National lottery ‘must be looked at’ post-Matthew


Tribune Business


The Minister of  Tourism yesterday acknowledged that debate over a National Lottery would be reignited following the $600 million in damage created by Hurricane Matthew, adding that $3 million was already available to assist from the web shops.

Obie Wilchcombe explained that the $3 million had been raised from the 1 per cent levy on web shop chains, which are required to contribute this sum to finance social and community causes.

He added that these funds have now been placed in a foundation that can be accessed for hurricane relief purposes.    

Addressing Parliament during the debate on a resolution to raise $150 million for post-Matthew restoration, Mr Wilchcombe addressed whether a national lottery was a potential mechanism for disaster relief financing after being prompted by Fort Charlotte MP, Andre Rollins.

“It is a good argument about the lottery.

“It has to be given consideration, but there is a foundation and those funds can be used for community development,” the Minister said.

“There are funds there now, around $3 million, that can be utilized now.

“If the Government wants to access it it can be utilised. They [gaming houses] are making contributions. They have been incredibly good for the community.

“The question is, at the end of it all, do we consider a lottery in the future? How soon it will be is another question, but it has to be looked at.”

Mr Wilchcombe continued: “It is a billion dollar industry.

“The gaming houses employ 3,600 Bahamians. Our casinos employ just over 1,000. The contribution they make to the community and taxes they pay  are more than those paid by the casinos.

“Save but one, all of them pay and they pay on time. They are good, prudent businessmen.”


Economist says...

Over 35 years ago the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce recommended a National Lotto like the Malta Lotto.

PLP Government was not interested. 35 years later they think it is a good idea.

LESSON TO GOVERNMENT: **Listen to the Chamber of Commerce they are 35 years ahead of you.**

Posted 21 October 2016, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

A proposal was given to a sitting member of the FNM cabinet several years ago, by the same company that has set up and managed the Jamaican and other Caribbean lotteries, to establish and run a Lottery for the Government of the Bahamas. This was when "numbers" were illegal and the government was not receiving anything in taxes from them. This proposal died a a quiet death, and had it been implemented, there would have been hundreds of millions in revenue for the country, which could be earmarked for hurricane disaster relief, and other emergency situtations.

Posted 21 October 2016, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The national lottery "ship" has long sailed out of the Bahamian harbour ................ look at who owns the 9 numbers houses and who they support politically and there is your answer why we have ended up with "webshops" instead of a national lottery ............ a 1% tax on the webshops earned $3million in 2 years according to Obie ........... and according to him, that is the "disaster fund" ............... We are F#@%Ked

Posted 21 October 2016, 5:51 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The government got a 'by' when it went ahead and regularized and licensed web shops against the will and wishes of the Bahamian people. The jury is still out on whether this was a good idea or not, but what this Bahamian government must not do is immerse its hands deeper into the acts of gambling. It should now satisfy itself with the revenue it gets from the web shops and not be swayed to dirty his hands even more.

Posted 21 October 2016, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Too late, too late.

Posted 21 October 2016, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

C2B says...

Never too late to change public policy.

Posted 21 October 2016, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

C2B says...

There is your solution. If 1% is 3 million dollars, then 100% surely solves the problem over time.
The National Lottery, if the funds are protected from politicians, would more than pay for a natural disaster every few years. Ideally it would be put in to proactive things like underground wiring.
There is probably enough profit to pay the 500 million debt BPL is saddled with and that continues to suck the life blood from all Bahamians.
Those who say too late are just shills for the industry; plain and simple. There is no reasonable excuse why this money should be concentrated in a few hands when the public good demands otherwise.

Posted 21 October 2016, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

A national lottery will not line crooked PLP politicians' pockets with kickbacks like the privately-owned webshops .......... the politicians will not cut off their noses to spite their faces by agreeing to a Bahamian national lottery

Posted 21 October 2016, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

C2B ........... we agree with you .......... but the current political culture is anti-lottery for their selfish reasons ........... we have to get rid of this current breed of PLP (and some FNM) politician

Posted 21 October 2016, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

This is nothing more than Crooked Christie and Corrupt Wilchcombe's way of telling the numbers bosses they have not lined the right politicians pockets sufficiently and if they don't soon do so a national lottery will be established that eats into their highly profitable gaming operations.

Posted 21 October 2016, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

g9822033 says...

I am tired of hearing about these numbers guys being worshiped like heroes because they pay a whole 1% tax it's an absolute outrage. I suspect if they just left it illegal and charged some fines would probably end up with as much revenue at the treasury from the numbers guys. They are worse than the pastors that give away free cars just as a PR stunt to raise them for more money. It's absolutely criminal what this government has done by legalizing the numbers and not providing a national lottery it's hypocritical They should be lined up and dealt with accordingly. The numbers guys have bought the support of the people who seem to not understand that everything's self serving. We have extenuating circumstances they could repeal the legalization and use emergency measures to implement a national lottery. The only people that would suffer are the numbers guys but ain't that about time.

Posted 21 October 2016, 6:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I thought it was funny today when Shane Gibson mentioned that he consulted Flowers to ask him how he finds honest employees. Shane "*Rolex watch, 5000 Dollar Man*" Gibson asking a man who operated an illegal business for decades about honesty. ROTFL.

Posted 21 October 2016, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Good cop bad cop? As long as the numbers people aren't in charge. But it would be modus operandi, they push ahead with a completely unsuitable candidate then at some point say, well we want to add this service and since this completely unsuitable candidate is already here, they're the best person to handle it.

That's why it's never too early to ask a question about who or what they put at the foundational level.

Posted 21 October 2016, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**...... Crisis Management, Asinine Politicians & Gross Stupidity Thrives In Bahamas ......**

Suddenly with their backs hard against the wall and a shortage of loose money around to pillage, these dumbass idiots now think a national lottery is good idea?

My GOD, what a way to run a country. Stifle economic growth by disenfranchising as many local entrepreneurs as possible, ignore all common sense and sound advise, steal every dollar remotely possible, never maintain anything, have absolutely no savings or plan for unforeseen circumstances and ensure as much money is repatriated out of the local economy as possible.

If I ran my business like the PLP run our country, I'd have LOST my business's decades ago!

The PLP destroyed our country ***"All The Way"***

Way past due time to reset our inefficient corrupt political system & the FNM is not the answer!

Posted 23 October 2016, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

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