Bran: DNA will not form coalition with the FNM


Tribune Staff Reporter

DESPITE several requests from senior Free National Movement members and “private citizens not affiliated with any political party,” Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney said his party will not be forming a coalition with the Official Opposition.

During a press conference at his law chambers, Mr McCartney said the FNM is a “broke and sinking ship” and a union between the two groups would help the FNM but hurt the third party.

“We are done with that,” Mr McCartney said. “The FNM is in the worst state that they have ever been in their political history. They seem to be losing people everyday; there is still a lot of infighting. One person is saying one thing and another person is saying the next thing. The FNM seems to be very wanting, their role as an opposition party has been dismal at best.

“They have lost a significant amount of support in this country and although you may have a number of persons wanting to see some type of union, going and dealing with the FNM is like changing decks on the Titanic. That would not benefit the DNA. It will benefit the FNM. When the DNA fist started, the FNM was the government. At the time the FNM had a leader by the name of Hubert Ingraham and they were the government. They had the public purse and they had some finances behind them. Today the FNM is the opposition, they are led by Dr Hubert Minnis, they have lost a significant amount of support, their finance committee has (reportedly) left them and people continue to leave the party everyday.

“There is mass confusion within the party,” he added.

“Who would benefit from any coalition? The FNM cannot get into power with the state they are in today.”

In May, Mr McCartney confirmed he had been approached “several times” by senior members within the FNM, as well as

sitting FNM MPs, to join the Official Opposition.

He said at the time that while the DNA will never “fold up” and join a “sinking FNM,” he proposed for the two parties to “join forces and work together” to oust the Progressive Liberal Party government.

However, Mr McCartney said FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis “is so full of himself and bad at politics” that he refused the offer unless the DNA disbands – something the DNA leader said “will never happen”.

Dr Minnis in turn said that he was “open” to forming a coalition with the DNA, but said he is “turned off” by Mr McCartney’s arrogance.

When asked about talks with the DNA about a coalition yesterday, Dr Minnis said he could not comment.


licks2 says...

I never expected him. . .and I mean him, would ever give up the minute chance to be the leader of the country! He only talks about who party will win or will not lose. . .benefit from the merger. . .NEVER ONCE TALKING ABOUT HOW THE NATION WILL BENEFIT!! This man should be voted out of leadership of the DNA for any good for the nation decisions to be made. . .NOT HOW WOULD I BENEFIT RETORTS!

Posted 13 September 2016, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Well, no right thinking Bahamian should vote for this jackass wannabe political leader with a phony party and no political base ........... does he not see that he will only help re-elect a hapless corrupt PLP government??????

Posted 13 September 2016, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Might I remind Bran of a known fact which has shadowed him around since 2012 and remains stuck to him to this very day in 2016. It's when his green party's campaign message were left sitting on the shipping docks in Nassau Town, in Grand Bahamas, Abaco, and on left sitting on every one of the Family Island docks - because it simply was never picked up by more than a handful the collective body of voters who just couldn't bring themselves to vote for the PLP or Papa Hubert.
The evidence is not there Bran, that you should be considered a progressive leader of what has since 2012 been relegated to even more of a fringe political party than when you had your best General Election shot in 2012.
Good God man, you couldn't even retain your own what should have been an easy win Bamboo Town, House of Assembly seat.
Bran, who in the hell can you beat, if you couldn't even beat Renward Wells, and for your own House seat - Dr. Andre?

Posted 13 September 2016, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

You guys have to understand, this is the Bahamas lol.

You honestly expect the PLP to lose? have we forgotten how stupid we can be? LOL

Prepare for another PLP government. The FNM is in shambles. the DNA is garbage, lots of splinter groups are out there to split the vote. at the way we are going politically, economically, educationally etc. This place is fucking burning in a downward spiral, and too many people are too stupid to see economists screaming at this country. meh, this is the Bahamas LOL.

