As NHI looms, doctors say: NO


Tribune Staff Reporter

HOURS before Bahamians were expected to begin registering for National Health Insurance, the Consultant Physician Staff Association decided yesterday that it will not support the government’s proposed scheme.

The CPSA is the representative body for more than 100 senior doctors in the country’s public health system.

“What the doctors decided is we will not sign on or agree to go forward with any NHI registration unless the NHI committee is willing to respect our input into the whole system,” Dr Lockley Munroe, a general surgeon for 34 years and president of the CPSA, told The Tribune yesterday.

It’s unclear what, if any, practical impact the body’s decision will have on the NHI registration process and subsequent implementation, but the move is a blow to the Christie administration, which hoped to secure the support of stakeholders for its ambitious plan and not have it undermined on the first day of registration.

“I don’t know if (the decision) will have a practical impact but it will let the public know that the people who are probably going to be most responsible for the success of NHI are not in full agreement with the way the government is trying to bring this thing on board,” Dr Munroe said.

The decision counts as a rare occasion where the doctors employed by the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) have broken with the government in such a public way.

The group’s position echoes that of other stakeholder groups.

The Bahamas Insurance Association (BIA) has criticised the government for “inadequate” consultation and last month the Medical Association of the Bahamas (MAB) said in a position paper that the delivery of care and its administration must be improved before efforts are made to develop a universal healthcare system.

A representative of the MAB declined to comment on the association’s current NHI position when contacted by The Tribune yesterday.

The CPSA’s decision came after a five hour-long meeting with doctors at the Breezes resort yesterday.

Dr Munroe said the government has not respected what they have said.

“The concerns were more to do with how the things will be managed because the majority of us who work in the system know precisely where the failings are but the things the government is talking about will not address the failings in the system,” he said.

“The current failings won’t be addressed by NHI. NHI is going to make them worse for the simple reason that right now only 30 per cent of people have insurance; if you have 100 per cent of people with insurance, you have just increased your load by three times what we have now, bringing on all those people even though you have not actually heard from the people on the ground as to the reason healthcare is so poor at Princess Margaret Hospital.”

“The problem isn’t that you don’t have physicians with expertise but that you can’t get an MRI, you can’t get your pathology report, the equipment isn’t properly maintained if it exists at all, so either you are really going to improve care or you are causing it to be worse by overloading the system.”

As part of NHI, the government intended the first phase of the scheme’s rollout to use an allocated $60m to improve and expand on health services in the country.

Dr Munroe, however, said doctors weren’t consulted on how the money should be used.

“They haven’t itemised what they will do with this $60m,” he said. “They have not spoken to people who understand where the weaknesses in the system are. I don’t think they’ve asked the question of why people have to sit in PMH for 15 hours. Why are they sitting there in the Emergency Room for so long? We are being brushed aside and marginalised by people from outside who don’t even access the system.”

The CPSA is the bargaining unit for senior doctors that represents about 110 physicians.

Prominent surgeon Dr Duane Sands yesterday said members were frustrated about being “talked to, not talked with.”

He said the CPSA’s decision would likely come as a shock to the government.

NHI registration is expected to begin today at six National Insurance Board registration outlets in New Providence, including the JL Centre on Blake Road; the South Beach Shopping Plaza; the Town Centre Mall; the Cotton Tree Plaza in Fox Hill, and St Barnabas Church on Wulff and Blue Hill Roads.


B_I_D___ says...

PGC and crew gotta be cussin'!! They ain't gonna get their signing bonus/kickback from the consultants...

Posted 18 January 2016, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Doctors if you don't sign-on to BahamaCARE, the PM should replace each and every by issuing work permits to doctors willing to relocate Bahamaland. Secondly, block your medical practices from ever receiving BahamaCARE payments.
IN EVERY SINGLE CASE IN THE countries of which their respective governments have implemented healthcare - local associations representing the doctors HAVE OPPOSED IT.
The next three important moves for PM Christie is to stop the massive profiteering in prescription drugs, stop profit insurance premiums payments for coverage other than extended care above services provided for under BahamaCARE, and take over Doctors Hospital from its private corporation.
Comrades in PLP Cabinet it must be UNIVERSAL equal, accessible and affordable for ALL BahamaCARE, or don't waste your damn time or taxpayers paychecks.

