Loretta: Turnquest rebuke was final straw


Tribune Staff Reporter


PETER Turnquest’s public rebuke of Loretta Butler-Turner Thursday night was the final straw that prompted Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Duane Sands to withdraw from the leadership race they once lobbied for, the Long Island MP said during a press conference Friday evening. 

“After seven weeks of campaigning and trying to ensure a level and fair playing field,” Mrs Butler-Turner, flanked by supporters in a room at the Melia Resort, said, "We came to the realisation that the process was in fact full of some irregularities and deep structural problems. This included but was not limited to irregularities with the delegate list and the election of delegates. We concluded after consultation and deep reflection, prayer and discernment that we could not go forward in good conscience with a process that proved undemocratic on a number of levels.”

The pair believed they would never be able to resolve the problems if they allowed the process to continue, hence their decision to drop out, she said. 

She did not elaborate on the irregularities with the delegate list and the delegate selection process, but she described a series of perceived slights against herself and Dr Sands from Dr Minnis’s team that seemed to play a large role in her decision to quit the race. 

Chief among these was Mr Turnquest’s criticism of her for extending beyond her allotted 25 minutes time during her speech Thursday night. 

“I think the worst treatment was probably when we had the incumbent deputy get on stage to rebuke me for something that we had already started to discuss,” she said, referring to the time-limit for her speech. 
“There has never been a time when the FNM has held a convention that they have not gone beyond 11 at night and, because of the fact, we had a disruption.”

“We have the man who wants to be deputy leader of this party just talk about unification, getting up and rebuking me so publicly? Where is the unification?  That was the tipping point.”

Mrs Butler-Turner and her supporters were also upset when Dr Minnis made his grand entrance into the ballroom moments before she was scheduled to speak, at which point chants of “Roc Wit Doc” erupted, suspending the schedule. 

“When I was about to ascend the stage the incumbent leader (came in and took) 15 minutes of our time,” she said, prompting Darron Cash, the party’s former chairman and a supporter of hers, to twice repeat the words “most disrespectful” in response to her statement. 

She said: “15 minutes of our time and then they’re going to get mad with me because I speak for 5 or 10 minutes longer?"

They also felt slighted when they did not receive a copy of the convention program until late in the night before the first day of the convention, after which she learned she’d have only ten minutes to speak, a fact organizers later said was an error. 

She also said people she selected to sit on the convention committee never received their notifications. 

“I believe that when (the leadership) positions became vacant as they all did, there was no longer a leader of the party,” she said. “That means we were all supposed to be on an even playing field. At the end of the day the playing field was tilted. There was one set of rules for one set of people and another set of rules for the others. I don’t mind engaging in a game, as long as I know the field is leveled."

"There should’ve been some free, fair and balance to this process. Yet the convention was agreed to but it could not just be hijacked by one side.”

Mrs Butler-Turner said she had never been comfortable with the integrity of the process in the lead-up to the convention. 

“I stopped the process about two weeks ago when I withheld $50,000 (to help pay for the convention),” she said. “It was a series of steps that, in my opinion, did not represent the Free National Movement and all of the tenets we have in terms of the process. When I did turn in the final deposit of our funding, many of those questions remained unanswered."

Supporters gathered Friday evening for the convention's final session to fire-up the base for one last night, but the drama that consumed the party during the previous 48 hours was still in the air. 

On Friday, hours of discussions took place between Mrs Butler-Turner, Dr Sands, Dr Hubert Minnis’ team and other senior FNMs concerning the way forward for the party.

It was unclear if they had reached any concrete resolutions.  

Insiders fear that supporters of Mrs Butler-Turner may leave the party if she is not mollified. 

Nonetheless, Mrs Butler-Turner denied that discussions throughout the day involved efforts to make her deputy leader of the party, as sources told The Tribune. 

“I’m not sure that was ever on the table,” she said. 

She indicated she has no plans to leave the party.

