Deputy registrar denies being ‘a sissy or a punk’

DEPUTY Registrar Ron Pinder emphatically stressed his own heterosexuality as he defended a couple whom he married on the weekend against social media attacks after it was erroneously spread online that the two were lesbians.

At a press conference yesterday, Mr Pinder, a former Progressive Liberal Party MP for Marathon, told reporters that despite speculation to the contrary, he is “not a sissy” or a “punk.”

Mr Pinder officiated at the wedding of Alfred and Rickia Pratt on the weekend. Shortly after, a picture of the couple spread on social media with many speculating that the groom was a woman, prompting uproar and vicious commentary from those who are opposed to gay marriage, which is not legally recognised in the Bahamas.

However, those who knew the couple quickly pointed out online that the wedding was between a man and a woman.

“The couple is Mr Alfred Arlington Pratt and Mrs Rakia Pratt,” Mr Pinder explained. “It was a marriage ceremony of a male and a female, a man and a woman . . .consecrated in holy matrimony.”

He said he too has been the subject of attack due to speculation about his sexuality.

“Nothing can be further from the truth,” Mr Pinder said. “I am not a homosexual, I have never been a homosexual, I am not gay, I am not a sissy, I’m not a punk, I am a man. And I performed this wedding as a marriage officer of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and it is a legitimate marriage between a man and a woman.”

Meanwhile, the couple at the centre of the controversy was shocked at how quickly their photo spread on social media.

However, Mr Pratt stressed that despite his appearance, he is not a woman.

“My name is Alfred Arlington Pratt,” he said. “I was born a male. As you can see, I’m just fat. I would like to thank the fat, dark girl who take the picture (which spread online) because she need to go look for a job. Reason why I say it is this, she could go and work for any photographer company because that’s a damn good picture she take of us.”

Mrs Pratt, who is legally blind, said the couple had dealt with misconceptions like this in the past.

She added that her husband always has to flash his identification to people to prove that he is a man.


sealice says...

No Mr. Pinder you aren't any of those - you do sound like a homophobe though.... watch out i hear you can catch it from casual contact......

Posted 25 October 2016, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

it was a good picture.

but the facebook freaks are disgusting to disturb these folk's privacy.

and Ron Pinder should not have taken the bait.

Posted 25 October 2016, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

You must give credit to the young man to have the intestinal fortitude to tsk on a bride who is physically handicapped. He admits he has been mistaken for a female most of his life so hopefully their marriage will be fruitful. There's probably no other country in the world more sexually charged than the Bahamas when it comes to challenging someone's sexual orientation. They don't ask you who you are, they tell you who you is. Even mothers are in the habit of calling their sons Lil sissies and no one less than the prime ministers of this country has been called punks. Then to think a great number of the murders in this country is sexually related.

Posted 25 October 2016, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

bandit says...

Wish them all the best and a long and happy life together. There are bigger things in life to worry about rather than who is marrying who.

Posted 25 October 2016, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TorontoGal says...

So proud of the previous comments. I'm sick to death by the homophobia and outright hatred among the Bahamian people for other people. What does it matter to anyone else what the gender of a couple marrying.

The Bahamian people become holier than thou about homosexuality yet the young girls are out screwing everyone they can, having babies to men who have no intention of raising them, but that's ok! The young men are fu**ing every girl possible and having to or three girls preggers at the same time, but that is also ok. Neither have a clue as to how to feed, cloth, house or care for the children you bring into this world.

A wonderful, loving couple well into adult age marry and you sh*t all over them because they just might be gay!!! Where is the Christianity Bahamians always spout??? Grow up folks, get your head out of the sand and join the real world!!

Posted 25 October 2016, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Is this the same Ron Pinder that was a PLP MP and then disappeared in Europe?????? .......... Hmmmmmm

Posted 25 October 2016, 10:32 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Sad state of affairs. Why does Pinder use language like that?

Nice Pic. I can see my house in it.

Posted 26 October 2016, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

Why would any self-respecting, professional newspaper even consider running such a total piece of destructive garbage as this story? Well, I guess the question answers itself.

Posted 26 October 2016, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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