Gray: Vote hijacked by religious community


Tribune Staff Reporter

MICAL MP V Alfred Gray said the fourth constitutional referendum bill has been “hijacked by the religious community.”

Speaking to reporters outside Cabinet yesterday, he also weighed in on the contentious debate surrounding transgender people in the country, saying even if a man or a woman undergoes a sex change, they are still their original sex.

“We’re too smart a people to let a few foolish people tell us sex means male or female but it opens the door to same-sex marriage,” he said about critics of the fourth bill.

Among those people who oppose the fourth bill are Marco City MP Greg Moss, former Court of Appeal President Joan Sawyer and Grace Community Church Senior Pastor Lyall Bethel.

A group of pastors behind the Save Our Bahamas committee have also launched a campaign against bill four over fears it will lead to gay marriage.

Like other prominent officials who support a ‘yes’ vote for the referendum, Mr Gray said he believes the failure to pass the fourth bill would lead to same-sex marriage rather than prevent it.

“All the bill says or seeks to do is define the word sex,” he said. “In Section 15 of the Constitution it says no one should be discriminated against on the basis of religion, creed, some other words, and sex. But it did not say in the Constitution presently what sex means. This bill seeks to define sex as male or female. I do not understand how same-sex marriage gets involved in this.

“People are too smart in the Bahamas to accept that if they read the bill, that it would lead to same-sex marriage. Allow me to say this; if we do not vote for it, that’s where the door gets opened to same-sex marriage because I can see some people going to the courts not long after to test it. And because the Constitution is the supreme law of the Bahamas, if we don’t have in the Constitution what sex means, the court will be left to interpret it. And if you have a liberal court that interprets it to mean a change of your gender by operation, a change of your gender by some impostors feel where if you feel like you’re a man, you’re a man, (then it could lead to same-sex marriage.)”

With unprecedented visibility, the transgender community has recently come forward to seek respect and greater acceptance within the Bahamian community.

Mr Gray, however, dismissed their points of view as he suggested they are confused about their true nature.

“A man is a man at birth,” he said. “A woman is a woman at birth. You can have as much operations as your money can allow, but you can’t change what God has done. And if we do not say male or female in the Constitution, trust me, somebody will hear me and live to regret it.

“You cannot change male or female by operation. You can have sex change if you want but if at birth you were male, that’s what you are. If at birth you were female, that’s what you are and always will be. You may prefer women; you may prefer men; you may prefer to be a man or you may prefer to be a woman; but it’s what you are not your preference and all of us were born something, that’s man or woman.”


cmiller says...


Posted 1 June 2016, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Frankly this is very simple. There is a large contingent in this country that does not want women to have equal rights with men. This is particularly strong with regard to non Bahamian spouses receiving the right to work, or even citizenship. Instead of addressing this problem by eliminating the automatic rights for wives of Bahamian men, the proposal would provide equal rights to the husbands of Bahamian women. All this dust up about transgenders and same sex marriage is nothing but cover for this sexist concern. The Constitutional provision will fail, and the Bahamas will be put in the company of those retro-African nations all over a false issue.

Posted 1 June 2016, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

You are an ignorant Tarzan swinging from the wrong tree.....we eligible voting Bahamians are much smarter than you would like to think and most of us will be voting a resounding "NO!" to all four of the bills on June 7th.

Posted 1 June 2016, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

To the contrary, there is a large contingent of us who know better! We know foolishness when we see it that's why we voting NO!

Posted 1 June 2016, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

if men and women should have equal rights why if a male signs for a child and could lawfully prove that the child is his own why havent an constitutional bill place that states a man having equal rights to his lawfully born child just as a woman has the same rights? why are men being force to pay child support and not being giiven equal rights time spent with his own child? why is it that the woman holds majority rights to the child when men only can see their child every other weekend? why are men being force out their homes by the court but still has to pay full support for that very same home he was kicked out of act

Posted 2 June 2016, 1:01 a.m. Suggest removal

lemonfreshpinesol says...

These issues are not that simple. First of all the provisions relating to child support and access are governed by the Child Protection Act not the Constitution. Secondly, there are a number of things that are taken into account in granting access to the father such as the age of the child and the sex of the child. Every case is different, it all depends on the circumstances.

