Time to unite with Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The attack on Free National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard in your paper today by a former Candidate and Council Member of the party is unwarranted and most distressing.

Likewise, the diatribe against the Hon Dr Hubert A Minnis, Party Leader, is unfortunate and unhelpful, especially coming from a person who is a former Council Member and presumably, even though, not on Council now, is still a FNM member.

There is no chaos in the party! The Central Council of the party, which according to the constitution, “shall be the principal governing body of the Party between conventions... “ made a determination regarding the candidates of the 2012 general elections and that determination by the Central Council of the party was made unanimously and without objection!

Also, the party has a history of limiting the membership on Council of the immediate former candidates. It is unarguable that at most they were given one year by the constitution and extended a year by Resolution passed in the Central Council under other Leaders of the party and those were not questioned (during or after the votes).

Since, 2012 they were given a further period beyond the normal two years. The Central Council of the party determined to conclude the membership at that time.

Further, it appears that the letter writer was on Council last year when Notice of the Resolution was given indicating that the Resolution would be discussed at the next monthly meeting - so where was the person when the principal governing body of the party, outside convention - the Central Council, discussed the Resolution - as no one objected to it? Was the person present? We cannot and do not know, as the letter writer is not disclosed.

It begs the question though, in any event, if the letter writer was there, why did not he or she speak up (as they are doing publicly now - as it is admitted that their letter today being his/her second one on the subject this month - only 14 days in). If the person did not attend the Central Council meeting when the Notice was given or the meeting when the Resolution was discussed and passed, who is to blame for that? But, it must be one or the other, because, there was no objection to the Notice when given or the Resolution when passed unanimously.

There is no difference in what the Central Council decided and what Chairman Pintard said. It is not uncommon (the letter writer ought to know), at many Central Council meetings that former Council Members (not limited to Candidates) are given an opportunity to attend Council and at times even make interventions. Chairman Pintard effectively, was recognising this fact and indicating in advance that, the former candidates would be treated similarly. The Resolution of the Council and the statement by the Chairman are completely consistent.

The disagreement cannot be more striking about the view (but the person is entitled to it) that the Hon Dr Hubert A Minnis, Leader is unelectable – the letter writer might like to think and wish that but that is not the view of many people. Most places I go, people express their sense of pride in Dr Minnis and what he has been able to achieve, coming from very humble beginnings.

And, they like the fact that he is very approachable, down-to-earth and a people’s person. He is measured and does not “fly off the handle”.

He was known to be a hard-worker as the Minister of Health and one who was on the cutting-edge of health with the introduction of telemedicine throughout the Family Islands which was desperately needed and oversaw the planning, execution and construction of the Critical Care Block - a cutting edge facility, one of the best in the region - that we are so proud of.

His involvement in Junkanoo as a “Cowbeller or beller” in what is our quintessential cultural expression - on the “back-line” - for more than 30 years, year in, and year out speaks volumes about his personal commitment to what culturally is “us”.

As the late Jackson Burnside said, “when we go to Bay, we go to get us”.

His success in business is beyond question and undeniable. He has done well and should be applauded (not maligned and denigrated), as any Bahamian ought to be, having risen from such a humble start in life.

The letter writer must be moving about in a very small circle of people, telling themselves what they want to hear and filling themselves with their fabricated propaganda and worst of all believing it.

What is truly disconcerting though, is the letter writer’s use of the words “a call to arms” within the party. While it may have a political meaning, it clearly has a violent connotation as well and am surprised that such a phrase would be used by a former candidate and council member, who is presumably still a FNM.

 It is time to unite with Minnis!



January 14, 2016.


iamcitizen says...

Your closing sentence "It is time to unite with Minnis" is an oxymoron as Minnis has proven to be a divider not an unifying influence. within the Free National Movement. Ergo, sugar-coated platitudinous responses to criticisms leveled at Minnis, such as the above, rings hollow to the many supporters and the electorate -at-large who disagree with your assertion that he is ready to lead this country at this time given the country's near-caotic state. THE FNM IS SORELY DIVIDED AND ANYONE WHO SAYS DIFFERENTLY has his head buried deep beneath the proverbial sand. Under Minnis' and other of his obsequious band of supporters FNMs have been systematically marginalized particularly those who played pivotal roles within the FNM's political machine while others have been marginalized because of their support of the immediate past leader which has resulted in the party's inability to provide the quality of Opposition to the PLP which has been characterized as lack luster at its best which no one who has witnessed the Minnis led FNM's performance over the past three and a half years can deny. What is really sad about this state of affairs is that the FNM can wrest the government from the death grip of the PLP if they were united with its base energized and battle ready. Minnis, himself, is incapable of making this happen. The party itself must lead the way in this uniting effort to heal the wounds inflicted by Minnis and his crew, energize the base and become battle ready to take on the reins of government which the citizens are crying for. Their only hope being the FNM. In my opinion the most effective unifying mechanism the party must employ, and sooner rather than later, is an unifying convention which will reunite, reenergize and cause the party to be reelected to govern. Food for thought.

Posted 15 January 2016, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Stop telling people to be sheep. Minnis is a failure as leader of the opposition. He should not be our leader....

Posted 16 January 2016, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Posted 16 January 2016, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Gotta make a deal with Bran........If the DNA put up 38 candidates, same thing gonna happen as last time. PLP forever.....Get used to it.

Posted 16 January 2016, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Bran seems to be an PLP agent. Perry probably has him in his pocket.

Posted 16 January 2016, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

FNM ought to cut a deal with DNA not to run in some constituencies and in return for the DNA not to run in certain other constituencies. Let the DNA win some seats and agree, if necessary, to form a coalition government. Remember that in 1987 the FMN did not run any candidates against two independent (former PLP) candidates.

Posted 16 January 2016, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Excellent suggestion! Works for me.

Posted 16 January 2016, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Not too sure if there is a framework in our election constitution for a coalition government...

Posted 16 January 2016, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

As someone who has supported the FNM pretty much all his life, it's not Minnis I am going to back. Just saying...

Posted 16 January 2016, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The window of opportunity to sort out this leadeship mess is slowly closing FNM. The country will not forgive you if you scr*w this up.

Posted 17 January 2016, 8:09 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**..................................................... Keeping Score ........................................................**

Pindling PLP failed, Ingraham FNM failed, Christie PLP failed, Ingraham FNM failed, Christie PLP failing again.

**What is the question here? What is there to "tink" about?**

Posted 17 January 2016, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

beg and plead the UK to take us back...surrender our Independence...we can't do it.

Posted 17 January 2016, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

We still are not beyond the 50 yesr threshold so the crown does have the right to tetake us as ot did in Turks & Caicos. I am ready now!

Posted 17 January 2016, 11:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

That is certainly the best solution at the moment... and in the foreseeable future.

Posted 18 January 2016, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**.......................................... The British is not the answer ...........................................**

PLP, FNM and their fraternity of friends, family and lovers are so deeply involved in shared corruption; neither party can point the finger at the other!

Getting rid of both corrupt parties of pirates that created this mess is the best way forward.

Bahamas need to follow Panama's lead in firstly voting out corrupt leaders, followed by requesting United Nations assistance in rooting out corruption starting with our broken, corrupt legal system.


Posted 18 January 2016, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

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