UPDATED: Police and vendors clash over Cabbage Beach access


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE clashed with Cabbage Beach vendors and protestors for the second consecutive day on Tuesday morning after FNM and DNA political factions led a group from Sidney Poitier Bridge to the Paradise Island beach.

Amidst chants of "tear this fence down", angry demonstrators tore down the recently constructed fence blocking one of two access points to the beach. The fence was erected on Monday.

Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr Hubert Minnis called this morning's effort "a sure sign" that Bahamians were fed up with the empty promises offered by the Christie administration.

"People power is alive and well," he said. "Once the people stand together only positive things can happen."

Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney stated that Tuesday's demonstration ought to be viewed as apolitical, suggesting that the rights and livelihood of Bahamians being threatened takes priority over any political faction.

"What you see here today are a number of persons who are here, you see PLPs out here who are fed up with what is going on. This should never ever, ever, ever happen in a modern Bahamas," he said.

The former Bamboo Town MP said the move to close the easement that provides vendors access to Cabbage Beach gives the impression that the rights of Bahamians can be traded for wealth.

In a statement released Tuesday morning the government stated that the sales agreement between Access Industries and Brookfield required Brookfield to close the existing beach path adjacent to the Riu resort and relocate to the access point located on Brookfield-owned property on Garden Drive off of Paradise Island Drive.

The statement indicated that in response to a direct request from Prime Minister Perry Christie, Access Industries has agreed to permit the beach path adjacent to the Riu to remain open for a period of time to allow the prime minister to work personally on finding an alternative solution for the beach vendors who currently work that area of Cabbage Beach.


SP says...

**.. About time Bahamians rise up against the PLP, FNM and their foreign slave masters ..**

The PLP and FNM were directed by their foreigner slave masters to give 40,000 domestic jobs to Haitians, Jamaicans, Latinos and Asians because they work cheaper than Bahamians, causing the worst unemployment disaster our country has ever experienced.

These foreigners who received hundreds of millions in concessions and millions of Bahamian tax payers dollars for marketing have now directed the PLP house niggers to stop Bahamians accessing Cabbage beach.

What next can we expect from the PLP foreign slave masters? Enough is enough and we have had more than enough!

Time for the PLP, FNM, Haitians, Jamaicans, Asians, Latino's and their foreign slave masters to GO!

**If we as Bahamians are cannot benefit from our own country FIRST, then dammit NOBODY else will!**

Posted 1 March 2016, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

SP, without the hundreds of millions of concession dollars given to those horrible foreigners they wouldn't have invested billions of dollars in their hotel properties which feed thousands of Bahamians not just a handful of biggety vendors. Without those hotels and their guests all you'd have is plenty sand beach for all dem PLP house niggers and all dem other niggas to sit on all day while they pick peas from S#%t

Posted 1 March 2016, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**They're picking peas from shit now anyhow idiot, so what's your point?**

If the problem is some vendors are as slap-nigger stupid as you are "themessenger," then they could easily have regulated who is allowed to sell on the beach and install a check point at that access to monitor who comes and goes.

Trouble makers could be warned then banned from entering the beach or better yet totally banned from Paradise Island or all areas frequented by tourist island wide.

Closing the access to everybody including taxi drivers with cruise ship passengers is pure greed by Atlantis as they want to sell visitors day pass's at a ridicules rate and to a beach THEY DON'T OWN!

Pull your head out of your ass just this once, and LOOK at what's happened to our people over the last 25 years! Both PLP and FNM are squarely and equally culpable for the destruction of our people and country!

Think our people will make any progress or improve themselves by these lousy ass governments and their slave masters pushing them deeper into poverty and despair? Your dumb ass expect people to sit with nothing and watch their families fall apart and starve?

Posted 1 March 2016, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Homey, you think that selling junk,knock off shit and dope to the tourists is the kind of entrepreneurial progress we need to advance as a people? You mussy got foreign roach on ya bread the way you is carry on about the foreigners our very survival depends on. Could be das why you on dat same beach countin sand now.

Posted 1 March 2016, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Never mind, shove your head back in your ass deeper this time please!**

Posted 2 March 2016, 8:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Ailanic says...

At points though. We really act unprofessional on jobs too. So its a lose/lose situation at this point.

