Miller: I’ll give activist $1,000 for every vote over 200 if he runs


Tribune Staff Reporter

IN the wake of Friday’s massive “We March” protest, Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller has issued a challenge to lead organiser Ranard Henfield, daring the community activist to run as a candidate in the next general election, adding that he would pay the activist $1,000 for every vote beyond 200 he receives if he runs in the 2017 general election.

He also urged Mr Henfield “to show up” to the House of Assembly to try and stop parliamentarians from doing their jobs, while lamenting that fame has gone to the activist’s head and given him a “false sense of power”.

In an interview with The Tribune on Sunday, an irate Mr Miller said Mr Henfield needed to “step up or shut up,” adding that the activist now sees himself above the “democratically elected Parliament”.

Insisting that the activist was attempting to get around the election process, Mr Miller said Mr Henfield was now lost in a “political whirlwind where he feels powerful and thinks all those people next to him respects him.”

Mr Miller blasted the activist, calling him a “lost fool” who was out of his depth and needed to “wake the hell up.”

“He said he was going to make our professional lives a living hell until the Prime Minister (Perry Christie) did what his group was asking,” Mr Miller said. “He needs to relax himself. In fact, if he thinks he is so powerful, he should come to the House of Assembly on Wednesday and stop us from doing our jobs. Lost fool. He needs to wake the hell up because he isn’t built for this.”

During Friday’s protest, Mr Miller and Mr Henfield had an awkward exchange in Rawson Square when it appeared that the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP attempted to address the crowd, but was denied by the activist.

In a move that has since gone on to encapsulate Friday’s protest, Mr Henfield turned his back to the former Cabinet minister, demonstrating that the voice of the people no longer valued the “tired and useless words of politicians.”

However, Mr Miller on Sunday said he wanted to “set the facts straight” as it relates to the protest and clarified his reason for attending the protest aimed at the governing PLP, of which he is a long-serving member.

Mr Miller said he turned up in Rawson Square on Friday to “give an ear” to the concerns of the people. However, he contended that he never offered to speak or attempted to address the massive crowd.

According to Miller, moments after the crowd gathered in Rawson Square he was approached by organisers to speak and reassure the crowd that he, like them, had issues with the government.

“Now what the hell I look like, me, Leslie Miller trying to address them in that manner?

“The officials there came to me and tried to pull me to say some words and I told them immediately that I had nothing to say,” Mr Miller added. “Next thing I know, the crowd was chanting against me. I was out there to hear what they had to say. They flipped it, and made me look like a fool. This guy, (Mr) Henfield has an ego, he wanted to show up the politician for his own gain.

“Who the hell is he? I mean who the hell does he think he is? Back up buddy. You don’t have any credit in these communities, you are fresh out here and want to walk around and give the impression that you have arrived. Stop it.

“I was working on behalf of Bahamians since 1962 - your a wasn’t even born yet. I give you credit for getting people to march, but don’t let that get to your head and force you to start disrespecting people in that House (of Assembly). We were elected to that place, what were you?

“If you feel as if you are capable enough I dare you to put your name on a ballot ‘Mr Big and Bad’, show your a and see just how much the Bahamian people believe in you.”

He added: “He demanded all types of stuff, talked about shutting the country down and closing the airport if his demands aren’t met. Who the hell is he? You see, if he thinks he has that kind of power, tell him step up to the plate and get in to the House (of Assembly) just like we did and affect change from there.

“He isn’t the first Bahamian with a bright idea or a solution, but there are ways to go about make changes in this country. Not acting a fool in the streets and shouting things out.

“Go tell him, Leslie Miller said come to the polls, put his name on a ballot and ask the Bahamian people if he is worth enough to walk in that House (of Assembly). For every vote over 200 he gets I would give $1,000.”

Friday’s protest saw frustrated residents occupy Parliament Square following a march from Arawak Cay. Led by Mr Henfield, it is estimated that more than 1,000 protesters walked down West Bay Street towards Rawson Square, singing the national anthem and chanting.

Some of the protestors stayed in Parliament Square - an estimated 50 people - until 1am Saturday.


Naughtydread says...

