Police Staff Association wins appeal on overtime


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Police Staff Association (PSA) has won its appeal in a landmark case against the government concerning millions in overtime pay for officers who worked additional hours during separate periods in 2013 and 2014.

The Christie Administration appealed the ruling after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the PSA last year. 

However, Acting Court of Appeal President Jon Isaacs, Justice Crane Scott and Justice Roy Jones dismissed the government’s appeal yesterday.

Supreme Court Justice Milton Evans had ruled that a Force Order issued by former Police Commissioner Paul Farquharson in 2003 was relevant to the case as it mandated that public officers be paid when they work for more than 40 hours in a normal work week.

The government argued that this Order wasn’t applicable because of its references to the Employment Act, which it said does not apply to police officers.

Justice Evans disagreed, noting that the Order specifically referred to the issue of overtime pay for officers.

Attorney Wayne Munroe, QC, who represented the PSA, said the Commissioner of Police will determine whether to pay officers or to give them an proportionate amount of time off.

If the choice is made to give pay to the officers, the government could end up paying as much as $16.4m, according to the PSA’s analysis.

Dwight Smith, PSA chairman, said the matter should not have had to be settled by Court.

“Sometimes one is lost for words,” he said when contacted yesterday. “How did we get here in the first place? What was notable about the comments that was made by Justice Evans is that they were also made by one of the justices in the appellate court, which is, why were we unable to talk this matter out? The PSA wanted to talk this through, but there was no respect being noted. One of the justices asked “why is there no dialogue between the association and management on policies so everyone would be on the same page. Why aren’t we able to sit around the table when it comes to issues affecting the body of police officers?”

Mr Smith said he doubted he would see concrete decisions made by the commissioner “until after the referendum.”

“They would have to reach out to us once the attorney general would’ve already dealt with them on the matter,” he said.

Mr Smith said the Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade had told him that he never requested that Justice Evans’ ruling be appealed.


EasternGate says...

The money wasted on stupid carnival should have been allocated to settle this matter. Stupid, wicked PLP Government!

Posted 19 May 2016, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

CatIslandBoy says...

I wonder what Bell will say bout this ruling? Another "hollow judgment"?

Posted 19 May 2016, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

$16.4 million for Police overtime?????? ............ how can these fat-gut fellas honestly collect more money from this government as Crime continues to go up everyday??????

If the police should expect this extra money ......... what can be used to justify these excessive hours of overtime and to what degree was this overtime really effectively earned beyond just signing a register???????? ........ can these officers collect this money with good conscience????

Posted 19 May 2016, 8:30 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

many officers worked very hard and countless hours to try make the Bahamas a safe place but remember officers are powerless once the matter is in the court and if many law abiding officers arrest law breakers and put them before the court to only see the next day the very same person is hailing the officers on the streets and laughing, what then can an officer do if the justice system has faults and corruptions. not all police are good and hard working but at the same time many policeman are loyal and very hard working officers and only so much the can do

Posted 20 May 2016, 12:33 a.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

this is a great victory for Officers but time to put the champagne glass down and try recover these funds from the Government, All year around they havent been following court orders think they would start following any now? ill be surprise if the Government doesnt castigate and lambaste those judges claiming that the Judges are trying to destabilize the Government.

Posted 20 May 2016, 12:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Pay them, they're already grossly underpaid for the difficult & hazadous job they do.

Posted 20 May 2016, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Agreed...pay them their damn money.

Posted 20 May 2016, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

At least one third of policemen in uniform are criminals themselves ......... just listen to the news and social media ......... their families know that as well and they turn a blind eye too because they may be benefitting from the bribes and other illegal activities that crooked policemen do ......... that is the problem in our communities ...... law enforcers gone BAD

Posted 20 May 2016, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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