Posted 1 March 2016, 5:23 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

I applaud these Bahamians, something has to be done to guarantee that our right to beach access is protected. Here in Long Island at Cape Santa Maria beach, which is one of the most beautiful in the world, beach access is being denied to Bahamians despite there being numerous public access rights. Local govt paid thousands to buy signs designating the access ways but because of influence of foreign homeowners will not install them. So Bahamians do not know where they can go and have no access. These signs need to be installed and Bahamians right of access enforced!

Posted 1 March 2016, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

There is beach access on P.I. Been there since the late 80s or early 90s. The problem is it's waaayyyy down by Ocean Club.

Minnis and Bran marching to protect Bahamians from a half mile walk....


Perry wins again.

Minnis just aint ready....

Posted 1 March 2016, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

The Government (a.k.a.The Crown) has an interest in ALL land which they can willingly take back by compulsory acquisition. Why are we letting a foreign investor dictate which part of our land we can access? The Government simply needs to create a right of way (20 ft. 30 ft, or whatever) over the property so that Bahamians and foreigners can access the beach. Full stop!

Posted 1 March 2016, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

stislez says...

Temperature been rising lil while na bahamas, I could see the riots an protest on the way. Something in the air das y we get riot gear an stuff from chinaman. What they dont know is more of us over here than them, the same police an defense force are all bahamians. What you think gone happen when their mothers and brothers and sista an da rest of their families out protesting and stuff? You think they ga lock up dey own peoples? I know some will because the possibility of everything going wrong is always there, but majority wont, or else who they ga have to stand by them when them uniforms come off............ dis een like foreign where the police and army dont live in the neighborhoods. This the bahamas, errybody know someone who know someone. If crowds get too large, eventually errybody gone realize is their families out there fighting for justice an peace, an who u tink ga join in? Dem same police an defense force who live right round da corner from you.

Posted 1 March 2016, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade PM and PLP Cabinet Members, is there no embarrassment when the BIS issues a statement that it was only in response to a direct "request" by the nation's PM, that The Riu Hotel on Paradise Island agreed to reopened and only "for a period of time" the Beach Access adjacent to The Rui Hotel on Paradise Island.
Paradise Island is still the people’s Hog Island. Paradise Island’s 685 acres and 1.1 sq miles, is still a part of we Bahamaland.
PLP Cabinet best you tell The Rui Hotel on behalf of the 35% who can swim and yes, including the 65% who only dips they toes in da sea waters, that they must not only remove that damn gate and tear down that damn fence, but tell The Riu, that people of Bahamaland done Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up We Beach Access Rights.
Nothing short of writing up "The Beach Access Manifesto" and enforcing it against the owners of The Riu Hotel, and every other block Beach access like-minded property owner, will satisfy the people.
PM this falls far short of meeting the people's expectations when there are those who think that temporarily unlocking of a gate is all the people will settle for.
PM, how can beaches be blocked - when they are Mother Nature’s widows to the
sea waters?
To the owners of the Riu Hotel, please don’t take this personal okay. Bahamaland became an independent realm of The Commonwealth way back in 1973 – yet you still think, it’s okay to deny public access to Beaches. Then again, why shouldn’t you with the PLP Cabinet's misleading you to believe that it’s okay to block Beach access?
"The Beach Access Manifesto" would make it clear that it is the policy of this and any future Bahamaland government acting as the People's Trustees of Beaches, that you cannot block the natives and tourists from using and enjoying this "Free Public Resource of Mother Nature.
If you put up those damn gates and fences - how in the hell will the public get to the Beach to enjoy it?
Make it a requirement that all land transactions, must be accompanied with a copy of "The Beach Access Manifesto."
PM, if the only way to permanently restore public access to the beach is to buy a little pathway piece land, then the people’s government must either offer concessions in exchange, or buy it. If it requires legislation – legislate it.
What the people will not settle for is a temporary “monkey on they and their children’s backs” masquerading as public Beach access.
Bob Marley - Comrade Bahamalander’s – “Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up We Beach Access Rights”


Posted 1 March 2016, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Soooo, Bran and Minnis now condoning the destruction of private property to score some political brownie points, stupid is what stupid does. I hope when these same set of people come to tear down yinna tings yinna still dancin to da same beat.

