Pintard stands by actions after release of recordings


Tribune Chief Reporter

FNM CHAIRMAN Michael Pintard yesterday defended his involvement in the lawsuit against Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard.

Mr Pintard said he was unconcerned by the release of recordings that purport to be of him and a third party discussing evidence in the case.

The recording was circulated on Facebook this week as Mr Nygard hit back with his own allegations that Mr Pintard was part of a scheme to drive out the PLP government and destroy his reputation.

Mr Pintard insisted that his role was not politically motivated as he was a longtime supporter of Save The Bays (STB) and has assisted the non-profit group with organising a number of events and campaigns.

“This has nothing to do with government; this has to do with persons’ reputations being savaged,” he said. “Persons feeling that they are at risk in a very public way. All of us were aware of these things taking place but could not get to the bottom of who was behind the hate rallies.”

The FNM chairman was named in the 400-page affidavit by Florida investigator John Joseph DiPaolo, who was hired by Nygard’s Lyford Cay billionaire neighbour Louis Bacon and Fred Smith to investigate Mr Nygard’s connection to self-proclaimed criminals Livingston “Toggie” Bullard and Wisler “Bobo” Davilma.

The affidavit was included in a lawsuit filed on March 9 against Mr Nygard and his lawyer Keod Smith by four STB directors - Joseph Darville, Romauld Ferreira, Fred Smith and Mr Bacon - and Reverend CB Moss, who is not a STB member.

Mr Bullard and Mr Davilma claimed that Mr Nygard paid them to stage several hate rallies and commit such criminal acts as arson and harassment. The Save The Bays plaintiffs claimed in their Supreme Court filing that the two criminals had been paid to turn against Mr Nygard.

The criminals were tracked down with the help of Mr Pintard, according to Mr DiPaolo’s affidavit, which noted it was the senator who alerted Fred Smith that the men were behind the protests against STB.

This week, Mr Nygard’s public relations firm released documents purported to be affidavits sworn by the two criminals that claim they were paid for false testimony. The pair further allege that Mr Pintard negotiated the payoff.

“This has nothing to do with politicians,” Mr Pintard said yesterday. “This is a gentleman misusing his time in the Bahamas to savage Bahamians. I think the PLP should not have gone out to defend him. They should have repudiated his comments. The Free National Movement wasn’t attacking the PLP; they said this guy is behaving in a matter detrimental to the country.

“[PLP] they have not defended his assertions against the government, they have just sought to defend him and spin a story on me to create a distraction.

“All persons have to do is disregard the component relative to me and ask the question are his [Nygard’s] assertions correct, is his behaviour inappropriate or not? Are the persons in the deposition who have nothing to do with the plot also not credible?

“His former employees, his ex-girlfriend, all of these independent things. The rally occurred; can anyone show some investigation was done for the hate rallies?”

In parliament on Tuesday, Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller alleged that the combined salaries of five STB members exceeded $700,000.

When The Tribune asked Mr Pintard yesterday if he was compensated for his role in the lawsuit, he said he would address that in a later press release.

STB director Fred Smith said that Mr Pintard had a professional relationship with his law firm Callenders & Co and has paid the FNM chairman in the past for services in connection with campaigns for the Grand Bahama Human Rights Association and other civic issues.

However, Mr Smith would not confirm whether Mr Pintard had been compensated in connection with the Nygard lawsuit, stating that his private arrangements with the law firm were private.

He added: “Mr Pintard is not a member of the current government so whether he has or has not received payments of his work does not fall under the Corruption Act, and I ask the question has any Cabinet minister received any payments from Mr Nygard?”


bluesky says...

“All persons have to do is disregard the component relative to me " .. Mr. Pintard can't be serious making this statement. He shot himself in the foot. Let the chips fall where they may.

Posted 17 March 2016, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Add that to "I am not obligated to report a crime to the police". Add that to, "I dont need to resign, Bradley Roberts didn't" and it all equals - **I am exactly like the PLPs**. Pintard's own government made what he has allegedly done illegal by introducing the offense of accessory after the fact into law back when they were last in office. We are obligated to report a crime we have evidence of to the police. He not only claims to have known about the crime of murder conspiracy, but also went ahead and conducted business in furtherance of that supposed knowledge. That is a crime if what he claims is true, and the irony is that so far, he would be the only one on tape caught committing one if what he claims, is true. It is such a shame what the FNM is doing to itself with these guys they now have at the helm, against the backdrop of all the destruction the PLP is causing.

Posted 17 March 2016, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Ya have to make up ya mind what it is ya want. . .yinna can't say the Nygard story is a fiction and did not happened. . .then at the same time say Pintard did not report a crime! So if he is guilty. . .the the crime did take place. . .and if it taook placed as charged. . .did not the document said that DPM Davis knew all about the activities of Mr. N and his two fellas?

Also, if the information is in fact true. . .and Mr. P must resign then will that not require PGC to resign too for corruption because the information said he is complicit with in influence peddling which is a crime in the Westminster system?

And don't forget MP Gibson who was also complicit in the document exposed!!

