Released Cubans now in Florida


Tribune Chief Reporter

THE two Cubans held unlawfully in prison for almost three years are now working in South Florida.

Carlos Pupo Mendoza and Lazaro Seara Marin told The Tribune yesterday that they feared for their lives after they were labelled a national security risk by Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell.

The men are each suing the government for $5m and Mr Mitchell for $1m.

Writs were filed on Friday against Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, Mr Mitchell, and Commissioner of the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services Patrick Wright, seeking damages for assault, battery, false imprisonment, malfeasance in public office and breaches of constitutional rights. The suit against Mr Mitchell is seeking damages for defamation of character, and malfeasance in public office in his personal capacity.

The men are now working hard to restore normalcy to their lives after their “traumatic” and unlawful incarceration, according to Mr Marin’s brother Yeisnier Ferrer, who translated for the pair.

“They felt that their life was in danger after what Mr Mitchell said about them being a national security risk,” Mr Ferrer said from Florida. “They were afraid because people would recognise them and point them out. They had to run from people, they were afraid for their life.”

He added: “They are reunited with family members and are back to normal life. Both men are working, their plan is to stay here and continue with their lives. They’re trying to get back on their feet having their normal lives again.

“It’s a victory,” he added.

On February 18, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Isaacs ruled they were unlawfully detained in prison. The next day, Mr Mitchell announced that an investigation had been launched into why the Supreme Court was persuaded to free them. Mr Mitchell said that the men posed a risk to the country’s national security.

The men left the country on February 27, but did not wish to disclose by what means.

According to Mr Ferrer, Mr Mendoza now has a driver’s licence and is working in construction. Mr Marin is working at a golf course.

Mr Ferrer said: “Freedom feels good but they still have (a) confusing mentality about that prison. They are traumatised.”

Mr Marin added: “Bahamas has good people but the part that we lived wasn’t very good. We had a lot of unnecessary problems with a lot of gangs because of where we were.”

The pair said they felt targeted because of their nationality, and also sent a warning to their fellow countrymen living in the Bahamas, as well as other oppressed minorities. They warned minorities to be on alert given the high crime level, which they felt had been made a political issue to the detriment of migrant communities.


banker says...

Wow, apparently everything said about them in public by Fweddy was a BIG LIE!

Posted 8 March 2016, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Wow.. Thought the US refused them... How is it they both have jobs a few days later?

Fred could lie hey????

Posted 8 March 2016, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Who can verify the verasity of this story? How did the two men enter the USA? Did they have assistance from Border Patrol?

Posted 8 March 2016, 2:50 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

Border Patrol? Dey mussy gat Marko Rubio in dey pocket and thanks to Fred and Allison's stupidity will soon have couple million of we money in pocket too. Who needs a job when you got patronage on this scale, mudda sic!

Posted 8 March 2016, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Freddie! Go get them!! I bet they will sue the Bahamas now in Florida instead in a court of law in the Bahamas. So maybe they can freeze the bank account of BOB? or put arrest on a Bahamasair Airplane? what a mess.

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Yep ....... Fweddy stop over from California and pick them up in Miami ...... BOL

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

Lets see if with Freddie there is yet another Member of the Cabinet that can not travel to the U.S. anytime soon....

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

thephoenix562 says...

The only question is whether we pay by cash or direct deposit.The facts are not on the government's side.You cannot lockup anyone in the Bahamas for three years without charging them for an offence.Whats the deal? Mr Mitchell told us the men were not welcome in the US.They are not hiding.So why arent they being arrested and kicked out.(Sent back to the Bahamas).Whats up Mr Mitchell?

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Cas0072 says...

Is the fact that one of the men was previously charged with illegal smuggling and escaping custody while in The Bahamas not reason enough for him to be deemed a security risk by Bahamian law enforcement authorities? An internet search using the first, middle,and last names and DOBs for both men supports the MOI's stance. Now, it might be a complete coincidence that men of the same exact names and ages were reported as having been engaged in criminal activities, but were there even any attempts to verify whether or not this was the case? Did any media outlet reach out to the US Embassy to find out if and/or why they refused these men entry? Why would the ministry publicly present a claim that the US (or any of the other countries cited) could also publicly reject? Instead of going on the word of either Fred, or two people who were at least guilty of criminal conduct in The Bahamas, the media should have long ago verified or dispelled whether or not these men have criminal records.

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Cas0072 says...

The Supreme Court routinely releases criminals into society, so that does not say much. They either have criminal records or they don't. If they do, their classification as undesirables or national security risks was warranted.

Posted 9 March 2016, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The best thing is they are gone. Better yet that they can get driver's licenses and find jobs faster than the average person. Of course undocumented persons setting fires at the detention center or walking the streets of the country are security risks. Good riddence.

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Can't wait to hear the official explanation for tis debacle ....... and the anti-Fweddy rebuttal

Posted 8 March 2016, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Freddy did not have to lie about the US not wanting the two Cubans. It could be a matter of once they made their way to the US, the 'wet foot, dry foot", law kicked in and so America accepted the arsonists.

Posted 8 March 2016, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

If this story is indeed the case, Fred Smith should just call it quits and let this die ........ this is enough embarrassment for the country .......... no need to waste our tax dollars any further on these foreigners ................ Fred Smith, you have made your point.

Posted 8 March 2016, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

thephoenix562 says...

I agree.

Posted 8 March 2016, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

What I find odd is the outspoken QC's name is nowhere to be found in this story,, This article stinks. I smell a rat, a dead rat.

Posted 8 March 2016, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

My2cents says...

No Banker...It's Fred Smith that wasnt honest. Both of these men were charged with more significant crimes than DUI.

Posted 8 March 2016, 7:14 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

A damn good riddance to these two men's. I sure hope Minister Freddy has placed them on we Stop List.
Comrades I'm damn sure had they offered take their lawyer King's Counsel "KC" Freddy with them lots us would have chipped in on the airfare.
These two Cubans should call up Comrades Ramon Saul Sanchez, the leader of that Miami Cuban-American activist group and Florida's State representative Daphane Campbell - who both had called for a boycott against our nation's tourism business.
Maybe Daphane will do what KC Freddy wouldn't do. Offer these two men's a bedroom
in her home?…

Posted 8 March 2016, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

This is pure comedy. Everything that Fweddie touches, turns out to be pure comedy. Everything that the PLP touches is pure comedy. Baha Mar - pure comedy. Carnival - pure comedy. Laughing all the way to a failed state.

Posted 8 March 2016, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal

thephoenix562 says...

Cant wait for Mr Mitchell to order an official investigation into how these men left the country without his say so.Security risk or not you cannot lockup anyone in the Bahamas for 3 years without charging them with an offence.I dont say so Bahamian law says so. Foreigners today Bahamians next.

Posted 9 March 2016, 2:01 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

the cubans left the bahamas and now have jobs and a certain quality of life....the way things are going around here that's soon going to be the bahamian dream and replace all the 1/2 built unfinished houses that this Gov't is forcing people to live in ...

Posted 9 March 2016, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Did I hear Freddie say he wants the cubans extradited back to the Bahamas to stand trial?
Oh no, that can't be. Freddie better charge them with something first.

Posted 9 March 2016, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

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