“The FNM is not a party that chose me, I’ve said that on numerous occasions,” she said. “This is a party I chose. I chose it because I believe in the ideals and the philosophies of it. My decision is to make this party better. I have no desire to leave the Free National Movement at this time or anytime in the future.”

On social media, some Bahamians said Mrs Butler-Turner showed poor character when she decided to quit the race. Others said she quit once she realised she would lose. 

To this, she said: “There is not a chicken bone in this body. Everyone who knows me knows that. I’m all courage. I am a person that stands on conviction even when my party does not stand the way I stand. I believe in the fundamentals of being able to have free and fair elections.”

Mrs Butler-Turner also said she wasn’t turned off by the “Roc Wit Doc” chants that nearly drowned her out as she spoke Thursday night. 

However, she said the "animosity" showed to her at that point contributed to the mindset that led her to drop out. 

The party “can’t move forward in that confused state,” she said.  

In what was an embarrassing moment for her, she urged parliamentarians to join her on stage Thursday night, but only Dr Sands responded to the request. 

Asked about this, she said the chaotic environment caused the parliamentarians who are supportive of her not to join her on stage. 

She also seemed to express frustration that she had reacted differently to Dr Minnis’ similar call to her the night before.

“We had the leader call me up on stage to dance and prance and the next night we had a group of goons screaming at me while I’m trying to give my speech,” she said. “That did not demonstrate unity.

“My leader called me. it was not natural but to show that I am a team player and that we need to take this party forward I would do anything within reason that the leader requested and that was a reasonable request.”

Mrs Butler-Turner said she doesn't know if she will be given a nomination for the Long Island constituency, but she said discussions with Dr Minnis’ team throughout Friday addressed this. 

For his part, Dr Sands once said he would offer his resignation from the Senate if he loses the Deputy Leadership race. 

However, he said Friday that given the “peculiar circumstances” of the convention, he will rethink whether to follow through on this.

Mrs Butler-Turner expressed hope that the party can still move forward in unity. 

“The FNM has been through a lot of challenges before,” she said. “This is about making sure that the FNM brand is the brand that we all support and it remains the way it needs to be.”


MonkeeDoo says...

We have to go ahead and do what has to be done to win and after that the MP's must elect a leader. At the moment no one is PM in waiting.

Posted 29 July 2016, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I never believed she would win against Doc. and all of her money has gone to waste. No one was standing with her. In spite of it all she is brave to come up against him. I trust no one is falling for Doc and all of his promises. The man has no vision And those who think the Bahamas is in trouble now , should pray that the Country never falls in Roc with Doc hands. . on one side of their mouth they talk about the Country debts on the other side they talk about ***big spending and tax breaks It does not work that way.

Posted 29 July 2016, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

People didn't expect Minnis to survive the convention and he did. LBT lost to Minnis and it didn't sit well with her. She fomented discord within the party to the point of almost destroying it.

As previously iterated, Minnis is no politician. He is not charismatic. But he is a technocrat. He is successful in finance and as a business man. He knows what needs to be done. He may not be the most articulate or forceful, but he has the brains and knowledge that Crisco Butt and the PLP kleptocrats lack.

Minnis will win the leadership of the country next year, and there may be surprises -- pleasant surprises, simply because oftentimes in life, the difference between success and failure is a mere 3%. In the PLP that difference spread is 103%.

He needs to dollarize the economy to avoid devaluation. He needs to get people to work. There are ways of employing hordes of workers with dubious human work capital credentials, but it can be done. He needs to control the wild government spending. He needs to reduce the size of the civil service, and he needs to jail the corrupt PLPs for crimes against the Bahamas. No small task, but his election will be a short, small step in the right direction -- if the Bahamas doesn't crash and burn before April of 2017.