He need to pay off his loan at the Bank of the Bahamas first.

Posted 28 November 2016, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

And pay his power bill from Marios.

Posted 28 November 2016, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

And the fine for the ugly marcos sign

Posted 28 November 2016, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Miller felt he was "made to look like a fool". Well he just had to open his mouth to give them the ammunition!

Posted 28 November 2016, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Why do PLPs feel that only them have a God given right to lead this country, voice their opinion or speak out? The last time I checked, the Bahamas was a democratic country. Everyone has a right to protest or speak out against the many ills of our society. This past demonstration proves that Bahamians can show their displeasure without being violent or breaking the law. But I think Miller and Fred them are threatened by what occurred last Friday that's why they are up in arms about it.

Posted 28 November 2016, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Emac- they are weak, useless cowards drinking at the teat of the public purse. Useless cowards ALL. They don't have one ounce of the courage and daring that young man and the people who chose to march have and they realize they are about to be cut off from their breast milk. This very proposal is insulting to the organizers and the marchers and reeks of desperation. The least they could have done is find a man that would be good for the bet! Everybody know Leslie can't pay. But joking aside politics is a dirty game and Miller is one of the dirtiest - trying to appeal to ego and base instincts because that is what he understands best. He is a good dirty politician and like most of his comrades, he can't do much else. He has nothing to show for his time in office- not one piece of legislation, one one proposal enacted to make this country run better. All these dudes need to cyah their behinds and he need to lead that conga line into obscurity.

Posted 29 November 2016, 12:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 29 November 2016, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

To me, this was the best thing which has happened in the Bahamas in 50 years. Yeah, it shows that Bahamians can unite, something I thought was impossible for a very long time. I have never heard of or met Mr Ranard Henfield, but upon hearing his conversation on the Guardian radio station this evening, I am impressed by his intelligence and his knowledge of History, etc. I now regard him as a great Bahamian and I believe he'd make a great prime minister of this country!!!

Posted 28 November 2016, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**................. Leslie Miller Seems To Have Not Accepted The Message Last Friday ...............**

STFU Miller. We are not interested in hearing anything from YOU!

We jackass's as he calls us will totally ***WIPE OUT*** MILLER & THE PLP!!

Posted 28 November 2016, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

asiseeit says...

Go home Miller. You get roll out!

Posted 28 November 2016, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**.......... LOL ... Miller Got A Good Dose Of Castor Oil Friday ............**

PLP better start ordering their pampers now because they will need a good supply come May 2017!

Posted 29 November 2016, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Trying like hell to get Henfield to play their game, lure him in and cut him down.
Typical. Miller received the treatment ALL politicians could use a repeated dose of.
Humiliation and public shaming.
Stay the course Mr. Henfield, you are under their skin.

Posted 28 November 2016, 8:38 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Black Friday has got the plp in a tizzy!! Time to pack your bags for the betterment of the Bahamas.

Posted 29 November 2016, 5:54 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> Why do PLPs feel that only them have a
> God given right to lead this country,
> voice their opinion or speak out?

A 1970s local prophet said "God gave this country to the PLP".

Birdie knows who he is. She will tell us after she comes out of the hospital. The March raised her blood pressure.

Posted 29 November 2016, 6:31 a.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...


Posted 29 November 2016, 7:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 29 November 2016, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Hopefully she is in PMH and not in Doctors. If so, we may not see her for a long long time -- thanks to her beloved PLP malfeasance.

Posted 29 November 2016, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

Oh.... is Birdie that 'lady' Russell woman then?

Posted 29 November 2016, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

This wutless MP thinks anyone who is getting votes needs a financial incentive / Bribe?

From an MP! His moral compass is long gone. You'd be slammed in jail for saying crap like this in many countries.

He acts and should be treated like the nations Top Clown.

Posted 29 November 2016, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**** ................... Is Leslie Miller A Potcake Or A Loud Mouthed Jackass? ........................**

Posted 29 November 2016, 8:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

jus2cents - das true?? Birdie is Lady Russell??? Well muddo.

Posted 30 November 2016, 9:09 p.m. Suggest removal

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