Posted 18 January 2016, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

ok which part of TalRussell wrote this? Jekyll or Hide?

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade at least you appreciate all the good BahamaCARE can provide to ALL Bahamalanders - regardless of your income, educational, skin color, social or political status.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Take over??? Is this a dictatorship? If that is the way you want to run it, I suggest a massive, class action lawsuit for each of the doctors to compensate for their years of training, years of experience and future lost income. You can NOT just dictate people's lives like that, and if you nationalize this, you should nationalize ALL the professions. Imagine a minimum of 12 years of training to be relegated to a slave. You can't be serious. They are right. The public health care system is atrocious, and since they are the ones involved in it day in and day out, they know it best. We should not all be sacrificed to fulfill an election promise because that is ALL this is. I don't want assembly line medical care or all generic drugs or to have all my private records placed into one electronic health record accessible by hackers and God knows who else. Did you know that these people who created this fiasco are saying that co-pays will be likely in the future? Then what happens? You still don't have the money so still limited access. They don't know what they are doing. Acknowledge that and the fact that this wastage of public funds needs to stop. Thank you doctors.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

...... The solution to the potential catastrophe of a poorly planned and extremely rushed NHI that has everyone in the dark about details.... is to fire all local doctors and hire foreign doctors?!?!?!?!

oh lord.... Then when the forgien doctors sneeze you guh send FreddyMitch fuh dey ass aye?!

I see PLP dem does really want to live in a dictatorship...... what y'all ein realize is the foreign doctors don't.....

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

they will get from china and cuba, used to dictatorship already.

Posted 18 January 2016, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

So TAl you do not think these PROFESSIONALS have a valid point? They are the front line of healthcare in the Bahamas, don't you think they are the first people the government should listen to? Perry is trying to ram a good idea with horrendous planing down our throats. What has government managed in a professional manner, EVER? Perry them are rushing something that should not be rushed. NHI will be a slush fund, vote buying scheme, and a corrupt cesspool that The Bahamas may very well drown in, a few more months of planning, consultations with stakeholders, and honest debate are very well worth if is they make this plan workable.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Asiseeit not exactly considering our local Doctors and the Insurance Companies in Bahamaland are starting to show the exact same resistance symptoms of - keeps da socialism profits going for medical and insurance establishments in they's proper place - as their counterparts exhibited in all the other countries when they too fought hard and nasty against the growing number governments who are now providing improved healthcare benefits to all.
Why would anyone expect any government to want to sit down to talk with the enemies to taking the profit out of healthcare?
Yes I agree, we must seriously begin the process to repair the delivery of healthcare but it will become that much more financially attainable under the BahamaCARE umbrella.
It is not like Papa Hubert didn't work his ass off at bending over to protect the healthcare of civil servants but he forget all about rest people.

Posted 18 January 2016, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

take the profits out of healthcare?!?!?! You think people will make such a huge investment in medical school to graduate to a job where they earn no profits........ ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Take the PROFIT out of being an MP first!!!! then we guh talk!

Posted 18 January 2016, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Commode there it is it popping up its ugly profit head again, maintain the doctors and insurance companies social profiteering welfare.
Don't you think our broken healthcare ssysem's chief architects have been the profiteering lust of our doctors, insurance and prescription companies?
You will never repair our broken, and yes very broken, healthcare delivery - unless you
cut off her profiteering head.

Posted 18 January 2016, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The only doctors who want to relocate to the Bahamas are those who don't speak English very well.

Some northern remote communities in Canada are offering doctors $500,000 cash to relocate. And incidentally in Canada, a doctor can opt out of universal health care.