The absolute hilarious part about LBT is that she quit because of a rebuke by Peter Turnquest? This is the woman who bitch-slapped Rollins. If her pride was so wounded, why was she doing the Christie shuffle with Doc the day before? Something is rotten in Denmark. Hopefully she will pack up her sebaceous self and either buckle down and be a good foot soldier, or pack her bags, summon her butler and turn her self to other pursuits.

Posted 29 July 2016, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

He needs to jail the corrupt **PLPs & FNMs** for crimes against the Bahamas!

Posted 30 July 2016, 7:51 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**...... BREAKING --- Stupid Uncouth, Big Mouth Cow Gets Just Deserve & Last Moo ......**

BLT finally writes a big check her ass couldn't cash!...Lol---Idiot.

Posted 29 July 2016, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

Everyone in the background of that picture looks extremely disappointed. Hmm...

Posted 29 July 2016, 10:33 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

Despite what Mrs. Turner says about choosing the FNM because she "believe(s) in the ideals and the philosophies of it", I can only say that I no longer do, and will never vote FNM again while Minnis is leader. The Founders of the FNM must all be turning in their graves as to what a travesty Minnis has made of the original ideals and philosophies on which the party was founded.

This "convention" has been a disgrace of huge proportions and has only served to show the underhandedness, corrupt and arrogant nature of Minnis and his followers. And that simpleton Peter Turnquest actually had the gall to get up on stage and talk unity while publicly dividing. No better than the two-faced talk of the PLP!

Posted 29 July 2016, 11:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I thought Peter Turnquest's response was weird considering that the crowd had just drowned out Loretta with bias chant of "Roc with Doc", unless he was rebuking the crowd for doing that, still can't figure it out.

In the lead up to this campaign Loretta periodically aligned herself with female leaders like Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel. If she decided to quit (by her own words) because Peter Turnquest rebuked her, she's no Hillary Clinton, and certainly no Merkel. Glad that false analogy is put to bed cause I never bought it for a second.

Posted 30 July 2016, 4:54 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades maybe it's the after Minnis said tonight how he will run Loretta for Long Island, that the required joint could be fuzzing with my memory but I had always remembered how it was Papa Hubert who recruited (picked) Loretta into the Red Movement Party? Little did I know she was a walk-in off the street, red shirt?

Posted 29 July 2016, 11:41 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Anyone have a clue shedding light on who the embassy poled predicting BLT winner yet!**

Perhaps US embassy robo called BLT and Sands couple hundred times or they thought the Hillary "rig" was in play? ....Lol

Posted 30 July 2016, 7:08 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**............................................. On A Serious Note ...........................................**

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, LOL!

Posted 30 July 2016, 7:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Butler-Turner is plenty confused. In one breath she says there was no leader as all positions had become vacant; then after the next few sentences, she says, "my leader called me". This is illogical.

Posted 30 July 2016, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The FNM has never been so broken.

Posted 30 July 2016, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**...................... Thank You, Almighty Jehovah God For Answering Our Prayer ...................**

We don't have to listen to BLT rants and self praise about her superior, intelligent self anymore! If she had half as much intelligence and sense as she credit herself with, she would be deputy leader today!

Doubtful BLT will learn any humility, and even more doubtful she will learn how to act like a lady instead of an elephant in a china shop.

One thing for sure. After that second solid cut ass, BLT learned not to mess with Doc!

Posted 30 July 2016, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

DillyTree says...

And Doc will lose this election for the FNM. Why do you think Leslie Miller and the other PLP goons (including Toggie and Bobo) were out campaigning for him? So congratulate yourselves into giving the PLP another 5 years to destroy the country.

And if you think Minnis will do anything to stop it, you're as big a fool as he is. Where do you think he's going to get his campaign money from? Certainly not the number boys, Nygard and the Chinese. And most of the large FNM supporters won't donate money as long as Minnis is there. So what will he do -- turn to his poor, ignorant masses?

Posted 30 July 2016, 11:03 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

The Poor, Ignorant Masses Removed Your Corrupt, Racist UBP!