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

You have missed the point entirely. If his story were true, **he** would be saying he has committed a crime. If the story is false then he is guilty of committing a crime - it is called counseling to commit murder and suborning perjury. Either way, it is sad that the FNM, which is supposed to be better, is not showing itself to be that at a time when it is so critical for the FNM to have nothing at all to do with such a scandal or any scandal for that matter.

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Pintard"s mouth goes 100 miles per hour, while his brain is stuck in park, and he can lie . of course it was political , ever thing he does is political. He has to admit now that it is his voice on the tape because he has been found out..what about John Bostwick? he was in on this also. Pintard Chairman of the FNM political party seems as if he will do any and every thing for power. What about his boss the Doctor what part did he play. I doubt Pintard was ever a member of Save the Bay, Pintard showed the members of the Police force no respect.

Posted 17 March 2016, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades the 2017 General, will be called earlier and the results may have already been
decided in the minds thousands voters. And, they're looking as ugly as the worst of all sins - betrayal.
The prospects for the two current leaders taking their respective parties into the General, may have already began to change in the minds the supporters of the two mainstream parties. One is more likely to suffer a leadership casualty than that of the other. But none should consider their positions - safe.

Posted 17 March 2016, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Well I have voted for a very long time but this will be the first time in all my adult years that, if the election were called today, I cannot in good conscience vote for either of the two major parties. Voting for the DNA would also not be a viable option in my mind if I had to go to the polls right now. Will anything change between now and election time? Who knows. But as it currently stands, it does not look like my vote will be counted sadly.

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Scorched earth policy will not work for this government. . .They are down for the count all by themselves. . .sunk by a Checz missil. . .THERE WILL BE AN EARLY ELECTION. . .BUT THE PLP WILL BE "PUNISHED" ALL BY ITSELF FOR THEIR DISRESPECT OF THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE!!

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

Tal you are correct. I think it is now assured that both parties will go into election with new leaders. Which does that harm the most?

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Voltaire the five-alarm fire bell done rungs.
it will take nothing short of a holy ghost spirit driven revival - performed by new faces.
If the new faces think they can knock on peoples doors while uttering the same bogus promises and explanations for poor performances - stay off the people's damn properties.
There will be MP resignations occurring from across both sides House of Assembly isles. That
is for damn sure.
Don't even waste time holding a healing service, cause none will go up to the sacrificial alter.

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

It doesn't matter who leads the FNM or the PLP into the next election - it will be the same old sh*t from both parties. What Bahamas needs is a complete eradication of the tribal politics that has retarded the country's growth since independence. There is no hope for progress when the governing party (PLP or FNM) has a mission to favour its sponsors, party faithful and friends. What is needed is a Party and ultimately a government of National Unity where tribal dinosaurs are excluded, political appointments are no longer, and the party is populated with bright young minds who have their country's best interests at heart. Is this a forlorn dream?

Posted 17 March 2016, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

> It doesn't matter who leads the FNM or the PLP into the next election - it will be the same old sh*t from both parties. What Bahamas needs is a complete eradication of the tribal politics that has retarded the country's growth since independence.


Posted 17 March 2016, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

dahasamo says...

Report to the police? Why? Did you see the documented evidence of myriad reports made to the Police with no action taken.

Posted 17 March 2016, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Pintard have no fear ............... FNM has your back

Posted 17 March 2016, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Have his back today, maybe not tomorrow. there is no Loyalty in politics.

Posted 17 March 2016, 8:46 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Agreed ............. I am sure you are seeing how the PLPs are beginning to sing like canaries now .......... Perry and Brave are serious liabilities for 2017

Posted 19 March 2016, noon Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Pintard concerned about persons reputation being savaged, Is he serious he seems to be very
good at that of which he speaks. He nor the out spoken QC will state how much money he has
been paid. and they talk about Nation for sale. sounds more like man for sale.

You gave those men money for a story and they gave you a story, good for them. You will
have to find them , because I am sure the Bahamian justice system has many questions for them

Pintard pray tell how much did you gave them and the Bahamian people look forward to when you will announce how much you were paid, you said at a later date. you will say. what a big disgrace

Posted 17 March 2016, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Your blinders are not fixed properly around your eyes. . .I thought I should tell you that since it looks like a little bit of light is showing through!! You have totally lost sight of the other persons complicit in this matter. . .but we the people do not!! Carry on smartly now. . .ya hear! Lol! Child you are a piece of work. . .WHICH ONLY CAN COME RIGHT FROM THE BELLY OF THE PLP!!!


Posted 18 March 2016, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Video is a made up story? Wouldn't a detective approach someone in the political circle which was the matter?

Nothing was done over the death threats to LBT and Minnis remember.

How does anyone know police weren't made aware and privately investigating?

Posted 18 March 2016, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Excellent point .......... evidence laid on the floor of the House and not ONE word from the Speaker since LBT brought the death threat letters ....... COP is a PLP lackey ........ pure and simple

Posted 19 March 2016, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Pintard I know a lot of people who can spin a story for you, how much are you offering,?? You do not deny you were paid and the Out Spoken QC says you are not a member of parliament so it is all. Did you give Bostwick his share ? he seems for some reason to be left out of this big mess you all have created. Now who is smarter you or Dr: Minnis?

Posted 18 March 2016, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

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