Miller: Minnis best to challenge Christie


Tribune Staff Reporter

TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller believes Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis is the party’s most “formidable” option to challenge Prime Minister Perry Christie in a general election as voters view him as a man who rose from “have-not” status and can relate to the plight of poor Bahamians.

The veteran Progressive Liberal Party politician further dismissed Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, who is Dr Minnis’ rival for leadership, saying she represents the “elitist” demographic.

“I would be happy (for the PLP) to go against her,” Mr Miller told The Tribune. “I am sure I’d keep my seat.”

He added that he strongly doubted the country was ready for a woman prime minister, while insisting that this was something for the FNM to consider as it heads into a national convention later this month. The event is scheduled for July 27 to 29.

The MP was asked to comment on the political discourse now underway in the country with some observers of the view that Dr Minnis would not be much of threat to Mr Christie in an election, therefore handing the PLP an easy victory.

However, Mr Miller insisted that this line of thinking is a “grave mistake.” He said he could not understand how anyone could argue that Dr Minnis was a weak leader.

“What is happening here with Dr Minnis and Mrs Butler-Turner, it is obvious that she and (running mate Dr Duane) Sands represents the status quo with the big money interests and Bay Street boys backing them. This is a clash between the haves and the have-nots. Loretta, she represents the elites.

“The crew she represents does not reflect the average Bahamian so I believe ‘Doc’ would be the most formidable one.

“I’m not sure the Bahamas is ready to have a woman prime minister. I don’t see how she believes she can win a general election when she didn’t even have the support of her own membership in the last convention. I wouldn’t bet on her being the first woman prime minister or that she could change anyone’s mind in this country.”

He added: “He (Dr Minnis) differs because he is a very formidable candidate. He comes from the grass roots. People would make a grave mistake if they take him for granted.

“Elections are an emotional thing so the electorate will gravitate toward Dr Minnis because he best represents the views of Bahamians more than she does. There is no way she can inspire people more than he can.”

Dr Minnis and Mrs Butler-Turner both launched their campaigns last night.

Last week Mrs Butler-Turner formally announced her intent to challenge Dr Minnis at the party’s convention.

At the time of her announcement, she said the party, now more than ever, needed to be driven by leaders and doers.

She also declared that she and Senator Sands will make the “strongest team” to not only contest the top two leadership posts of the FNM, but to turn the country around.

Despite her confidence, Dr Minnis has said on several occasions that he is sure that he will be re-elected to the party’s top post for a third time.

On Sunday, he told The Tribune this is because of his “close and personal” relationship with the majority of the party’s delegates.


realfreethinker says...

Minnis better watch his back when Leslie has it. He will be a fool if he fall for the endorsement of the plp

Posted 7 July 2016, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

you know he's lying - he wants doc to run because he thinks he's the weakest candidate the FNM can put forward

Posted 7 July 2016, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is thinking this.

Posted 7 July 2016, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

The PLP love Minnis. Minnis is their easiest path to victory...

Plenty PLPs went to Minnis' event last night. They want the delegates to see plenty people...

Lol. Gotta love Bahamian politics....

Posted 7 July 2016, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

And the a** actually thinks that they love him. They LOVE that they have a better chance at winning with him at the helm. No wonder Christie has no plans to retire. I wouldn't either.

Posted 7 July 2016, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

What a pile of refuse the FNM has become.

Posted 7 July 2016, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

*"He added that he strongly doubted the country was ready for a woman prime minister"*

Come now! Everyone and his uncle knows that Miller does not like women (In roles other than domestic mates that is). So it is quite logical that he does not support Butler-Turner as a leader. Let's face it: The majority of the males in this country do not support women in leadership roles or as equal. Women will really need to be on-board heavily for lady B to be successful in her bid for first female prime minister.

Posted 7 July 2016, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

mangogirl01 says...

I wish I could like this a 1000 times, on point!

Posted 8 July 2016, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

This attitude about women is pathetic.

The UK may be about to make another woman prime minister (Thatcher being the first), Germany is run by a woman, the US is about to have its first woman candidate confirmed by a major political party (Shirley Chisholm was the first woman candidate that I know of), India has had a woman prime minister, as has Israel, Canada, Australia, Chile, Jamaica, Argentina (2 women leaders already), South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan; to mention a few.

When will we mature as a people?

Posted 7 July 2016, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Rhetoric says...

Miller is intimating that if the PLP is not the Government he would rather the country be led by Minnis
That is a powerful endorsement no matter how you spin it

Miller and Minnis have a Friendship that spans decades and crosses party lines
Just like HAI and PGC

Posted 8 July 2016, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I saw two letters in the morning dailies that suggested that the PLP is playing a rear-guard movement to get the public to endorse doc so that they can have an "easy" road into the government than with LBT! Yall only showing how desperate and petty losing politics can be! We can see that the writer is most likely LBT herself. . .which contain two of LBT favorite "self pity" words splattered all throughout them!

The PLP has a history of "dealing" with the minds of the masses for more than 50 years. . .if they wanted to support doc. . .with nobody listening to anything they say and the hate they now engenders from the public. . .they will endorse the candidate they would like for the public to get rid off. . .they learned that lesson from the referendum rejection. . .the public is in "a reject anything the PLP say" mode. . .endorsing the doc would be a swift death-blow to his bid for leadership in his party. . .his affiliation with "that PLP bunch" will shoot him right in his hip!! In the 48 laws of power it is called mirroring. . .show the opposite behavior you so desire to happen! The people hate them so much and will go opposite to their suggestions! They will endorse or seem to help the one they actually want gone. . .the people will go contrary and choose the one they would like to stay. . .LBT! That's their huckleberry. . .they can "jook her up" easy. . .when in fact the doc is who they really want gone!!

Good move there on their part. . .

The tribune editorial yesterday and LBT (I suspect) knows that right well. . .that's why both writings and some of you here attempted to "connect" those two together. . .a connection to the PLP will be a sure "kick hip" for doc! This whole thing is proving "in public" who is the better leader in this dirty game of Bahamian politics. . .even MP Rollins and others would not support LBT in public!!!

Posted 8 July 2016, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

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