Posted 1 March 2016, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Unbelievable. All so they don't have to walk another half mile.....

Posted 1 March 2016, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

lazybor says...

Incredible...<img src="http://s02.flagcounter.com/mini/rzN/bg_…" width="1"/>

Posted 1 March 2016, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Is this matter about access to the beach on the whole or the route to take to get to the beach? A fundamental question, no?

Posted 1 March 2016, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Wow. That spiraled out of control real fast.

Posted 1 March 2016, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

There is another beach access half a mile to the east which many locals use,and which coincidentally, is adjacent to yet another resort property. These owners haven't made an issue of it yet because most of us that use this access are there to enjoy the beach and the water, not to harass their guests into buying junk or other products that they don't want.
It now means that the vendors will have to trudge the extra mile to flog their trinkets and products at Riu and Atlantis which they are loath to do and which will no doubt result in this access being closed to the rest of us should they take their bad ways down there.

Posted 1 March 2016, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...


Posted 1 March 2016, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

The problem here is that the property is PRIVATE. Atlantis revamped Montague Beach for Bahamians to use and enjoy. Goodman's Bay is reserved for Bahamians to use and enjoy. Do you want to swim or put your toes in the water and lie on the sand. The water, the sun, and the sand are exactly the same on this side as on that side.
What is the problem here ?

Posted 1 March 2016, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

To my knowledge there is a part of the beach that is called the high water line. it is owned by the Bahamian people. A word to the wise is sufficient . Every political Party . PLP,DNA and FNM should be very careful with what they use as a political foot ball. It will one day come back to bite them. All may wish to have power. But be sure to get it in the right way. .encouraging wrong will not work. I pray for those who are affected that a quick resolution will soon be found.
to their situation.

Posted 1 March 2016, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Birdie the beach BELOW the high water mark is considered public, that property above it is private and neither PLP FNM nor DNA can give access across private property unless they acquire it by legal means, ie pay for it. Unfortunately politicians all seem to suffer from that disease of putting mouth in motion before putting brain in gear.

Posted 1 March 2016, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is my hope that there are no pictures of Minnis or McCartney pulling down that fence, there is some one in a green shirt doing just that.

Posted 1 March 2016, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Ofcourse not, but what is online is Minnis' surrogate and supposed candidate-designate claiming responsibility for the same.

Posted 1 March 2016, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Perry them better watch out now the people have seen that protests can achieve a goal they may be coming for his useless, corrupt, backside next. I guess we have the answer why they needed the tear gas, they are scared and know their days are numbered. This corrupt government MUST GO!

Posted 1 March 2016, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

PLP and FNM political elites alike have always looked down on the vast majority of black and white Bahamians as being downright dumb and stupid! Only now are most oppressed Bahamians just beginning to realize this horrible reality. For the past 40+ years, Pindling, Ingraham and Christie have been leading most Bahamians into a dire state of poverty all the while lavishing upon themselves and their family members luxurious and opulent riches of one kind or another unjustly obtained by stealing from the Bahamian people......leaving many Bahamians living a fearful and miserable existence in deplorable conditions.....with our country saddled with a mountain of debt that will eventually drive a spike in the heart of all honest hardworking and suffering Bahamians. If the vast majority of impoverished Bahamians don't soon wake up and take back their country, all will be lost as the political elite seek help from the Chinese military industrial establishment to put rowdy poor dumb and stupid Bahamians in their place!

Posted 1 March 2016, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

You're so right to include L. O. Pindling even after his demise in as much as Lady Poodling with her ties to the ruling political elite has continued to treat the vast majority of down trodden Bahamians as if they are mere pawns to be manipulated for the grandiose enrichment of herself, her family and her friends. Christie has allowed her to suck so much more than her deserved share of sweet milk from the teat (tit) of the public purse! All honest hardworking Bahamian taxpayers should be totally enraged that the self anointed privileged few have no shame whatsoever in taking (effectively stealing) so much away from all of us suffering Bahamians without giving a damn about us!

