MPs told to support leader or get the hell out of their seats


Deputy Chief Reporter

MAURICE Moore, regarded as one of the Free National Movement’s founding fathers, last night chastised the opposition MPs who oppose Free National Movement chief Dr Hubert Minnis, saying if they cannot support their leader they should “get the hell out of the seats” they occupy in the House of Assembly.

His strong rebuke of the six MPs who threatened to have Dr Minnis constitutionally removed as opposition leader if he did not agree to an early convention, came as he took the stage to support the Killarney MP in his final bid to shore up the support of delegates as the party kicks off its national convention today.

“The reason why I am here tonight is to tell you that on Friday night you have the chance to send a resounding message to all FNMs throughout this country. Give your leader a chance,” Mr Moore told the large crowd gathered at Heritage Park, Arawak Cay last night.

“This group, I am not going to get into all of it. But I have watched their actions carefully. There is no justification for what they are doing. They need to take that energy and put it behind our leader. I say to you tonight as one of the few remaining founders of this party. Our party is in good hands so much so that no matter how I felt physically, mentally I had to be here to say to you give your leader a chance.”

He went on: “No reason whatsoever those persons who sat in FNM seats. I know the leader might not want me to say this, but I am going to say this anyway. They are sitting in your seats. If they cannot support your chosen leader get the hell out of the seat. They are good people, but they are headed in the wrong direction.”

He was referring to leadership challenger Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Andre Rollins. In May, they threatened to petition Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling to remove Dr Minnis as leader of the Official Opposition unless an earlier convention date was set.

During a fiery address to the crowd, Dr Minnis called for oneness and insisted that now was the FNM’s chance to bring change to the country.

His call for unity comes amid friction within the organisation and after former Prime Minister and party Leader Hubert Ingraham made a strong plea on Sunday for the party to cease infighting.

Dr Minnis went on to underscore his plans to eradicate widespread corruption in the country and repeated his vision for value added tax exemptions.

“Tonight, we gather for the last time before our national FNM convention. Bahamians everywhere are depending on the FNM to unite,” Dr Minnis told the crowd who were adorned in “Roc Wit Doc” t-shirts and hoisted posters celebrating the leader.

“In the next three days we must emerge stronger and better than ever before. We must be one!”

He continued: “FNMs we must seize this moment. FNMs we must put aside our differences and emerge from our convention united and together. This is our chance for change.

“We can put an end to our differences, tomorrow. It is our time to come together, tomorrow. We will be that much closer to a new and better Bahamas, tomorrow.

“Divided we fall but we can stand strong.”

Regarding his plans for the country should he be re-elected the FNM’s leader and win the next election, Dr Minnis said he will bring relief to the poor among other things.

“Tonight, I have a new vision of hope for the inner city, for my city. Empowerment of our people requires the establishment of equal opportunity for the many in our Over-the-Hill communities.

“Lifting them out of poverty demands a holistic approach, beginning with the creation of inner-city tax free zones to stimulate enterprise, attract investments and create jobs. That is why we will create a tax free zone in Bain and Grants Town, Farm Road, and Englerston, involving both residential and commercial components. This is where an FNM government would invest our resources.”


Observer says...

If Doc can name and locate 10 streets & corners in what he refers to as the inner city, then listen to his reasoning.

Posted 27 July 2016, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

Tax Free zones in the inner city will create unfair competition.

Posted 27 July 2016, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

not to mention benefit the rich like doc who own the property the people rent from. he doesnt have a clue how this would work.

Posted 28 July 2016, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

The PLP is taxing us to death, spending money like a drunken sailor. Bamsi burn down no one jailed, carnival cost us millions and failed, millions collected in taxes no account of where this money went. When Ingraham did anything he was criticized but the people rejected the best Prime Minister this country ever had. Now MInnis is destroying the FNM. He had 4 years to prove himself and he has done nothing. Its time for Butler and Sands. Those who want to follow Minnis are burying there heads in the sand just like MInnis. The FNM can come back stronger and win with Butler and Sands. This PLP government is a disgrace and anyone who votes for them are burying their heads in the sand also.

