Staff member ‘fired’ over shredded documents


Tribune Staff Reporter

SOCIAL Services Minister Melanie Griffin suggested yesterday that someone has been fired for the suspicious shredding of documents highlighted in Auditor General Terrance Bastian’s report on the department.

In the AG’s report for the period July 2013 and June 2015, Mr Bastian said the destruction of government documents at the Department of Social Services raised questions about whether fraud was perpetuated.

Asked about this yesterday, Mrs Griffin said: “The auditor had a concern about the shredding of documents going way back as far as 2010. We were not in office at that time and it seems to have been continued so definitely steps have to and have already been taken to ensure that something like that does not continue.”

Pressed on what steps have been taken, she said: “There are rules and regulations in the services that speak to what should happen to documents that must be shredded or are outdated. We have to ensure and we will ensure that those rules and regulations are carried out.”

Asked if anyone had been fired for shredding the documents, she said: “Immediately we found there were inconsistencies. One person was dismissed; other two were put on administrative leave and subject to the rules and regulations of the public service. In addition to this the matter has been handed to the police and they will do their job.”

However, it’s not clear that anyone has been fired for suspiciously shredding documents.

Mr Bastian’s report noted that one staff member was terminated from the department and two others were placed on administrative leave––but this was done not because they shredded documents; it was done because they engaged in food coupon fraud, using coupons intended for welfare recipients for personal use.

As for the police investigation into that fraud, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson and Chief Superintendent Clayton Fernander said yesterday that authorities are not yet investigating the matter.

“We don’t have anything about that before us yet,” Mr Ferguson said when contacted by The Tribune yesterday.

Many Bahamians are watching the matters closely to see if anyone will be held accountable for possible crimes.

A complaint must be made by a senior officer in a government department or agency before a police investigation can take place.

Government departments usually conduct internal investigations before determining whether to make an official complaint to the police.

Earlier this month, Mrs Griffin confirmed that the fraud matter had been forwarded to the police.

“It’s all in the hands of the police now, so they will have the opportunity to do their jobs,” she said.

“Since the report has been completed we are now in a position to take further action. What we’ve done has always been a process. First of all we took steps under the rules and regulations of the public service, and we’ve also proceeded with forwarding the matter to the police for their further investigation.”


themessenger says...

Now, Ms. Gibson, don't be honest with us just tell us the truth. Which other Ministry is the new recipient of "Dread Shreds" services in our guvments never ending retrenchment of criminal uncivil servants?

Posted 18 May 2016, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I would have levied a huge fine on them as well. Because only God knows how much stolen money each of those documents hid

Posted 18 May 2016, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...


Posted 18 May 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

AL242649 says...

Wow a journalist that does not know a Minister's correct name? She is Melanie Griffin not Gibson!!!

Posted 18 May 2016, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

NassauBoy77 says...

Where is the truth? The Minister is saying it is in the Police's hands and they are saying they have nothing before them yet! If the Minister is lying, she should go.

Posted 18 May 2016, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

Seriously what difference does it make. These "investigations" in the hands of the police never go anywhere. There is a big announcement and laughable protestations from police authorities about "justice being blind" and then NOTHING! Never anything. There were recently allegations of a murder for hire plot and months later, the intended victims, who claim to know the source of the funding, have not even been interviewed by the police. This is all part of a giant, smelly, corrupt fantasy, that the Bahamas are operating under the rule of law.

Posted 19 May 2016, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

People have been STEALING, why are the police not doing an investigation and why are the culprits not being charged and sent to HMP Fox Hill? OH I forgot, our government is so corrupt they just transfer thieves to another department. FUCKING INSANE AND KILLING OUR COUNTRY! GET IT RIGHT I DO NOT PAY TAXES FOR THOSE TAXES TO BE WASTED, MISMANAGED, OR STOLEN. TRY RAISE TAXES WHILE YOU DO NOTHING ABOUT THE PROBLEM YOU IDIOTS HAVE CREATED AND SEE THE PUSH BACK!

Posted 18 May 2016, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Required says...

I suspect they fired the person responsible for the maintenance of the document shredder for actually doing his job. After all, it's his fault: if that thing had been broken, no documents could have been shredded.

Posted 19 May 2016, 7:35 a.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**..........Double talk, flip flopping, misspeaking, deceitful and down right dishonest.........**

Absolute BULLSHIT!

Surly SOMEONE in authority would have been competent enough & thought to have immediately secured documents and evidence in question.

One would reason that such documents would be in protective custody even BEFORE the report went public!

This in not a matter of incompetence, rather it is a matter of intentional cover up by the powers that be to protect pirate friends, family and lovers.

SOCIAL Services Minister Melanie Griffin has earned her wings to protect corrupt civil servants by setting the stage for everything to be swept swiftly and silently under the rug asap.

This is obviously an elaborate collaboration of piracy and pillaging between several people. **MILLIONS of dollars cannot simply evaporate into thin air.**

**Starting with the Permanent Secretary,** EVERYONE in position to facilitate this massive pilferage of public funds should now be thoroughly audited to identify who and where the missing funds got to!

SOCIAL Services Minister Melanie Griffin response to date is totally unacceptable and warrants her being included in the audit as well!

Posted 19 May 2016, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

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