New party member Byron Woodside praises party


Tribune Staff Reporter

BYRON Woodside, a former Cabinet Minister under a previous Free National Movement (FNM) administration, has lauded the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) as an organisation that is unmatched in its contributions to the nation’s social, economic and political progress.

Before a packed audience at the PLP’s headquarters on Farrington Road on Thursday night, Mr Woodside addressed the crowd following his introduction to the party as its newest member by Chairman Bradley Roberts.

Mr Woodside was the previous Pinewood Gardens Member of Parliament and lost against the constituency’s current MP Khaalis Rolle in the 2012 general elections.

This comes after Noris Bain, the FNM’s former candidate for Marco City joined the PLP late last year.

“It (the PLP) has a record of a party that has fought for the rights and more over the dignity of people of colour having ushered in majority rule in 1967,” Mr Woodside said during his first address to the party.

“The PLP’s stellar record is unmatched. It is unmatched in terms of contributing to the nation’s progress in the social, economic and political arena. The PLP led the struggle over all these years in propelling generations of Bahamians both old and young to be uplifted from poverty to prosperity, from insignificance to sophistication (and) from indignity to distinction.

“The PLP has chartered the course of this nation and it was done by great Bahamians.”

In introducing Mr Woodside, Mr Roberts told PLPs that the party’s newest high profile member represented a cadre of accomplished Bahamian professionals who believe that Prime Minister Perry Christie has the right vision, the progressive policies and the transformational legislative agenda necessary to move this country forward.

Mr Woodside is a petroleum marketing expert, an attorney-at-law and a former Minister of State for Lands and Local Government.


Franklyn says...

Considering the state of The Bahamas from 1967 to now, and if you are comfortable with the Status quo – then you are a part of the problem in the Bahamas. The PLP is the single cause of the deterioration, depravity and suffering that Bahamians have endured over the past 49 years. How can a Bahamian move from a position of championing change – change motivated by a systems of oppression and oppressors of black Bahamians who are feed scraps from the country's economic table, to a position of an alliance with a want to be elite class who is only motivated by greed and petty partisan politics – a evil system that feeds on the suffering of Bahamians who may not support them. A petty party system of corruption, victimization and intimidation …these are the things that I know true warriors in the fighter for prosperity of all Bahamian stood against?

It is unthinkable that a young man in today's Bahamas could seriously use terms like "progress in the social, economic and political arena." to describe the PLP. The PLP led the struggle some years ago - yes, but today's PLP have propelling generations of Bahamians both old and young, deeper into poverty with no hope for prosperity. No honest Bahamian would call Bain and Grants Town moving from insignificance to sophistication (and) from indignity to distinction.

The PLP is a proven failed system in the history of The Bahamas and it sickens me to know that a bunch of geriatric men and women (with no good intentions for the people of The Bahamas) would want to continue captaining a ship after such a disastrous shipwreck.

Mr. Woodside would not be the first Bahamian to destroy his political future; but it scares me that our depressed economic condition may drive many more Bahamians to make irrational decisions seeking a mystical hope - hope from the mouth of a ***dreamer***.

God guide us all to the right path with clean hearts as we enter the coming General Election Season.

Posted 23 January 2016, 12:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

The above was written/spoken as coming from the mouth of God... There is nothing to be added or taken away in its context.

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 23 January 2016, 7:54 a.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Most impressed!

Posted 23 January 2016, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Excellent post Franklyn. I can't identify a single comment that I disagree with.

Posted 24 January 2016, 8:10 a.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Very well said Franklyn, I couldn't have said it better.

Posted 24 January 2016, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

SMT. MY COB classmate. Et tu Woody?

Posted 23 January 2016, 6:51 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Isnt it funny to see him hugging Khaalis

Posted 23 January 2016, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...


Posted 23 January 2016, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

Ridiculous, ridiculous... you laugh at the idea that the thought of this may be ridiculous and that it may not happen??? Hah!!!.

One of my problems is the faculty of my memory. To the discomfort of some, I remember things all too well. The gift of foresight is reliant on ones' memory; mines runs close to perfect.

In 1992, Prime Minister Perry Christie was coined, and then he himself embraced the nick-name and title 'VOMIT'.

Do you know who was the first and actual person who publicly called the then Member of Parliament for Centreville, Mr. Perry Christie, 'VOMIT'???.

That's right... the present co-chair of Urban Renewal. Answer: MR. ALGERNON ALLEN. Where is he now and whose praises is he chiming?

But is there anything wrong with that? Probably not! Just want to enlighten you as to what some persons may be prepared to do.

It's one thing to be 'vomit', and quite a next thing, or, a far step down to swallow it... heh???

Whatever the outcome of consideration, as to any further expansion and matriculation that can possibly come out of this truth... I leave it to the readers and newly informed members of the public who now receives this truth.