Posted 18 January 2016, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

observer2 says...

Can't wait to sign up and cancel my $600 a month private health insurance plan. The government is doing a great job.

Posted 18 January 2016, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...


Posted 18 January 2016, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

A great job? WOW!!! You wrote all of that with a D Average.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Realize that nothing is free, no matter what these people say. You know what you are getting with your current insurance. I bet you could be airlifted and get second opinions and stuff with it. Not with this NHI care. Research what they are doing first before you say things like this.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

and, guess what , PWC told them to model it after obama care.

now obama says he will have a nationalized medicine lol, lol. PGC blazing the trail.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Whatever you do, if you have private health insurance, do not cancel it and register for NHI. You will be screwed.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker so wrong you are on BahamaCARE. It is fine and in fact highly recommend your employer offer an extended health care plan but NOT if it is to compete against BahamaCARE. It simple will not benefit anyone n the long run.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Universal Health Care is incredibly expensive, and if it is not delivered properly, it is worse than no health care because of long wait times, frazzled doctors leaving, lack of funds for correct delivery, etc.

This government has proven its incompetence in every way. If the PLP's brains were gunpowder, they couldn't blow their noses. NHI will be a national disaster and another brain drain as doctors leave for greener pastures.

Posted 18 January 2016, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

ok so this is like the Judges saying, "we have no confidence into the Judiciary".

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

You couldn't get me to step foot near a public run hospital or clinic in this country unless I was literally on death's doorstep and that I had exhausted all other options. Until the public set up has upped it's game and proven their worth and efficiency, you can keep it.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The MAB will likely follow the CPSA and refuse to sign up for this totally unworkable scheme. Everyone wants better healthcare for ALL Bahamians but it makes NO SENSE to take away the perfectly good cover enjoyed by 30% of the population and force them to suffer not only an inferior product but a product that government cannot possibly deliver on. Christie and his PLP generals really don't care about hard working Bahamians. They don't mind forcing employers to ditch efficient private health insurance schemes in favour of this looming shambles because IT DOES NOT AFFECT THEM. They will get by just fine with their own private insurance and ill gotten gains. They think dangling this carrot in front of the gullible will win them enough votes next May to allow them another five year opportunity to completely empty the cookie jar. THEY ARE SO WRONG.
The working class has had enough, civil servants have had enough, the Doctors have had enough. Bahamas had had enough.

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

I guh be PGC for halloween cus 5 more years of PLP is damn scary!

Sadly, if there was ANY decent party, the PLP wouldn't be in right now.... All it takes is a vote of no-confidence in the HOA to force an election...

Either the FNM don't think they can win an election (which is damn sad), or they are in cahoots with the PLP dem in 'raping the country' as Perry once said.... I think it's a little bit of both.....

Posted 18 January 2016, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The problem is there is the public health system that is overloaded and under maintained and so it is barely functioning effectively. Then the other major healthcare facility in the country (New Providence) is underutilized because many feel it is too expensive and unaffordable. In fact some insurance providers recommend their clients seek treatment abroad rather than at that facility. So how then will NHI fix this problem? Standardized rates? and who will determine which facility a patient will attend?

Posted 18 January 2016, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

And implementing a poorly conceived NHI will do away with the same government health officials that are pissing away $100 million a year now and relieve the current overload?
We have new mini hospitals on various islands built with taxpayer money that aren't even open for lack of equipment and staff, for Gods sake fix whats broken first before further compounding the problem.