Posted 2 March 2016, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

birdie: You have to access the public beach from the ocean and you can go right up to the high water mark. Seaweed is usually the marker. No one is trying to stop anyone from accessing the beach that way. Nor can they. It is interesting that the Cayman Islands have kept many public access points to Seven Mile Beach but no Bahamian Government has ever seen fit to accord Bahamians the same benefit. Harbour Island has a number of public access points to its beach. Maybe our governments never thought about it that much.

Posted 1 March 2016, 4:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Regardless says...

..the behavior of this mob makes me embarrassed to admit I carry the same passport.

Posted 1 March 2016, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Do according to BN while Obie Wilchscome was decieving the public and assuring Bahamians that the public access to the PI beaches was safe ans secure, he was busy begging the foreign man to give him extensions to the beach access. How low can he go? Now you know who the China gift of artillery and weapons are to be used on. Welcome to pre Mandella South Africa.

Posted 1 March 2016, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I am proud of my Bahamian people. We are finally standing up for something! Guess we have to start somewhere. For those who keep talking about the second entrance that we are expected to use, don't you get it? First they take your parking away, then they close the entrance. What makes you think they won't do the same to the other entrance, since that property is owned by foreigners also? Wake up! Stand now, or continue to watch as your rights are stripped away slowly! I am all for peaceful protests and repsecting the rights of other's property, but all stakeholders should have known better than to close off that entrance that the public has used for years, and now some even rely on it for a living. My people rise up, and let's stand against all the nonsense in this country, whatever the means, cause sure as hell, the government is not looking out for us!

Posted 1 March 2016, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

cmiller says...

Amen, totally agree!!!!

Posted 2 March 2016, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade BaClarke I sense you have a good ear music cause you are so in tune with what took place on the Sidney Poitier Bridge this early morning.
The stakeholders raised the bridge's toll to cross by 50% to $2 and the stakeholders of Hog Island re staked their claim to their beach.
I guess PLP MP's doesn't much like swim cause not even the PLP's Pot cake Leslie showed up this morning and you knows how he loves to protest.
I am told even Minnis's red MP's team marked themselves mostly absent?
And, right on cue the Comrade Bran showed up with his merry band green shirts tin tow
to crash another red shirts organized protest. Talk about one lazy-ass in political creativity armchair party leader.

Posted 1 March 2016, 11:13 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Tal, I agree with you. I am not interested in the political parties at all, who use this as a political play/tool. I am only interested in Bahamians standing up for themselves. We MUST take a more aggressive/active role in our country, or else it will be taken away from us!

Posted 2 March 2016, 7:10 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade BaClarke maybe MP's Loretta, Richard & Company have given up on Minnis but yesterday proves that the people outside the red executives and MP's, haven’t entirely given up hope – I mean, I still like how the people in great numbers yesterday morning got up early to answer Minnis's protest call - including Bran and his overly excited team of greens who according to the nice colourful pictures were so happy to have finally been called out to experience some real political activism - good fence removal catch according to the pictures and videos from Hog Island's Cabbage Beach?
Can you believe there are red MPs and party executives who believe Minnis only invited criticism to their party over at Hog island's Cabbage Beach?

Posted 2 March 2016, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

EnoughIsEnough says...

to address some of the comments above - MonkeeDoo, yes technically we are allowed up to the high water mark but as we all know, access from the sea has been blocked for the entire length of cabbage beach. yet no one protested this. why aren't these lines being cut every day? there is one small access point to fit about 3 boats at the end near the cove/golf course but other than that, there are only 2 access points to the beach for the public (well, one now). Kalikl - you are correct. Bahamians must remember this is their own government who did this - starting way back when they permitted beach front property all around the islands to be sold without any guaranteed public access. this act of violence against what is now private property should not be found acceptable. yes, it is great that there is solidarity amongst the people, but fight against the true targets - your government and its predecessors. Not the investors into this country. and for those of you who like to pull the race card, your rights have been continuously taken away since independence by parties who are primarily black bahamians, haven't they? I am tired of commenters on here blaming the white man and/or foreignors for everything. the black man holds the power of govt, the majority of voters are black bahamians, the majority of business owners/managers/human resources are black bahamians. bahamians should absolutely be coming together and challenging the status quo, but let us do it in a non-violent way and make sure we target the right folk, the people in power - current and previous - , not the people who keep so many employed.

Posted 2 March 2016, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

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