Money worshiping people like you will never comprehend the masses because you place money ahead of people!

The people you despise, denigrate and dismiss due to economic constraints controlled by your kind, are far more intelligent and humane than you are, or will ever be.

These same people proved on June 7th that your **"MONEY GOD"** could not stop their will!

Please keep preaching as loud as you can how your hue will not support Minnis with your **"MONEY"**. They never had any **MONEY**, do not worship, and have no respect for YOUR **MONEY GOD**

All they need is someone with the humanity and decency to level the playing field and allowing them to take a meaningful part of prosperity in building **THEIR COUNTRY.**

"Large FNM supporters not donating" only adds fuel to Dr. Minnis's mission, as these "large supporters" are part and parcel to the good old boys corruption that suppressed the masses for 4 decades with **"MONEY"** regardless of PLP or FNM governance.

What you and people like you missed, is that Dr. Minnis slayed the corrupt oligarchy responsible for keeping the masses uneducated and disenfranchised in their own country after majority rule using their **"MONEY".**

Black Bahamians had (visible) political power, however, the UBP still controls the countries economic power which they used to manipulate corrupt leaders across party lines.

In essence the UBP maintained power and control of the country with **"MONEY"**!

Dr. Minnis's message is clear. Level the playing field so **ANY BAHAMIAN** black or white with the intelligence and ability to prosper and contribute in building the country will have a fair opportunity to participate.

*Shelby Gogulski - "You can never truly enjoy success if you have never had to struggle."*

**The electorate doesn't need *"YOUR MONEY"* to cast a vote.**

Posted 31 July 2016, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................The Poor, Ignorant Masses Removed Your Corrupt, Racist UBP ..................**

Money worshiping people like you will never comprehend the masses because you place money ahead of people!

The people you despise, denigrate and dismiss due to economic constraints controlled by your kind, are far more intelligent and humane than you are, or ever could possibly be.

These same people proved on June 7th that your **"MONEY GOD"** could not stop the will of the people!

Please keep preaching as loud as you can how your hue will not support Minnis with your **"MONEY"**. The people never had any **MONEY**, do not worship **MONEY**, and have no respect for your **MONEY GOD**

They need someone with the humanity and decency to level the playing field allowing them to take a meaningful part of prosperity in building **THEIR COUNTRY.**

"Large FNM supporters not donating" only adds fuel to Dr. Minnis's mission, as these "large supporters" are part and parcel to the Bay Street boys corruption that suppressed the masses for 4 decades with **"MONEY"** regardless of PLP or FNM governance.

What you and people like you missed, is that Dr. Minnis slayed the corrupt oligarchy responsible for keeping the masses uneducated and disenfranchised in their own country after majority rule using their **"MONEY".**

Black Bahamians had (visible) political power, however, the UBP still controls the countries economic power which they used to manipulate corrupt leaders across party lines.

In essence the UBP maintained power and control of the country with **"MONEY"**!

Dr. Minnis's message is clear. Level the playing field so **ANY BAHAMIAN** black or white with the intelligence and ability to prosper and contribute in building the country will have a fair opportunity to participate.

*Shelby Gogulski - "You can never truly enjoy success if you have never had to struggle."*

**The electorate doesn't need *"YOUR MONEY"* to cast a vote.**

Posted 1 August 2016, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Still can't believe that not one of the four MP's, that she claimed pushed her to run, went to stand with her, **unless** that claim of "*please save us Loretta*" was another tall tale like so many others

Posted 1 August 2016, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Everyone knew Minnis was going to win. Except Minnis it seems. So the weakling cheated. Minnia truly is the bottom of the barrel....

Posted 2 August 2016, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

HOW DID HE CHEATED? Let us know. . .yall keep saying how bad he is but we see yinna as the bad folks. . .yinna all over in public causing problems!

Posted 2 August 2016, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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