EXIM Bank gives approval for Baha Mar Convention Centre to host IDB-IIC agm


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE China Export Import (EXIM) Bank has approved the government's request to utilise the Baha Mar Convention Centre for it to host the annual general meeting of the Boards of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) next month. 

The Surpeme Court placed Baha Mar into receivership late last year after approving an application from the EXIM Bank. Deloitte and Touche's (Bahamas) Managing Partner Raymond Winder and partners from the firm's China officer were appointed receivers on behalf of the bank. 

At a ceremony in the Convention Centre on Friday morning, State Minister for Finance Michael Halkitis said the facility's handover from the EXIM Bank "paves the way for a successful hosting of the IDB-IIC agm and for greater things to come in the future". 

"This is a very significant step because it allows us the opportunity to showcase this wonderful facility to senior government officials and prominent public and private sector representatives from 48 countries around the world," he said. "Further, it demonstrates the country's ability to host major international meetings, conferences and conventions and reinforces the government's commitment to continue to work diligently with the China EXIM Bank to complete and open this vital addition to the country's tourism product and by extension the national economy." 

Chinese Ambassador to the Bahamas Yuan Guisen also expressed his pleasure with the successful handover process. 

"The Baha Mar Convention Centre is one of the largest convention centres in the Caribbean area, which will provide a new opportunity for the Bahamas to host international and regional large scale meetings and conventions which will help to promote the economic growth of the Bahamas," he said via a translator.  

The IDB-IIC annual meeting will take place from April 7 to 10 at the Convention Centre. A series of seminars on topics of interest to participants will be sponsored prior to the opening of the meeting. 

The meeting is held in late March or early April of each year in one of the IDB's member countries. 


proudloudandfnm says...

Damn. They steal the man's property and they gonna use it for a convention.. I bet Sarkis aint getting a dime..

Posted 18 March 2016, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedgyal says...

Who will be doing the work? Will any of those who have been laid off at Bahamar be called to make the food, clean the convention centre, manage the event? This smells funny to me. Where there is stink there is usually s&$)t. Does Exim Bank have the right to do this?

Posted 18 March 2016, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Hilarious. These guys think the entire population are idiots! Now they have permission from the Chinese to hold a convention at the golf course and convention facility that was completed nearly a year ago? Wow, that is really saying something. The entire resort could be open and running; all the Bahamian contractors could have been paid for work already done; the last $300,000,000. could have been paid to Bahamian contractors for completing the construction. Why not? Please answer, Mr. Government, why not? Because your pals were up to their hip boots in corruption with the Chinese? Is that the answer? Please tell us.

Posted 18 March 2016, 11:29 p.m. Suggest removal

BigSlick says...

so there is a Certificate of Occupancy issued? If not, what precedence is this setting up in the future?

Posted 19 March 2016, 1:47 a.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

Good Point!

Posted 21 March 2016, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Why can't the government demand that the Chinese proceed with opening ONE hotel at a time over the next 2-3 years??????? ............. why can't Perry make some demands of a property owned by foreigners in his own country??????? ............. he was very decisive with Izzie .................... or is this Nygard 2.0???????????????

Posted 19 March 2016, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

Is it up to code with the Fire Department? I thought that was one of the main reasons for the delay in construction. They couldn't get an occupancy certificate because the Fire Department wasn't satisfied.

Posted 21 March 2016, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

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