Three children are recovering after being shot


Tribune Staff Reporter

A FOUR-year-old girl is recovering from emergency surgery after she and her four-year-old sister were shot as they sat in a vehicle with three other children late on Tuesday night.

Another young girl is also recovering in hospital from injuries sustained during the shooting, but officers say she received superficial injuries from shattered glass during the incident.

The girls were in the back seat of a white Toyota Corolla, parked through Amos Ferguson Street, when three gunmen opened fire on the vehicle, immediately killing the driver before fleeing the area in an unknown direction.

The victim has been identified as 29-year-old Carlos Holbert, aka “Ice”.

The murder took place shortly after 7.30pm and brought the country’s murder count to 79 for the year, according to The Tribune’s records.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean said police are unsure of the motive for the killing and currently have no suspects in custody.

“Right now we don’t have a motive for this shooting. Right now we are actively investigating this matter. Right now the detectives are on the ground with uniformed officers they are canvassing the area,” Supt Dean said.

“We have to make the regular appeal to members of the public who might have been traversing this area; no matter how insignificant it seems we want you to contact the police. This matter is of paramount concern to us when innocent children become involved in these shootings and that is something that they should not experience.”

Police are also investigating another late night shooting that left a young boy and a man in hospital.

The incident took place shortly after 11pm on Tuesday.

According to reports, two men with handguns fired several shots at a home at Higher Drive before fleeing on foot. A young boy was shot and taken to hospital, where he is listed in stable condition. Additionally, a man was shot and taken to hospital where he was treated for his injuries and discharged.

Anyone with information on any of these incidents is asked to contact police at 911 or 919, the  Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.


John says...

When the dust from the hurricane has cleared, government must seek to remedy the traffic situation at Marathon Mall when the power is out. Either there needs to be a back -up generator in place or solar back up. The intersection is just to wide and too busy for the traffic to be unmanaged. Tempers flare,road rage kicks in and lives are threatened both by the undirected traffic and persons who lose their tempers and get physically violent. A similar situation has developed at the Southwest Plaza where it intersects with the Super Value/ KFC Shopping Center. This is now virtually an 11 lane intersection with traffic having the ability to flow in 12 different directions. It is difficult during regular times and days leading up to the storm and even now it is almost. Again road rage kicks in, tempers flare and lives are being threatened. Persons are being followed by angry motorists and threatened with physical bodily harm. Another hotspot on Carmichael is the area heading West from Faith Avenue and beyond the Chinese food store. Because there is always a line of traffic heading East persons in the lane heading West cannot easily navigate a turn into the parking lot. It is not also easy to exit the parking lot and again this leads to drivers hostility. In fact the entire Carmichael corridor from Blue Hills to Coral Harbour needs to be revamped. The area is growing rapidly and sometimes it's even scary to be caught in that area in heavy traffic. Provisions were made so the road can be expanded into a dual carriage way. The government should seriously look at doing this after the storm because of the amount of road rage that happens on that road.

Posted 20 October 2016, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

When three grown males, armed to the 'T' are willing to sacrifice injuring or even killing five young children to get at a target they want dead, this is testimony to the seriousness of the crime problem we face in this country. A matter of "by any means necessary ". And it is a heartless, cold blooded act. This is not the Bahamas that our forefathers envisioned. It is now the country many of us grew up in. Murder and mayhem has become the order of the day for some people and too bad for you if you happen to be in their way. They showed no mercy and no compassion. Hope the courts do likewise when the time comes.

Posted 20 October 2016, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

John you are a million% CORRECT!!! I mean it seemed so mind boggling to me when on the first day after the hurricane some 4 or 5 persons were shot! Silly me thought the criminals would at least have calmed down for a while after that terrible Matthew had hit us. And now I need to get an encyclopedia or something to try find a word to describe how terrible it is to shoot a number of little children. This is beyond mind boggling... WHAT IN THE BLUE BLAZES IS GOING ON!!!???

Posted 20 October 2016, 9:19 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

It's a war zone!

Posted 21 October 2016, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

I am sure many Bahamians would like to hear from the opposition parties as to EXACTLY what will be done about crime in this country if elected to serve the people.
By crime I mean ALL crime, white collar, blue collar, the works. It starts at the top. If children see Daddy (or Mommy) steal, they think it is o.k. to steal..............

Posted 21 October 2016, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

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