Smith: Time to move on from Nygard debate


Tribune Staff Reporter

FORMER Cabinet minister George Smith yesterday called on politicians to “move aside” if they are not ready to adequately serve the electorate.

He lamented the fact that a dispute between “two self-absorbed, rich white foreign men” has dominated the national discussion over such pertinent issues as gender equality, Baha Mar and crime.

His statement came after the House of Assembly’s mid-year debate was dominated with arguments about Lyford Cay fashion mogul Peter Nygard and his billionaire neighbour Louis Bacon.

“Somewhere in the maze of court affidavits, local and international news reports and commentaries, recordings and parliamentary speeches, there is the truth about the Nygard/Bacon controversy,” Mr Smith said.

“What is painfully clear to all is that what started as a disagreement between two self-absorbed, rich white foreign men, now dominates the national discussion. Sufficient is known to clearly establish that Nygard and Bacon are not good for this proud, predominately black nation.

“Decisions about their continuing presence in the country must be made in the interest of The Bahamas. The suggestion that each has spent a great deal of money here and may have bought individuals who are said to presently have influence in the FNM and the PLP must not matter. Leaders must subordinate their personal choices to what is best for the Bahamian people. That is what must be demanded of them.”

Mr Smith called on elected officials to focus on the issues that affect the everyday citizen.

“Gender equality is a process which the people want finished, so that we could consider other constitutional advancements. Leaders should promote other progressive constitutional changes. The people want to see progress in the fight against crime and improvements in education. They want serious action on National Health (Insurance) and employment opportunities. They want the fires at the garbage site stopped,” he said.

“They want to see the result of the government’s persuasiveness on Baha Mar’s future. They want a plan unveiled on economic empowerment of average Bahamians. They want to know that the vast majority of government consultants are Bahamian professionals. The Family Islands, including Grand Bahama, must see action. They are weary of promises and speeches. Now is the time for them to see the results of their patience,” Mr Smith also said.

He went on to note that “real leaders” must champion the cause of the people they represent.

“They must make real the commitment of ‘putting Bahamians first’. That is why they were put in office by the Bahamian electorate.

The elected politician should be the voice of the people. That is their job: to be the voice of the poor, the unemployed, the dispossessed, the young, the exploited and the infirm.

“Those are the people they swore that they would serve. Those are the people they are paid to serve. All elected politicians are called on to do their job; or, they should move aside for their replacements who will. The people deserve better.”

An affidavit filed on March 9 by several directors of Save the Bays (STB), including Mr Bacon, alleged that Mr Nygard hired two “gang members” to commit criminal acts against those who opposed further development at Nygard Cay.

In one of several secret videos of Mr Nygard that were also filed in court, the fashion mogul is heard alleging that he contributed $5m to the PLP only to receive “fake promises” from Prime Minister Perry Christie.

In the wake of the allegations, members of the PLP have accused STB of trying to “destabilise” the government under the guise of being an environmental watchdog group.

Mr Nygard has since filed court documents disputing the allegations made by STB.


B_I_D___ says...

It is sad, bit not surprising coming from the PLP, that the race card ALWAYS has to be played...the rich white man in a predominately black Bahamas. Got to keep playing that damn race card to win the votes...sad sad sad.

Posted 30 March 2016, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

This is how the government addresses every problem they face. Ignore it, after a few weeks say, "we've talked about that long enough and said all we're going to say". Nothing is EVER resolved laying the perfect foundation for an endless list of teachable moments.

Nothing is resolved, Nygard needs to go, Bobo needs to be questioned by the police and a commission of inquiry launched on this whole affair

Posted 30 March 2016, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades not polite be looking this generous gift-horse in da mouth.
If we should be listening to anyone, I am all eyes read what Georgie Boy writes to Tribune readers.
If anyone stands out as one who does knows our political system needs to be cleaned up of interfering rich men's - who better lead da revolution against Lyford Cay, than we own homegrown Georgie Boy.
Comrades if anyone is not just a bearer of wise words but a doer - tis Georgie Boy?

Posted 30 March 2016, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

No Bye George!!!!! ............. we need all of the dirty linen exposed, washed and hung on the line for the public to see where the stains are .......... this will not be a repeat of 1984

Posted 30 March 2016, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

It is not time to move on until clear and decisive decisions are made on the status of Nygard and Bacon in this country. Obviously their hate for and inability to tolerate each other has led to disruptive behavior that may even involve crime. If nothing is done to separate these two their behavior will obviously get worse and may lead to loss of life. Politics should be set aside and all heads should come together to decide how best to put an end to this behavior that is not only dividing Bahamians and setting a poor example for the young people in this country. But it is an embarrassment to other Lyford Day residents and to the country as a whole. How was the situation allowed to deteriorate to a point to where there are discussions about murderous plots and plans to topple governments? What other countries would tolerate this misbehaving.

Posted 30 March 2016, 11:10 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

...not many...but our greedy politicians are reaping the benefits...follow the money!! $$$$$$$$

Posted 31 March 2016, 8:21 a.m. Suggest removal

killemwitdakno says...

Attempts to put out the fire.

The ultimate race baiting was Nygard's KKK display in my Junkanoo. He will never live that down. Most disrespectful.

Posted 31 March 2016, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

gangof4 says...

Unfortunately, the significance of that absolutely sordid act seems to be lost on many of our people and, most importantly, on our jokey leaders.

When you inject something as disgusting and disgraceful as the KKK into what many Bahamians would call our most important annual cultural festival and not one of our leaders says squat.....and then totally sweeps it under the carpet like it never happened!!

Imagine having a bunch of morons marching through Tel Aviv in Nazi uniforms, giving the "Sieg Heil" salute and making crude references to the death camps/gas chambers during the Israeli Independence Day celebrations.......and no one from the government making any comment about it. Not likely.....

Posted 31 March 2016, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Posted 4 April 2016, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

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