Posted 27 July 2016, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandboy242242 says...

I noticed he never mentions VAT free zones when he talks about the inner city. I just hope people realize that would be nearly impossible to maintain hence he usually highlights that the exempted taxes will be real property tax, duty reductions on approved items, don't remember about business license fee talk but that would be a mistake as well. All in all it "might" work in a regulated, law-abiding country but in The Bahamas it will just be used inappropriately and as a loop hole for people to cheat the system.

Posted 27 July 2016, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

"Hell" is where Maurice Moore needs to go to, or where he came from; take your pick.

Posted 27 July 2016, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

That is such an arrogant and assified position to take. If they leave the FNM now, the FNM would not even be the opposition would be relegated to a third party status. He and the FNM need to focus on reconciliation and healing instead of driving this division agenda.

Posted 27 July 2016, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Maurice Moore is singing for the supper Minnis has promised him - the same plate of supper Minnis has promised to several other people by the way, but who's counting among people who clearly do not have the sense God gave a mule

Posted 27 July 2016, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

If the six leave the FNM what party they will be? You must remember that each independent will be his/her own party. . .five individuals. . .not a grouping. . .single MPs! Doc will still have the sub-majority. . .the only other sub group in the house! If they leave. . .House War II will begin. . .who will be the big chief of the group. . .feathers will start flying all over again! POW!

Posted 28 July 2016, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Wow. What a stupid and divisive speech. Moore should be ashamed of himself...

Posted 27 July 2016, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Doc talks about wide spread corruption? has he looked in the glass recently? are his hands clean? Note he wants everyone to come together as one but on his terms. that he is Leader. and as far as his Tax exemptions goes how does he plan to do that in Grants town or any other **the hill arrear" Doc talk is cheap money buys land". Doc will do anything for power?

Posted 27 July 2016, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

> Note he wants everyone to come together as one but on his terms. that he is Leader.

Exactly. His idea of unity is "do what I say and worship me or else you are out of here." He has refused to accept that he must take the lead in fostering unity. The man is intoxicated with his delusions and his lust for what he is clearly not fit to have. He and Christie are clearly drunk off the same batch.

Posted 27 July 2016, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**4 decades of failure and these clowns still looking to the FNM. Bahamians love suffering**

Posted 27 July 2016, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Moore is making the DNA look like a choice that may need a bit more looking into. Nobody just gets a vote.

Posted 27 July 2016, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscool says...

Which coffin did Moore suddenly come out from? In no position to be making speeches!

Posted 28 July 2016, 1:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The FNM party was left in a shambles by Ingraham coming out of the last general election which made it easy for the leadership of the party to be hijacked by a power hungry incompetent dingbat like Minnis. LBT and the other aggrieved FNM members of parliament need to accept that the FNM party is no longer a viable enterprise in Bahamian politics. This being the case each of them should make it known that they intend to resign from the FNM party at the appropriate time and run in their current constituency as an independent candidate in the next general election with a view to forming a new political party with other independent candidates who are successful in their bid to get elected. Minnis should be left alone to oversee the funeral and proper burial of the FNM party. Ingraham and Moore may see fit to attend the bereavement service for the FNM party given the role they played in its death.

Posted 28 July 2016, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

NassauBoy77 says...

Did Dr. Minnis promise this man that he would become the next Governor General. He is playing a similar role to Dame Marguerite in the lead up to the 2012 elections.

Posted 28 July 2016, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Yes he did. He made the same promise to others as well.

Posted 29 July 2016, 12:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

I hope these six dissidents resign from the fnm on monday and leave Minnis swinging in the wind. The self serving FNMs who are supporting this man's shenanigans and his nutty supporters apparently have forgotten the years of being in the wilderness. Ingraham spoiled yall and for some strange reason yall think minnis has the same political skill as Ingraham. These kind of threats are shameful and a price will be paid for them.

Posted 28 July 2016, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Democracy needs
Informed, participating, rational and educated electorate
Informative and responsible media/press
Rational and differentiating choices for governance.
Which of these things do we have?

Posted 28 July 2016, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

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