Judo Federation launches ‘Neighbourhood Heroes’

BAHAMAS Judo Federation has launched the social media campaign, Neighbourhood Heroes. Its purpose is to bring awareness of the training and accomplishments of the  athletes who are trying out for the CARIFTA 2017 and other international tournaments.

“Judo is a sport that embodies the Olympic values of respect, excellence and friendship,” said federation president D’Arcy Rahming Sr. “These are values that our society is desperately in need of.”

The name Neighbourhood Heroes highlights the fact that the athletes are the same kids that everyone sees in the ordinary circumstances of life - on the way to school, in your churches, on the jitneys, etc. They are heroes because they are role models for any child to follow.

Each featured athlete trains over 15 hours a week, avoids drugs and gangs and adopts a healthy lifestyle. The social media campaign will use Facebook, Instagram and Snap Chat to highlight the many positives things that are being accomplished.

In order to be competitive at the world class level it is important that athletes travel to the US, Canada and Europe for tournaments and training camps.

So a weekly car wash will be the signature fundraising event.  This car wash will take place the last two weeks in June and first two weeks in July on the grounds of Holy Family Catholic Church on Robinson Road.

“The athletes will be trained to wash the cars to a professional level. They learn the value of being rewarded for hard work,” Rahming said.

Tickets will be presold by the athletes to family members, fans, companies and friends. To support this initiative email allstarbahamas@gmail.com

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