emphasis on who the leader of the party is; we must look at the party overall. If people think the PLP need to go, then they need to vote for another party not another leader.

Posted 8 January 2016, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

there's so much disorder and infighting in both parties it hard to look at either "over-all", the whole business is a he say she say fiasco on both sides, sometimes it looks like a bunch of independent candidates

Posted 11 January 2016, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Eight down .............. thirty to go ...................... we look forward to more drama

Posted 8 January 2016, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

One thing with Dr. Duane Sands now, he like getting a good cut ass! Lol...maybe now the Elizabetheans will come to grips that the FNM is a better choice for them, even more so that their representative jumped ship and could keep a rap about their well being.

Posted 8 January 2016, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

I think that the FNM is over now. Maybe some new people will form a new party in the final year of Christie's reign.

Posted 8 January 2016, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

Get over it disgruntle FNM's. The average Bahamian have not brought into the media trying to hijack Dr. Minnis leadership. I personally don't know whether he is a good leader or not but I am convince that no one can be worst than Christie. One more thing, I had my fill of slick talking lawyers.

Posted 8 January 2016, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiangoddedd says...

Get ready for a slick talking Doctor!

Posted 9 January 2016, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Looks like Minnis leader (Hubert Ingraham) told him to let Perry win again.

Posted 9 January 2016, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Economists your type thinking is totally in line with that of members of the Loretta for leader club.
How much longer can she continue make moves to portray Minni's image as too inferior to Papa Hubert's?
Truth is she had her differences with Papa but was back then and still now too chicken to dare talk publicly about them.
You don't have take my word for I must remind you that not even the majority of red voting convention delegates were influenced by her diminished opinion of Minnis's leadership abilities.
Is it not as clear to you that this has more to do about a long held grudge than it days about who Minis really is?
Regardless, whether Minnis stays or goes as reds leader, neither Loretta nor your Papa Hubert will be asked lead the party into the 2017 General.

Posted 9 January 2016, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Well Tal, I am not a follower of LBT and so I can't comment on what she is doing. But on reading and listening to the news, I don't think that Minnis is a viable alternative to the PM.

I am really left in a quandary, at the moment, as none of the parties seem to be up to the job of running this country.

We haven't tried Bran so maybe I will vote green.

Posted 9 January 2016, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Economist unfortunately for a growing number, some have done tried Bran and didn't lake to the taste. In fact the taste was so damn salty they been seen publicly spitting him out.
If you are serious to lock hands Bran's leadership, best you make your cow bell rush his way - before Bran is THE one and only green left standing.
Bran has no shortage blank membership cards just waiting for you go sign up new greens.

Posted 9 January 2016, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

@Tal-I find your statements very interesting regarding the various political parties that will be entering the election arena come 2017. According to you, the green team is not a viable choice and the red team is a no no. That means that you are still very much hooked on the yellow team and it ain't make no sense commenting on them. But anyone who supports the PLP in the next election needs to get his or her head examined.

Posted 10 January 2016, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Emac I think you keep missing what I see happening close to midyear 2016 - when PM Christie will officially step aside as PLP's Leader.
My contention has always been that the PM will not be around to lead the PLP into the
2017 General, or possibly a snap 2016 General is to be called.
I have no doubt while the PLP cabinet are dismissing Bran as a threat, they do respect Minnis and pray for Loretta take over reigns Red Part's leadership. In fact they want Bran's sinking DNA stick around.

Posted 11 January 2016, 11:32 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The general public needs to vet each candidate that is put forward for public office this time around .................... pull out all their business and put it on social media for the world to see ......... a wikipedia of Bahamian political candidates ............ no more closet deals in the name of a preferred political party

Posted 12 January 2016, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

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