‘Parliamentary commissioner must go over referendum’


Tribune Staff Reporter


FORT Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins has called for the “immediate” resignation of Parliamentary Commissioner Sherlyn Hall over his handling of the June 7 constitutional referendum.

Dr Rollins added that given the way the Westminster system operates, both Prime Minister Perry Christie and National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage, who has referendums and elections in his portfolio, ought to have also resigned because of the way the vote was handled.

During the 2016/2017 budget debate, the MP said due to the failings of the Parliamentary Registration Department, the electoral process was drawn into question.

This, he said, has resulted in his loss of confidence in Mr Hall to properly preside over the upcoming election process, which is around 11 months away.

He urged Bahamians to do the right thing and vote the Progressive Liberal Party out of office.

He said: “Resignations were in order after June 7, according to the Westminster system. However there is no honour in this government.

“The first time in the history of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas results, unofficial even, were not known for all polling divisions across the Bahamas and it is illegal according to the Parliamentary Elections Act for returning officers not to publicly disclose the results upon the final unofficial tabulation. “The chairman was the only person in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas who knew the (results).

“I believe the integrity of the electoral process was drawn into question as a result of the failings of the Parliamentary (Registration) Department on June 7 and I have lost confidence in the ability of Mr Hall to act as parliamentary (commissioner).”

He added: “I do not believe that the democracy we are here to defend is well served if he remains in that capacity into the next general election. I believe that following the debacle not only is the minister of national security to do the honourable thing and resign, but the PLP government. If in fact it is a government of integrity, it ought to ask the parliamentary commissioner to do the honourable thing and demit office without delay (and) with immediate effect in the interest of the Bahamas.”

Before Dr Rollins began his contribution yesterday afternoon, he was chastised by House Speaker Dr Kendal Major for not being present in the morning session when he was initially slated to speak.

Dr Major sternly demanded that Dr Rollins apologise for his absence or face being named and not allowed to make his contribution.

Dr Rollins told Dr Major that he had been in communication with Leader of Opposition Business Neko Grant and had asked him to pass on apologies for his absence.

However, Mr Grant, Central Grand Bahama MP, took exception to this saying he would not be a “scapegoat” in this matter. He said while he had been in communication with Dr Rollins yesterday morning, he was not directed to give apologies to Dr Major for the Ft Charlotte MP’s absence.

Dr Rollins later apologised and gave his contribution.

The House of Assembly’s budget debate resumes on Monday.


DreamerX says...

Dr. Rollins appeared to be a good devil's advocate within the plp and fierce opposition member with the fnm but now it's becoming pedantic. Stay on point, get something done move on and attack the next issue. Not shoot every single criticism and hope one of the comparatively smaller items sticks? I expect this talk from Dr. Minnis and older politicians but you were supposed to be a new generation of productive force...not this mouth piece of FNM opposition issues. Your western taught form of logic and reasoning while it is well formed, falls on deaf ears of the majority. As much as you climb in a opposite side of the torrential rain of talking that is Fred Mitchell's intelligent but mostly vapid commentary, the only difference is that you have no done anything but complain...you've become a horn for whoever is in your sights, but like once your attention shifts, where is your follow through? You can't be the new wave of politicians and want to beat everything that you see wrong..you could have built inroads and been known for sparking change but you wanted to create a blaze, and like BAMSI, you will be forgotten. Mr. FalseStart of change, holding to antiquated ignorant bigotry and purporting new wave ideas through changing your cloak and saying fancy words, you are not of my generation. You are a false positive, please stick to fixing mouths, and not using yours to cast doubt on my generations political potential.

Posted 17 June 2016, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

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