Daughter dies after being hit by thrown rock


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE distraught father of 16-year-old Mizilana Beauchamp said yesterday he is still struggling to comprehend why she was killed on her way to school last week.

Dalas Beauchamp wept openly as he described how his world was turned upside down when he received the call on Friday informing him of his eldest daughter’s death.

Mizilana died after being “caught in the crossfire of young men throwing rocks” while on a bus on Carmichael Road on her way to Government High School around 8am on Friday. A rock struck the tenth grade student on her head and she died of her injuries in an ambulance on the way to hospital. She was an honour roll student, caught in the middle of a fight in which she had no part.

Eight men were taken into custody in connection with the killing, according to Police Assistant Commissioner Stephen Dean, who told The Tribune last night that three will be charged with murder this morning.

But for the family that she left behind, talk about justice provides no comfort now. “Somebody killed my daughter,” Mr Beauchamp cried over and over again to The Tribune.

“I love my daughter and my daughter loved me. She had respect for everybody, but now plenty troubles, plenty troubles. My wife is crazy now.”

Mr Beauchamp said the young girl’s mother “looks like crazy now” after losing her child, one of two that they had. “(My wife) can’t stand up. You have to see her to see how she is now. She cry every day since our girl died. I have to go look to give her something to cool down.”

Although he has lived in the Bahamas for 20 years, Mr Beauchamp said he “never troubled anyone”.

Bernie Miselus, a friend of the family, said the tragedy makes her fear for this country. “I don’t trust my child to be on the street anymore,” she said. “We don’t have any respect in this country. (Mizilana) was a very honest and respectful person. You know how these days how young people would sit under a grown up’s face? She wasn’t that type. She would go and sit down or go to her room.”

Ms Miselus said the young girl had grown up “in her hand,” her fondest memory being the close relationship Mizilana had with her own 11-year-old daughter. “They would talk about what they learned in school and they were always together. That someone could do something like this means they don’t care about anybody’s life.”

Golden Isles MP Michael Halkitis, who met the grieving family on Saturday, described them as “stunned and devastated”.

“They were surrounded by family and well wishers (when I met them),” he said. “The father said he would devote to working to provide for his family … I hope the investigation is completed quickly and those responsible are brought to justice. This was totally senseless.”

In a statement on Friday, the Ministry of Education expressed its sadness at the death of the student.

A statement read: “Shortly after 8 o’clock this morning, the student was a passenger on a bus on Carmichael Road, en route to school. She was an innocent victim caught in the crossfire of young men throwing rocks and was struck in the head, taken to hospital and succumbed to her injuries this afternoon.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of the victim and our thoughts and prayers are with them and the Government High School family as well. The administrators of the Government High School called an emergency assembly prior to dismissal to inform students of the unfortunate death of their schoolmate. Counsellors from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology have been informed and will report to the Government High School first thing Monday morning to provide the necessary grief counseling for students and staff. We are deeply saddened by this tragic event that occurred today and once again, we call on all citizens to unite to promote a spirit of peace and love in our Bahamaland.”


JJSherman says...

This is such a sad story, I pray that the Lord hold the family of this young lady in the palm of His hands and give them the peace beyond their own understanding.

Posted 14 March 2016, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

What have we become as a nation?!

Posted 14 March 2016, 4:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

There is no respect for Human life anymore!

Posted 14 March 2016, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

The social fabric of this country is in tatters and the rule of law is a thing of the past. This country has been led astray by GREED. We do not have true leaders, we just have a bunch of lawyers that want to be rich that is all. This country is on the brink, soon enough we will be over the edge. The way it is now IS NOT WORKING, major change is needed. The first thing that needs to happen is we need a P.M. that works for the people, ALL the people, not just his supporters.

Posted 14 March 2016, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

She sounds like such a wonderful person, my sincere condolences to the young lady's family and friends, I cannot imagine the heartbreak in her family's home.

I also hope her death is not in vain and she can become a catalyst for peace and love, God knows this nation needs healing, and now, before it is totally lost.

Teach children to have more empathy for each other.

Posted 14 March 2016, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

My condolences to her school and immediate family ................... may God comfort them in their grief

Posted 14 March 2016, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

DEDDIE says...

It breaks my heart because I have a daughter around the same age who is also an honor student. As boys we would have all participated in throwing rocks at others we deem as hostile to us. It's tragic on both sides.

Posted 14 March 2016, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

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