Response to Rufa letter

EDITOR, The Tribune.

A letter written by Judson Demeritte in today’s edition of The Tribune makes certain assertions with regard to the actions of the Department of Immigration in the case of Bruno Rufa. The assertions made in the letter are materially incorrect and without foundation.

At no time did the Department act in an arbitrary or capricious manner with regard to this case. At all times, the Department sought to act according to law and within well-grounded norms and practices.

The Minister for Immigration supports the decisions taken in the matter as correct in law but awaits their further adjudication.

This is not a case of harassment but a case involving fundamental principles about the powers of the Department of Immigration to exclude individuals from The Bahamas who are not Bahamians. On a broader scale, it involves the national security of this country. This latter obligation is one that we owe to the world and especially our immediate neighbours and most certainly to all people who live, work or visit The Bahamas and are intent on being law abiding.

The matters are before the courts and we await adjudication. The history of the matter outlined by the letter writer is wrong.

It would behoove writers to get the facts before putting pen to paper.



January 18, 2016.


banker says...

Poor Fweddie. We too, are awaiting to see what the courts will say.

Posted 20 January 2016, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Bruno Rufa will die of old age before adjudication. Fred Smith will use all of the money making delay tactics available to keep Rufa in the Bahamas. as the saying goes when you find a Jack A$$ you ride him to death.

Posted 20 January 2016, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Funny, when I read the report on the ruling by the court I got the impression that the court held that Immigration had not acted properly.

This letter is a poor attempt at Public Relations and self justification.

Posted 20 January 2016, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

The Bahamian people are the jackass that Christie, Mitchell & Co are riding to death, even the manipulation and disregard of the Courts is not beneath them.

Posted 20 January 2016, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

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