Minister contradicted over ‘greed’ of doctors


Tribune Staff Reporter

NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said despite comments made by National Insurance and Labour Minister Shane Gibson last week, the government does not feel that “doctors are greedy”.

He said Prime Minister Perry Christie is open to speak to and work with doctors to implement National Health Insurance (NHI). However he added that some “unlikely” people have campaigned against the universal healthcare scheme for “political” reasons, but stressed that the government could not wait for things to be perfect to roll out the initiative.

Speaking to medical professionals on behalf of the prime minister at a NHI workshop held at police headquarters on Saturday, Dr Nottage said: “It is not and has never been the government’s position that the doctors are only in the business for money.”

Last Monday, Mr Gibson criticised the Consultant Physician Staff Association (CPSA) for not supporting NHI, suggesting that the senior doctors are more interested in “making the mighty dollar” than saving lives.

Mr Gibson, the minister with responsibility for NHI’s registration campaign, suggested that the CPSA and other NHI critics have resorted to adopting an attitude of “if I can’t have it my way, then I’m going to tell the public I’m not a part of the process.”

He added that the CPSA is afraid to express its “true feelings” on NHI for fear that “the public will say they’re greedy and have no conscience.”

“Somebody . . . last week said the doctors were only in it for the money, I want you to know that is not the government’s position,” Dr Nottage, a gynaecologist by profession, said on Saturday.

“We don’t use words like ‘greedy’ to describe the doctors - well the person said they were not talking about the doctors but they were asked a question - but I want you to know that is not the government’s position. The prime minister is open, you can say many things about him and people have, but you cannot say that he does not listen.

“The most unlikely people have campaigned against NHI because of political objectives but this is not political, it is about the country’s health. This country is in need of reform in so many areas, I wonder if Bahamians are serious about - and these are not political statements - our country. We have to work together. There are some things we have to unite around and one of these things we have to unite around is the health of our people. You can fight for your money but also make sure the people of the country have access to healthcare.”

Dr Nottage said the government simply couldn’t wait to implement NHI until everything is perfect, because “everything will never be perfect.”

“Everybody is saying they support National Health Insurance but there is always a but. ‘I support it but we aren’t ready yet, I support it but we don’t have the tools, I support it but we don’t have the infrastructure.’ We cannot wait until we have a perfect environment to introduce the system, we want to improve healthcare, what we have to do is plan properly, know what we need and phase it in,” Dr Nottage said.

He added: “Okay, when this discussion started, it appeared as though the government wanted to do it all one time. The people said, ‘You can’t do that, phase it in.’ Okay so the government said we would phase it in, now you say we can’t phase it in until we have everything ready. Come on man. You all are smarter than that.”

More than 5,000 persons registered for NHI last week, according to NHI Permanent Secretary Peter Deveaux-Isaacs.

NHI registration began last Monday at National Insurance Board outlets in New Providence, including the JL Centre on Blake Road; the Town Centre Mall; and the Enoch Beckford Memorial Auditorium on Carmichael Road.

Centres are also open at NIB offices in Grand Bahama and the Family Islands.


TruePeople says...

Our gov't is clearly schizophrenic then! Just because one MP says it is doesn't mean the gov't says it is. But by the same reasoning, just because another MP says it isn't doesn't mean the gov't says it isn't.....

Clearly our gov't doesn't even know where it stands on this (or any) issue, because depending on which MP ya talk to, is different story!!!

upward, onward, forward together!!!!

Posted 25 January 2016, 2:03 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The PLP has certain henchmen to say and do the dirty work ............ Shane is one of them ...... Shane has no moral authority to castigate doctors with his his past deeds

Posted 25 January 2016, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Required says...

So a doctor says doctors aren't greedy? Next!

Posted 25 January 2016, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Did they register for NHI or did they pick up a new NIB card? Because the new NIB card was being distributed way before NHI was proposed.

Posted 25 January 2016, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

i have had the new nib card for quite a while.

i am told that i am to use this card to register online on a non-existent website.

Posted 25 January 2016, 10 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

good luck with that

Posted 26 January 2016, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is beyond my understanding why the doctors are calling for no Vat charges on Health Insurance and Medical equipment. it is not as if those people are among the poor. so the poor some how will have to pay more on something and the rich will get richer .The truth is I do not see any poor Doctors or insurance Company owners . What is the Doctors stake in the insurance ??. only persons with money can afford Health Insurance in the first place. and no matter how much you invest in Insurance. The minute you can not pay they will drop you like a hot coals, and all you have paid over all the years has gone into the deep blue.

Posted 25 January 2016, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

birdie, you cannot be serious. I have private health insurance and am not rich. Many middle class citizens purchase private health insurance, not only the rich. Also, how can a government say that they are promoting affordable health care if they place a tax on health care itself? As a citizen I paid almost and additional $100 in VAT for my MRI, how is that making it more affordable for me? Sure insurance companies have done some scandalous things, but your asking me to trust the GOVERNMENT, known for it's dishonesty and thievery to take more of my funds and provide proper health care? You have GOT to be joking.

Posted 26 January 2016, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Yes Birdie, it is beyond your understanding. First of all the Doctors and Insurance company's do NOT pay the VAT on their services, the POOR sucker who needs those services will have to pay VAT, that means YOU will have to pay VAT on their services, rich or POOR. Second, tell me of ONE service you can get that you DO NOT have to pay for? You are a very confused individual that really needs to get an education asd to how the world works, as what the PLP has taught you is completely false. You are being led astray and the really sad part is you do not even know it!

Posted 26 January 2016, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Birdiestrachan - you have shown yourself up with your ignorance as to how VAT works. You shouldn't post on topics you know nothing about. Study the matter first and then you can offer at least sensible propaganda on behalf of your PLP masters.

Posted 26 January 2016, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

All the money you spend on food goes into the cesspit too.!

Posted 25 January 2016, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

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