NHI ‘will be delayed around six months’


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE primary healthcare phase of National Health Insurance, which was expected to start in April, will be delayed by “around six months or so,” Health Minister Dr Perry Gomez told reporters yesterday.

His statement came a week after government consultants from KPMG said it will be months before primary healthcare services are offered.

Last week officials said a final determination has not yet been made on what legislative framework must exist to facilitate NHI’s public healthcare insurer, but Cabinet planned to go out to tender seeking a private company to manage this area.

This process will take months, KPMG executive Mark Britnell said last week, adding that it must be completed and the public health insurer must be established before primary healthcare services could be offered through NHI.

When contacted for his thoughts yesterday, leading surgeon Dr Duane Sands said he “highly doubts” the first phase of NHI will be implemented before the summer.

However, Dr Sands said he believes the discussions between the government and stakeholders have taken a turn for the better and the exchanges are no longer “just unilateral.”

Dr Sands said the big question now is whether the government will delay the plan long enough to arrive at a quality programme for Bahamians or push forward and use NHI as a political tool.

“If the government considers and takes into account the suggestions from KPMG and give the people the opportunity to learn how to deliver the services properly then this could work,” Dr Sands said.

“We have heard about the equipment acquisition plans and the ward renovations but we haven’t seen them. If the government can move away from the ‘my way or the highway’ approach, they will find a number of stakeholders prepared to join hands with them. We will wait and see whether the government actually cares or if this is just a political tool.”

The government has previously said NHI’s primary care phase would begin in April. But in February, Dr Gomez said a delay was “likely”.

Yesterday Dr Sands said physicians are still on board to assure that once the scheme is introduced, it has all its element working well.

Dr Sands termed NHI as a major undertaking that requires non-partisan and civic consultation to work.

He said all matters connected to the proposed scheme need to be constructed in a manner where all persons projected to benefit, see and understand what they will be afforded under the new policy prior to its implementation.

The government has yet to table and pass NHI legislation in Parliament nor has the Christie administration revealed how much it will cost taxpayers.


Honestman says...

"Dr Sands said the big question now is whether the government will delay the plan long enough to arrive at a quality programme for Bahamians or push forward and use NHI as a political tool."

The PLP never does anything simply for the good of the country. The "yellow Mafia" will push on with NHI if there is any chance it can implement a first phase before May 2017. Fortunately, the government is so incompetent that even that window is far too narrow for it.

Posted 31 March 2016, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

GrassRoot says...

agreed. if the government pushes something out for six months, it is probably dead, or pretty much dead....

Posted 31 March 2016, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

As a tax paying citizen, let me say that I am not looking forward to paying another tax for a service which i believe should be optional, not mandatory. I don't trust the way they currently handle my money and I certainly won't trust the way they will handle this new money (whenever they choose to implement the tax of course).

Posted 31 March 2016, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

As I understand it, the legislation does not call for NHI to be mandatory. You will still be able to maintain your private health insurance but you will be taxed for NHI whether you use it or not. The big challenge for government will come when they force civil servants to switch over to NHI. All hell will break loose at that point. There is no way they will risk this prior to May 2017.

Posted 31 March 2016, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

No Doc Gomez ............. NHI will be delayed until it is to be used as a political gimmick in the lead-up to the 2017 election (like around Christmas or New Year or Majority Rule Day or Valentine's???????) ........... right now Perry has to cover his ass with this Nygard mess

Posted 31 March 2016, 7:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TruePeople says...

Well you can now stream 'Lock up the Trap' on youtube...... Right on time....


Posted 1 April 2016, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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