Lightbourn may be replaced


Deputy Chief Reporter

DESPITE publicly stating his intention to run again as the Free National Movement’s (FNM) candidate in his constituency, executives in the party are in the process of discussing Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn’s future with the FNM, taking into account the ramifications of his controversial “tube tying” comments at the July convention, The Tribune understands.

According to multiple sources, FNM executives are considering denying Mr Lighbourn a re-nomination and this was reportedly communicated to him in a meeting yesterday.

It is said that a well-known businessman is the top pick for the Montagu candidacy, The Tribune was told.

However, party insiders last night insisted that Mr Lightbourn will not go easily and that the party will have to force him out if their plans to oust him are to materialise.

Sources went on to stress that the party is still struggling to gain a financial footing and has set in motion plans to target wealthy Bahamians for various seats to secure campaign funding.

Attempts made to reach both Mr Lightbourn and FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis last night were unsuccessful.

Mr Lightbourn was the target of fiery criticism after he offered up contentious comments at the party’s July convention saying it was necessary for the Bahamas to consider adopting the practice of sterilising unwed mothers after the birth of their second child.

Mr Lightbourn prefaced the controversial suggestion, on the second night of the FNM convention, with a generalisation that children born in unstable family situations often grow to participate in criminal activities.

While the party distanced itself from the remarks, Members of Parliament, specifically leading Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) women MPs, later called for his resignation over the comments.

He later apologised, saying he never intended to offend anyone, but had sought to speak to the need for effective parenting and the support for a strong family structure which will go a long way toward solving many of the country’s social ills.

Mr Lightbourn is one of the ‘Gang of Six’ MPs who wrote to the party’s Central Council outlining Dr Minnis’ weaknesses as a leader. That group also included St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, and Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins. Mr Neilly has announced he will not contest the next election while Dr Rollins said he will not be seeking a FNM constituency nomination but would run as an independent.


Romrok says...

I think he should resign over this. Be graceful and go. Now how many other politicians are/should resign over their claims? I can think of a toilet stealing woman beating promoter in the house now. And that's one, how about all the others in house that have not done right by the code of conduct for someone in the house of assembly? Surely we will not have anyone in power if this lot did the right thing and step down.

Posted 6 September 2016, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

I hope they replace him with a black man because black bahamians never forgive white bahamians for anything. I dont know why white bahamians even run in the first place. Its obvious that its a waste of time unless you run for the PLP then they dont bring up colour then. The minute a white man runs for the fnm or any other party they bring up colour and UBP.

Posted 6 September 2016, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**.....The Race Card Is Played-out. We're All In This Mess Together! .....**

It is just been recently revealed both the PLP and FNM secretly ***sold us ALL out*** to the UBP oligarchy for under the table kickbacks from mining of the countries natural resources.

Pindling, Ingraham and Christie are equally guilty of massive corruption, conspiracy and treason!

It counterproductive and a total nonstarter to live in the past. Color is irrelevant. These pirates embezzled and plundered from black, white and yellow Bahamians, pitting us against each other while they led by a handful of UBP families defrauded us of Billions of dollars.

**The Bahamas needs "every hand on deck" if we are to rescue our country from the UBP, PLP and FNM pirates!**

Posted 6 September 2016, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

Lighbourn wrote his own political obituary at the FNM convention. He now has to pay the piper. It would be unwise for the FNM to give him the Montague nomination. He misrepresented the party by expressing his own, distorted point of view, and angered much of the populace, of all political persuasions. He probably would not be re-elected.

Posted 6 September 2016, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

yea - the PLP don't even have to try to jack with the constituency boundaries in montague this year - if the FNM runs Lightbourne the FNM will lose montague for the first time in forever

Posted 6 September 2016, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Worthless Carl Bethel wants to run in Montagu, hence their pushing for Richard to stand aside.

Posted 6 September 2016, 2:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Carl Bethel? Good Lord. Why do Bahamians who go into politics think of it as a life time career? Bethel needs to sit his azz down and keep Foulkes and Turnquest the younger (s)- home with him. It is incredible how these guys become so regular without the boost of a blue plate. Their wanting to reenter the arena has nothing to do with Bahamas and service to it and everything to do with fragile egos and a sense of self importance.

Posted 7 September 2016, 12:32 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade GreenTea, it's a political given that if say the DNA or any other political party were to show signs of having a shot a winning the government/official opposition in an General Election, the family likes of a Carl B , Dion Foulkes, Symonette, Tommy T, a Maynard, Lightbourne, etc, or their bloodlines, would soon beat their their paths over to join up with the DNA. Political opportunists at the highest Bahamalander order. Did I mention the direct descendants of the late, great Milo B?

Posted 7 September 2016, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! What happened to the night of the long knives cause without anyone's ever seeing even a short knife drawn, down and out of politics does goes Montagu's Richard as one of the ‘Coup of Six’ Red MPs who wrote to the party’s Central Council outlining what they perceived as Minnis's many weaknesses as a leader. That Coup also included the soon to depart from politics St Anne’s MP Hubert, North Eleuthera MP Theo, Long Island's MP Loretta, and Fort Charlotte's MP Dr Andre. But these six are some strange set politicians and all are deserving of their House seats being yanked from under each and every one them's Coup members.

Posted 6 September 2016, 3:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

"Tubes Be Tied" Lightbourn is from a family with a history in UBP/FNM politics that deserves the very worst that Bahamian voters of today can throw their way! We can hear Michael Lightbourn saying to Richard: "Didn't I tell you active politics in the FNM party is no place for a white man to be today, unless you happen to be an old planted useless agent of the PLP like Edison Key?!"

Posted 6 September 2016, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Naughtydread says...

It is clearly time for some new ideas, these baby boomers are reaching their expiration date and it's time to clean the shelves of these old and tired political dinosaurs. Mr. Lightbourne please leave now while you still have some dignity.

Posted 7 September 2016, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Lightbourn needs to resign. The man is obviously a nazi.

Posted 7 September 2016, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandboy242242 says...

FNM not gonna risk an easy win in Montagu with Lightbourn behind the reigns, they'll have to find someone else.
Big LOL to the claim that FNM is seeking big business men to back them...after all the talk about "elites" you can't be serious.

Posted 7 September 2016, 3:41 p.m. Suggest removal

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