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 23 January 2016, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

It is his right to change party just like all the others. Worrisome though is this constant deck of jokers playing games with our national politics. The thing is we as Bahamians keep putting up with the all nonsense. These guys jumping from plp to fnm and vice versa but our country isn't moving. We need to show them our disdain for all of them and all of the BS. Another party needs to rise and we as a people need to begin protesting and not accepting foolishness.

Posted 23 January 2016, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

I would hold on to my belief that GOD is still in control. He moves people into certain places and positions for a reason and a purpose. When Josephs brothers sold him into slavery, they never knew the strength of the seed they were sowing. God knows the minds and the thinking of Bahamians and so he is acting accordingly.
"A man’s greatest strengths are often also the source of his greatest weaknesses. A man who has strong convictions, who speaks out boldly for God’s truth, if he’s not careful can become harsh or unkind. On the other hand, a man oozing with love and compassion can err by tolerating everything and everyone, thus compromising God’s truth. The latter error seems to me to be the more common danger in the church. Often, in the name of love and out of the desire to promote unity, Christians have compromised with the world.

For example, the world’s most famous evangelist, Billy Graham, whose personal integrity is impeccable and whose preaching proclaims the gospel, at the same time, out of a sincere desire to reach the widest possible audience, has often invited men of liberal theology and famous people who are at best immature Christians to participate in his crusades. This leaves the impression that there is no substantial difference, theologically or morally, between what Graham proclaims and what these people represent. Some would defend Graham by saying, “Look at all the people who get saved!” But our standard always needs to be, “Is it biblical?” not, “Does it work?” And by way of long-term results, Scripture is clear: Any compromise with the world, whether in doctrine, morals, or relationships, has disastrous consequences.

The story of Jehoshaphat is about a godly, good king with a major weakness for compromise with the world

Posted 23 January 2016, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

These words, as written/spoken, to the wise, ought to taken into context as sufficient.

Friend(s), do, as well, take into account the social-economic crippling sin that was devised and executed by King Jeroboam to manipulate and exploit the people by fracturing their religion and religious practices: I Kings 12:27-31.

Our 'oneness', that is, OUR UNITY is the key going forward.

Godson 'Nicodemus' Johnson

Posted 23 January 2016, 6:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Yall can't see this man getting old??? He thinks the right move is to jump on board what he believes to be a viable party before the next election, so that he too can get a piece of the pie. These guys have no shame whatsoever. If people like Byron Woodside could be so deceitful publicly, imagine what they will do behind closed doors. I tell you: This PLP party is the most conniving, evil empire that has ever reign in this region. History will not be kind to these people at all. People always think that money will buy them security in their old age. No sir, you will be judged by the contributions you have made to society and how honest you were while holding public office.

Posted 23 January 2016, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

You are on the right track Emac... stay your course...

Posted 23 January 2016, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

I agree!

Posted 23 January 2016, 9:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

We don't always agree. But right now, I would back Emac for PM.

Posted 24 January 2016, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

.... Businessmen, ministers and bankers stole $9 Billion from Nigeria's economy ....…

Byron Woodside crashed and burned with little emperor Ingraham has now turned PLP prostitute wishing to join in the spoils with their fraternity of ministers, friends, family and lovers in pilfering Bahamas economy.

4 decades of PLP and FNM leadership created a faltering Bahamas with a dying tourism product, flat lined economy, largely destitute populous, no stake & locked out of owning our own economy, totally overwhelmed with Haitians & others, failed education system, out of control crime etc, etc.

U.S. repeatedly declare Bahamas government as corrupt. We know it, they know it, everybody knows it.

Bahamas should follow Panama's lead by voting out both corrupt party's and requesting United Nations assistance in rooting out corruption.…

The fate of future generations of Bahamians depends on us to face the facts and do what is necessary to turn our country around before we become another Haiti-like failed state with a handful of corrupt elite stealing 90% of everything and the rest of us fighting over the crumbs.

*Yo-yoing between PLP and FNM brought us here. Its time to do something else*

Posted 24 January 2016, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

LOOOOL! where dese smack talking fools come from jhed?!?!?!?!

Quote - "The PLP’s stellar record is unmatched. It is unmatched in terms of contributing to the nation’s progress in the social, economic and political arena. The PLP led the struggle over all these years in propelling generations of Bahamians both old and young to be uplifted from poverty to prosperity, from insignificance to sophistication (and) from indignity to distinction."

sooooooo, i just gone assume errything this guy says is totally false, cus he's starting off his little PLP career in high fashion with an absolute falsehood. Things are worse now than ever!!!!

The courts need to charge this guy as a Con-Artist of the highest order because he is attempting to CON the entire Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 25 January 2016, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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