Tennyson Wells in his own defence

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Graduate and his groupies were once and are journalists who are lazy, indisciplined and always lived off others by receiving handouts and payments from the public purse and have been sucking up to power and/or perceived power all their lives.

The Graduate, his groupies and Zhivargo Laing (Focus) have attacked Tennyson Wells but their attacks have no basis in fact or truth as I will prove below.

You have never seen in the press/media at any time where Tennyson Wells made donations to charities and others, but he has been making multiple donations of thousands of dollars annually and does not relish writing this response, however, your readers and the country ought to have the facts and the truth in order to make a comparative or reasonable judgment as to who has contributed and is contributing more to the development of our society and our country. Let The Graduate and Front Porch Simon reveal him/themselves and let the public measure each of us. Let the public make their decision based on the facts as to who have ulterior motives – Tennyson Wells who signs his name or The Graduate who hides under the cover of darkness and false names.

Tennyson Wells is the son of two successful farmers who encouraged him to get an education and inculcated in him the principles of hard work, fairness, honesty and integrity. Tennyson is proud to have raised all his children without having to resort, as some have done, to making them wards of the state or abandoning them to relatives and friends in abject neglect of parental responsibility and obligations.

Further, Tennyson has never been an unapologetic sucker on the teat of friends and organisations milking them shamelessly without making any real contributions over scores of years.

Over the last forty years, Tennyson Wells as the head of his family along with his dear wife and children has built up or with others assisted in building up enterprises which ensures that hundreds, yes hundreds of Bahamians take home a paycheck - and not a minimum wage paycheck either - every week or every two weeks – What say The Graduate and Front Porch Simon?

Tennyson Wells contributes regularly food, water and money in the thousands of dollars to many charities and the poor weekly, monthly and annually.

Over the years, Tennyson Wells has conceived, commissioned and has been involved in the development of many subdivisions in New Providence, has developed and built hundreds of dwelling homes and assisted many families in getting roofs over their heads – Can The Graduate or Front Porch Simon or Focus compare? Tennyson Wells has and have business associates and friends black and white - Yes Zhivargo Laing (Focus) – some from the Eastern Road and elsewhere who I have been and still is in business with him for decades – and you know what they are all wonderful black and white people who pull themselves up by their hard work and integrity.  Yes, we all like to earn money and we put it to good use in building up our society, country and humanity at large. We are not only takers we give back – What have The Graduate, Front Porch Simon given back other than their poison and putrid pen?

When the FNM had to leave its headquarters on Mackey Street and Chesapeake Road in 1986/87, Tennyson Wells provided and financed the national headquarters and offices for the FNM and paid its utilities bills from 1986 to 1991 - five years.  

The Graduate, in spite of some of the positions you have held many, I say many people believe that our society and country was not well served by you, you were not and is not a good example for your and their children.

Just a word of advice to Zhivargo Laing (Focus) who I still believe has some promise if he can only be consistent in his philosophy/opinions/actions and control his ever changing vocations/calling and ambitions.

The same way you did not listen to those street people who told you what was going to happen in 2002 and 2012 and you were proven wrong will happen again to you in 2016/2017. God’s willing Dr Minnis’ success internally within the FNM and the country over the coming years will prove you wrong again. For once in your life stop kow-towing to the whims and fancies of others and try to write commentaries based on facts and truth, and not on fiction and what you want the facts to be – you are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts - facts are facts - 49 per cent can never be the same as 51 per cent no matter how many times you say it. You will do well to try and develop better judgments based on facts.



June, 2016.


sheeprunner12 says...

Will Tennyson Wells return all of the Crown Land that he helped himself to for the past 40 years??????? ........... frigging slime ball

Posted 10 June 2016, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...


Posted 11 June 2016, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

after I read this letter i took a walk among other bahamian news sites and I pity the state of the FNM.

these people over 60 should do the right thing and let someone else try.

Dr. Minnis has squandered his opportunity and concede. The 70-80 years old hads their time in the sun and should concede. the 50- 60 years old proteges, well the old guard just used you, concede,

someone new is required.if the party is to survive.

Posted 12 June 2016, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Calypso says...

What this country needs is a core of **young** people with **fresh** ideas. You cannot be a protege at 50 years old...you have run out of time by then if you cannot properly cultivate your own plot!

Posted 13 June 2016, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

True ........ Alexander the Great conquered the world at the age of 30

Posted 13 June 2016, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

If Tennyson Wells swallowed a straight six inch nail today, it would come out of the hole in his butt tomorrow looking like a cork screw! This is one man who has royally screwed honest hardworking Bahamian taxpayers over many years through his influence peddling and unwillingness to pay taxes and fees he owes to the Public Treasury.

Posted 13 June 2016, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Did Tennyson really refer to himself as Tennyson ..

Posted 17 June 2016, 12:36 a.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

> When the FNM had to leave its headquarters on Mackey Street and Chesapeake Road in 1986/87, Tennyson Wells provided and financed the national headquarters and offices for the FNM and paid its utilities bills from 1986 to 1991 - five years.

Welp, there's why he feels he's owed and may run the headquarters including head of the party. Wonder if he has back payments hanging over party organizers of that time. Some of them are making outlandish and out of character commentary to support Well's position.

Posted 17 June 2016, 12:41 a.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Any old guard that's backing Minnis hasn't listened to the street people , the same who told them they were WRONG with Turnquest in '02 and didn't have it in the bag in '07. Let me guess, Wells is against a full convention as well.

You're a damn lawyer , if this was a coupe de tat for the long gone bay street boys , you could prove it. Start with campaign financing! O wait, your sued law firm might be caught up.

What was it exactly that the former finance minister didn't do for you?

Posted 17 June 2016, 12:51 a.m. Suggest removal

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