Who has enough influence to stop this?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I felt queasy in my stomach when I read The Guardian headline this morning – “China in $2 billion deal proposal • gov’t. eyes agri-fishery plan with Chinese in Andros •Project calls for lease of 10,000 acres of Crown Land”– Such announcements rarely seem to be made unless they are almost a done deal, or in fact already signed off.

This is horrible. More Bahamian land for the Chinese. But what they will do to our fisheries will be catastrophic! Our sports fishing tourism will be severely impacted, if not ruined, and the pelagic fish will be wiped out.

But wait! We will have a 2$Bn influx in our economy!

Say what? Who will be getting the benefit of this cash injection? Certainly not Bahamian fishermen whose livelihoods will be wiped out!

Help! Who has enough influence to stop this? It is serious enough to call a protest rally!



November 1, 2016.


truetruebahamian says...

Yes it is serious enough to hold a protest rally. A very large and effective one! This is one of the most horrifying and short sighted enterprises that has ever been considered by any government ever. Should this come to be, we will have traded British colonialism for Chinese imperialism, the first being the least objectionable or as absolutely destructive as the second.
This is a situation that demands retraction - and answers as to how it could possibly have been considered in the first place. It is an utterly horrible plan for the Bahamas and benefits only the Chinese 'partners'. Please keep protest developments alive, this plan cannot be swept under the rug or be allowed to lose the impact of the very real danger of its potentially devastating, absolute and lasting effect upon our islands and our people.

Posted 2 November 2016, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Biminibrad says...

The only people that can stop this are the people of the Bahamas"

Posted 3 November 2016, 12:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

> Who has enough influence to stop this?

Is she serious with this question? The obvious answer is the Bahamian people. Who else could it be without it being another foreign government taking over the affairs of State?

Posted 3 November 2016, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

I just can't wait until the U.S. media and U.S. public wake up to the fact that their government (the Obama/Hillary/Kerry government) has permitted Red China to set up shop (including deep water stealth submarine operations) in the Bahamas only a few short miles away from Florida and the entire Eastern Seaboard. I imagine most Americans will want all senior officials of the U.S. embassy in the Bahamas, the Dept of State in the U.S. and the NSA over the past decade or so to be drawn and quartered for high treason because of their serious failure to gather and act on intelligence information in order to protect the national security interests of the U.S.

Posted 3 November 2016, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

I agree. Hopefully we get the U.S. military stationed here before the Chinese military comes. We are going to be a battle ground soon enough. Sharpen your conch's and pick a side boys, this may get nasty.

Posted 4 November 2016, 9:38 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

We are an independent nation ,,What did you want the US to do to stop our government from selling our souls to the Chinese ,invade us ??Why do you think Obama is getting cozy w/ Cuba and the US already has a military base in Cuba

Posted 4 November 2016, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

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