V Alfred Gray should resign, says FNM MICAL candidate

IF Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries V Alfred Gray had “a shred of honour left” he would resign from his Cabinet post immediately, Free National Movement MICAL candidate Walt Saunders said yesterday.

Mr Gray, the MP for MICAL, has been caught in controversy over his contradictory remarks over a $2.1 billion agri-fisheries proposal that the Bahamas Embassy in China was given the go ahead to discuss with Chinese investors.

Mr Gray has admitted he told newly appointed Bahamas Ambassador to China Paul “Andy” Gomez he could have discussions on the controversial proposal, and has said such an initiative could be a good one for the county. However he has also hit out at the newspaper that reported the story, and called the initial report “utterly false.”

“V Alfred Gray has yet again proven to be an embarrassment to MICAL,” Mr Saunders, a businessman, said in a statement. “Had he a shred of honour left, he would resign his position in Cabinet immediately, particularly in light of the disgrace he has already covered himself in with regard to the recent island administrator on Mayaguana debacle.

At the very least, it would give him time to focus on his long-neglected constituency before he is removed in the next general election.

“This week’s revelations in the newspapers shows that despite denying reports that he gave the go ahead for our ambassador to continue talks with the Chinese about an agricultural and fisheries partnership that would call for the leasing of over 10,000 acres of Crown land in Andros, Gray indeed gave the ambassador permission.

“Gray’s display in the House of Assembly (Wednesday) was particularly shameful as he sought to backpedal on his own untruth that a legitimate story was ‘utterly false.’ Unfortunately, this is nothing new for those of us in his neglected constituency.

“We in MICAL are well familiar with Mr Gray’s misleading talk, empty promises and hearing his story change over and over again. He has long been an embarrassment to us all. But not to worry, come the next general election, we will rid MICAL of Mr Gray for good and return our country to sensible, responsible governance.”

Mr Saunders said the public should question why such a proposal was being considered “on the eve of a general election” and only brought to light by the media.

“It is reprehensible that this administration, which came into office on the promise of believing in Bahamians, would be so foolish as to enwrap itself further in the flag of the People’s Republic of China.

“Has this PLP administration lost all confidence in Bahamians as they continue to give away the country to their new Chinese allies? Mr Gray should be well aware that this proposal could destroy the fishing grounds of the country, which is the lifeblood of tens of thousands of Bahamians, including the good people of MICAL.

“The Chinese have already overfished their waters, what do you think will happen to our fishing reserves if this proposal becomes reality? What can this government possibly be thinking?

“This proposal for Andros, which we know is the nesting ground for our fishing industry, could deplete one of our last remaining national assets. Such a proposal by this administration is an affront to the people of The Bahamas and should be rejected in the strongest terms possible.

“The Chinese already control our shipping port in Grand Bahama, they are moving to be the dominate force in our tourism industry with this secret deal on Baha Mar, The Pointe, and the redevelopment of Bay Street, and now they will be taking over our fishing and farming industries. How much more of this country can this government sell out to the Chinese?

“Under this PLP administration, the Bahamas has gone from a ‘Nation for Sale’ to a nation sold. The Bahamian people should resist this and all other involvement of Chinese investment in the country before we are colonised once again.”


BMW says...

He is a lying piece of donkey dung!!!

Posted 4 November 2016, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

glasshalffull says...

i am not sure why an adult would tell such a "checkable " lie .. adults Must at all cost be able to own up if you make an error ... mr Gray MUST own his mistakes ..i will be kind and give him the benefit of the doubt where the much discussed Chinese Agriculture issue is concern... i have found that Mr. Gray to forget easily some of the most basic things.... probably The Prime Minister should consider replacing him... i must confess i dont have a horse in this race as i am a "foreigner " i just dont think Dr. Minnis is ready for the job of prime minister ... Mr. Christie may very well not be the ideal choice but he is MUCH better for the country that Dr. Minnis. Alfred Gray aside ...

Posted 4 November 2016, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Members of the "Yellow Mafia" never resign. "Honour" and "Shame" are not in their DNA.

Posted 4 November 2016, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Almost all of the PLP politicos have more then one reason that would have compelled any first world politician with a sense or moral code or ethics to resign and try to maintain dignity.

Dese bungatuffy tiefin crooks don't care bout nothin by linin dey pockets wit our money or der chingret's money VAG ain't gonna do shit this will blow over in a week when someone else on the PLP screws up as big or bigger and we bitch about dat!! Or Chripsy will have his Potcake Miller say something stupid (ALA Richard Lightbourne) and we ferget about VAG again.

Posted 4 November 2016, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Every senior PLP Cabinet member (from Gray to Fitzgerald) has been embroiled in controversy during this 2012-17 term that should ordinarily have led to a resignation by accepted Westminster standards ........... but Christie has not demanded or accepted one resignation ........ a disgrace on him

We have to fire Perry in 2017 (and his Cabinet) for maladministration ........... such men used to be beheaded by the King in the old days

Posted 4 November 2016, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Once you are a part of the PLP Mafioso you can never be sacked because you know too much.Only the people can sack these jokers and our time is a comin'.

Posted 4 November 2016, 1:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Alfred Gray, Shane Gibson and others like them are crooked lackeys that serve a greater evil, namely Crooked "Vomit" Christie himself. It is the head of the evil corrupt serpent that the Bahamian people must now seek to have removed by any means possible.

Posted 4 November 2016, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

It's always a wonder that someone who wraps themself in their personal integrity also surrounds themself with so many crooks. The two things don't add up.

Posted 4 November 2016, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

It is only a proposal, it is not a signed agreement. Mr: Gray will be wise to let it go
in my view the farming should be fine. If they plan on bringing some of their people in, to
work on the farms it should be on a contract no more than three years, Then they go
back home. the land should be leased not sold and as for fishing NO.

Posted 4 November 2016, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Should resign is that fellow serious?? I would like to know what the people of
Andros have to say? it matters most to them

Posted 4 November 2016, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Don't be fooled like Minnis my fellow Bahamians. Our supremely stupid, greedy, and power and wealth hungry Crooked Christie is the one who from the start was behind the $2.1 billion sellout of our agriculture and fisheries industries and the giveaway of tens of thousands of acres of our Crown Land to his RED China friends. Crooked Christie's use of the corrupt and very dumb Alfred Gray to get the word out is just a typical cowardly political ploy by Crooked Christie to distract and deflect attention and blame away from himself. Crooked Christie's Red Chinese friends obviously now have a very tight vice-grip on Crooked Christie's shrivelled smelly nuts that they can further tighten at anytime they want. Yes fellow Bahamians, it is Crooked Christie and none other than Crooked Christie alone who is in the process of selling our country to Red China as a result of his unconscionable and insatiable greed for power and wealth. Just ask Baltron "Bag Man" Bethel how filthy rich he, our AG Wicked Witch and Crooked Christie have become selling us out to Red China. These three evil creatures could not care less about our sovereignty and national security!

Posted 5 November 2016, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Wake up birdie. "Only a proposal" is the talk to lull you to sleep. You have NO idea what the PM and the AG cooked up for the Bahamas in their secret deal. In fact, according to the PM himself, the cabinet doesn't even know. Nobody but him and the AG, you could imagine that? After they made a complete mess of the entire situation, they figure they're the only ones with the qualifications to solve it. Wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese insisted they be the only two in the room. Must of been licking their chops.

Posted 6 November 2016, 5:12 a.m. Suggest removal

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