Posted 18 January 2016, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The Doctors should not accept "BahamaCare" as long as the Lawyers and Accountants are not forced to accept a similar control of their abuse of their professions ............ and ALL Bahamians should demand that from this government ........... there are too crroked professionals in this country

Posted 18 January 2016, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

**This is Tal's malady:** Bipolar Disorder is a type of mood disorder with marked changes in mood between extreme elation or happiness and severe depression. The periods of elation are termed mania. During this phase, the teenager has an expansive or irritable mood, can become hyperactive and agitated, can get by with very little or no sleep, becomes excessively involved in multiple projects and activities, and has impaired judgment. A teenager may indulge in risk taking behaviors, such as sexual promiscuity and anti-social behaviors. Some teenagers in a manic phase may develop psychotic symptoms (grandiose delusions and hallucinations). For a description of the depressive phase see depression. Bipolar disorder generally occurs before the age of 30 years and may first develop during adolescence.
***Today he is elated with the PLP !***

Posted 18 January 2016, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades a complete loss of confidence in our healthcare delivery system didn't suddenly come out nowhere either under this or the previous PLP administration. It's not like it is a PM Christie creation.
But the PM has taken notice and being his party just happens to have a majority of the peoples authority to bring forth BahamaCARE to the masses - PM Christie is making healthcare his thing as he prepares to make his final exit from the PM's office.
It is time that the accessibility to healthcare will no longer be dependent upon the size of the peoples bank accounts. That they will not be afraid of how much their children's doctors bills will be the next time they need go see a doctor or medical professional.
Comrades it will become the responsibility of whomever replaces PM Christie, regardless of political party, step up to the massive challenge of strengthening the quality of care, services and physical facilities provided for under BahamaCARE.
Is it not better we spend our time and resources to improve upon BahamaCARE, than it would be to have no healthcare provider at all?
Is it too much to provide ALL the people with guaranteed healthcare - exactly as
PM Hubert did in fact provide for a select few.
Where in the hell were the its going be too damn expensive opposing voices from the doctors and insurance companies, when PM Hubert and his red regime had guaranteed every civil servant worker and even those long into their retirement, that they would be provided with guaranteed healthcare?

Posted 18 January 2016, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Good! Now all it takes is all of the other spineless Bahamians to get on board and reject this stupid plan. Let the government show that it cares for its citizens first by improving that nasty hell hole called Princess Margaret Hospital. I tell you: Whether you enter those doors as a patient or a visitor you loose all of your dignity.

Posted 18 January 2016, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade why do you think the medical professionals haven't contributed towards the terrible conditions at PMH?
Isn't doctors that see public patients at PMH not some same faces you see at privately owned and operated Doctors Hospital?

Posted 18 January 2016, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I know of doctors who have bought basics like stools and lamps for the examining rooms, only to have them tiefed a couple of days later. Another doctor bought hams for Christmas for the personnel who helped him, and was bad-mouthed and verbally assaulted by the janitor and other support staff who didn't get a ham.

There are huge problems with medications disappearing from inventory and stuff like toilet paper being taken home by the staff.

None of that stuff happens at Doctors Hospital. Even the light bulbs disappear at PMH.

Posted 18 January 2016, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Sad but true. Maybe it is time to privatize the PMH. Nothing government runs makes sense anyway

Posted 18 January 2016, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

So Tal, you do agree that conditions are terrible at PMH. So then you should also agree that government needs to fix that mess before they try this what they believe to be vote catching stunt? By the way, PMH is a public hospital overseen by the disgraceful government of the Bahamas. Therefore, it is up to the government to put policies and equipment in place to at least try to bring the place up to standard. The doctors are really the ones who are working under these horrific conditions that are far worst than the make shift tents that were used to house and treat Haitian who were injured in the last earthquake there.

Posted 18 January 2016, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Banker, so you're telling me this all started with the tiefing lamps and stools by PMH staff and the janitor with bad-mouth disappointment when left out receiving line for Christmas hams....
on the morning following the 7th May 2012 General?
Let me tell you something that might come as shock. Them prescriptions ain't the only things that gone missing ever since days of Sir Stafford when there were stories circulating how three babies completely disappeared under a UBP health minister's watch. Newborn babies, so you know they didn't just ups themselves go for walks never return back PMH.

Posted 18 January 2016, 8:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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