Pintard: I will not be intimidated

FORMER Free National Movement Chairman Michael Pintard last evening declared that he would not be intimated and forced into silence, asserting that the only way for the Bahamas to socially mature, would be through a systematic change of the current political model.

Speaking at his “This Change is Unstoppable” event, the veteran politician criticised both the PLP, and to a lesser degree, the FNM for what he described as the “disgraceful” concept of governance perpetuated by successive régimes.

The former Senator contended that the masses are suffering while the political elite are left to flourish at their expense.

Mr Pintard further implied that the “concepts” being fabricated by those that wish he would step away from front-line politics, have only been used to “cover up” the supposed sinister wrongdoings by members of the Christie administration.

“At Tuskegee Institute in Alabama as student government President I agitated for better conditions for students and occupied the Administration building to underscore our demands. While in Canada at McGill where I should have been studying, I organized protests that shut down downtown as we stood in solidarity with the Mohawks and with other groups disenfranchised by the municipal and provincial government. I was not scared then, even when in a foreign country and I sure as hell ain’t scared in my own country,” he claimed.

In March, Mr Pintard resigned as chairman of the FNM and as a senator over his involvement in the court action against Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard.

Mr Pintard has maintained that his resignation was important to allow the public to focus on the issues and not an FNM official, and served to rob the PLP of having the ability to use him as a distraction.

“No amount of stories, lies and false accusations about sedition, treason, money laundering and encouraging false testimonies can scare me and other activists. Nor can these outlandish falsehood stand the test of any serious evaluation,” he said.

“Those who assert it or suggest it do so to remove attention from this government being embarrassed by the appearance that they are largely influenced by powerful financial contributors. No falsified affidavits or cut up voice recording can change who I am as a person who has operated honourably in my public life.”

“No action I took in investigating hate rallies or other inappropriate acts by Bahamians and foreigners was illegal or unethical. And every information hurled at me to make the PLP’s case they had for over a year and knew then as they knew now that I did nothing wrong,” he added.

He accused the PLP of playing the “nationalist” card by asserting that Bahamians were in concert with foreigners and attempting to topple the party.

“They use ‘topple’ because it paints a picture of force when the truth is Bahamians are working everyday with each other to end their time in office,” he said.

“Against the backdrop of the revelations about the millions of dollars funnelled into the PLP by at least one expat contributor they should be the last to falsely accuse others about foreigners in collusion with Bahamians to influence elections.

“Permit me to define what may qualify as a conspiracy. A gasoline leak that is eventually brought to the attention of the government and the government, despite the recommendation of the report they commissioned to inform residents, then makes the decision not to tell the residents or the public about the potential dangers; for a full year Ministers maintained a code of silence; a wall of silence.

“Imagine a member of Parliament visiting your home and sitting with you and your family and talking about your future travelling possibly with his bottle of water and watches you as you drink your water, from your contaminated well; and never bothers to tell you that you may be at risk.”

Revelling in the applause of the dozens who attended Worker’s House Hall, Mr Pintard noted further that while his words might be scathing to many, he was not endeavouring to launch any political bids.

“There are some things I wish to say that reflects my heart and my thoughts. After all I came to politics, to public life comfortable in my own skin and with a vision for what I thought The Bahamas could become and what role I might play in helping to shape the Bahamas.”

“There has been no position that I have been appointed to or elected to that defined me. More importantly no loss of elected or appointed position reduces who I am at my core.”

The “proud FNM” urged his fellow members to rally together within the party, with members of all other opposition factions and independent political groupings to ensure that the PLP “have no chance of returning to office.”

According to Mr Pintard, there exists many great platforms that can improve the Bahamas in the confines of other parties. He urged the leadership of the FNM to reach out to these political groups in an effort to collaborate on ways to fix the Bahamas.

“There are so many issues that are bigger than any political organization. Reduction of Crime, provision of quality and affordable health-care, poverty alleviation, introducing a new economic model and reducing the high unemployment rate are examples of macro issues that no political organization alone has the blueprint to solve and requires working across the political boundaries to solve.

“It cannot be business as usual. Our nation is crying out for change and there are some who are committed to maintaining the status quo and who will seek to damage or destroy anyone who desires or works towards changing business as usual in the Bahamas.

“Unfortunately the political climate that we presently have is intimidating Bahamians with ideas, especially ideas that may differ from those of government. Fortunately, those that misuse power and squander opportunities are not guaranteed longevity in the positions they hold,” he continued.

Mr Pintard offered a scripture, Exodus chapter 14, verses 13 and 14.

“And Moses said unto the people fear ye not stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord; which he will shew to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more.”

“The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace,” claiming in an effort to foreshadow the political demise of many of the country’s senior leaders.

“This Change is Unstoppable” marked the start of a series of town-hall forums offered by Mr Pintard in the build up to the 2017 general election.


Abaconian says...

He spent quite a bit of time trying to clear his name and promote himself, but that's understandable. I agree with the rest of what he said about change, and seeing past political boundaries to invoke such change.

Posted 11 May 2016, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

concerned242citizen says...

I agree with you Abaconian. Everything Mr. Pintard said about politics in this country is true. However, because of the recent scandal, I question his motives. It seems to me that he refuses to go down without a fight. The DNA has been preaching this message since before last general election, so what were his views then? I understand that sometimes people's views change but timing is everything.

Posted 11 May 2016, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

I also agree with what he said about change, and seeing past political boundaries to invoke change.

Posted 11 May 2016, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Pintard should tell the Bahamian people how much was he paid. As far as him a playwright being a consultant for Callenders & Callenders what was he consulting them about? Pintard has made his own bed and now he must lie in it and stop trying to blame every one.

Posted 11 May 2016, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

In all honesty all I can do is heartily laugh.

Posted 11 May 2016, 2:35 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

There will be many "political neophytes" to sample in the upcoming Election buffet ....... we will have our choice of faces, parties and slogans to choose from to whet our political appetites (and freebees) ............... who will fund these talking heads???????

Posted 11 May 2016, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

I can't stand it when politicians quote scripture to us. If they had the remotest understanding and belief in scripture then this country would not be in the mess it finds itself in today. Hypocrites, all of them.

Posted 11 May 2016, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...


Posted 11 May 2016, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Oh they quote scriptures because they know that the bible is an emotional tool to Bahamians. That's one of the things I liked about Ingraham, he never once tried to front with that "I am holy" BS just to please the people.

Posted 11 May 2016, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

*"Speaking at his “This Change is Unstoppable” event, the veteran politician"*

If he is a veteran politician then the Grand Canyon is a ditch!

Posted 11 May 2016, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

ha! And his banners at his self-indulgent "me" fest say "join US", but he never defines who is the "US". I swear that Comedy Central could not produce better parodies and skits than those that make up Bahamian politics today.

Posted 11 May 2016, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Just another "full of himself" self-professed "Christian" who is really nothing more than an irrelevant idiot! My God, why do we have so may of these "types" in our country today?!!

Posted 12 May 2016, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Good show Pintard

Posted 12 May 2016, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

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