Posted 2 June 2016, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades, surprisingly even when a government should have gone out to hire the best how sell a referendum, what did they do?
If i am to correctly read the mood of those claiming to be eligible to vote, and if they actually turn out to vote, government just might have hired what is turning out to the worse of the worse of consultants that big government money could have hired?
Minister V. Alfred's pitch is typical of the government's financed "Yes"campaign, that if you vote "No," you are to forever be characterized as V. Alfred likes classify all opposition to anything government promotes, as 'grumpy naysayers."
He tried that one on BAMSI's critics, and so too did his colleague Minister Obadiah and his sidekick Paul, who also called those daring to question Karnaval. 2015/16's
$26 millions, nothing but a bunch naysayers... and who will quickly forget that really weird $600,000 "fantasy' Music Festival?
True I been known just clear out the blue to makes all kinds things up and blog them
as for real...but no way - even Comrade Tal - could possibly have created V. Alfred
and Obadiah as but fictional characters.
These two is the real Coca-Cola things!

Posted 1 June 2016, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

how much was generated from 2016 Carnival was it successful as iy was claimed to be?

Posted 2 June 2016, 1:05 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Gray knows all about hijacking things .,,,,, like the time he tried to Hijack the Judiciary in Acklins?

Posted 1 June 2016, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

True ........ he has hi-jacked MICAL for twenty years ............ those poor people (except the company town of Inagua) are living in a state of arrested development

Posted 1 June 2016, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

hallmark says...

John 10:7 - Jesus said, "I AM THE GATE."

Posted 1 June 2016, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Hallmark not only can "I Am The Gate" mean opposite things dependent each individuals needs, they can be equally ambiguous as they are common.
Do I wish to enter or exit the gate?
Jesus was known to mutter the ambiguous and often. Was this his way of challenging our thinking?
Imagine what would be missing from the Bible, had they not included the mutterings of Jesus?
Sounds like the Constitutional Referendum's four questions is about do exactly challenge our thinking?
Comrade Hallmark, I thank your for reminding me of "I Am The Gate." So today's times thought provoker.

Posted 1 June 2016, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**.. If Stupid Jackass Alfred Grey says vote yes.....Everybody knows its best to VOTE NO! ..**

Posted 1 June 2016, 7:06 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

lol wow

Posted 2 June 2016, 12:51 a.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

so if sex isnt define in the constitutional as male or female and because it isnt define why havent anyone challenged the courts aginst the ruling of being married to the same sex why havent that gate yet to be open. why cant the Government just simply change the wording of the forth bill so that it can bring peace and comfort to many voters who fair bill 4. Is the Government really wasting the people time?

Posted 2 June 2016, 12:54 a.m. Suggest removal

hallmark says...

Comrade Tal, the interesting thing is that they chose a GATE for the no answer. Go figure. But God is still on the throne and HE still answers prayers. They played right into HIS hands. In John 10:7 - Jesus says, "I AM THE GATE!" So I am going with Jesus.

Posted 2 June 2016, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

AND I WILL NOT ALLOW MY WAY OF LIFE TO BE HIJACKED BY CORRUPT IDIOT POLITICIANS LIKE ALFRED GRAY! For the record, I will be voting a resounding "No!" to all four of the bills in tomorrow's referendum. Like most Bahamians I am only intolerant of others who seek to impinge on my rights, my freedoms and my way of life as a Bahamian. This bucket obviously does not include the vast majority of Bahamian men or Bahamian women, but it does include the many thousands of foreigners who are willing to sell their loyalty to the PLP (or FNM for that matter) in exchange for our government (with its hidden agenda) granting them Bahamian citizenship or permanent resident status. And this bucket certainly does include the very loud few in the global LGBT movement who seek to impose their way of life on others under the pretense of the rest of us (the 98+% of us) discriminating against them. The vast majority of Bahamians (both men and women) should not have to give up any of their rights, freedoms and beliefs, nor compromise in any way their way of life, simply because a small few in our society falsely accuse them of being somehow discriminatory. I, along with the other 98+% of Bahamians, have rights too!

Posted 6 June 2016, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

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