Posted 13 September 2016, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

Never thought I'll be saying this but Branville is a total jackass, he's twice a jackass if he thinks that the DNA holds at least 25% of voters support, he can totally see the DNA is a none factor in the next general election and doesn't even poses a threat to the unstable sinking ship fnm but this truly shows who the one holding the biggest arrogance is. Best of luck in the next general election and hope none of the dna candidate be a sitting member while the leader lurks outside and watches at home to see what's going on in Parliament.

Posted 13 September 2016, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Bran is an idiot if he thinks his little rinky dink party of unknowns stands a chance...

Posted 13 September 2016, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

What an ass clown. He is dripping with political immaturity.

Posted 13 September 2016, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

His thoughts are not fluid enough to understand the battlefield nor are they strong enough to be anything but a disappointment as a leader.

Posted 13 September 2016, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

arussell says...

Mr McCartney said FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis “is so full of himself and bad at politics”.........the pot calling the kettle black what a time

Posted 13 September 2016, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

this man has shown no reason to vote for him since 2012, if anything he has gotten worse. He cant win his own seat but wants to be the leader and have his way or to hell with anyone else. Go away Bran

Posted 13 September 2016, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

McCartney just enjoys being a spoiler which is the only thing that's keeping his party relevant. Sadly, it may be all that his party will ever be known for.

Posted 13 September 2016, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Politics is not a spectators sport. The object of the game is to get in it to win elections, not to sit up in your Village Road law offices, typing out ludicrous press releases calling for state sanctioned whippings be administrated to the backs citizens, by government hired per whipping, whippers. A thought abundantly clear to all who read but Bran's upstairs processor, was a bad idea.
Papa Hubert, like he did with Long Island's Loretta, handpicked Bran for winning the Bamboo Town House seat, and when Papa yanked his endorsement - Bran couldn't even beat Renward Wells?
Is Bran suggesting that Renward can run and win for prime minister?
Minnis, by the grace of the worst 'public' political move made by Bran, can now close the door permanently to any alliance or offer of a red membership to or with Bran or his DNA party?
It would be a major mistake for Minnis to allow the media to ever again press him with questions on any association with Bran or the DNA.. Door Closed!

Posted 13 September 2016, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Branville could have told the FNM, "get your house in order first, then we will talk about joining forces." but if all was well with the FNM they would not need to be seeking a coalition. And so that is the nature of politics. No door is ever completely shut, or at least not locked. But Branville did slam the door in the face of the FNM so now he have to live with it, at least for now. Things may change and they may still want to fight Election 2017 together:
*"A coalition is a pact or treaty among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience. A coalition thus differs from a more formal covenant. Possibly described as a joining of 'factions', usually those with overlapping interests rather than opposing."*

Posted 13 September 2016, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

My fellow respondents, BM is stating the obvious. Whether it make you mad or not- well everyone is entitled to their response. But from this it doesnt sound as if he was against 'joining' the FNM. It sounds as if it is the **nature of the stitching** that he and Mortimer opposed. Minnis seemed to require that the DNA disband and sink into the FNM as the FNM - with no trace of the DNA. Not as the FNDM or as the FDNA not even as the FNM running in 25 constituencies and the DNA running in the other 15. All are reasonable in a coalition. I am willing to bet that the DNA suggested the latter in order to be responsive to the 13% of Bahamians who voted for them in the last election. I wasn't in the 13% but I actually understand and respect that. BM wants to run the country and HM wants to run it. The fact that HM could not concede or negotiate on any level says a lot about his political skills and none good. He sees it purely as admitting defeat when he should and craft it differently- Forward, Upward, Onward, TOGETHER still works. Because I know the ratified young men who have jumped off the SS FNM in the past few weeks had ZERO cash to fund a campaign and were relying on the party, it is clear that the party is in financial trouble. Minnis is NOT a fundraiser and he has the personality of a paper cup on the campaign trail. I think he might have thought that the party got money from his Lyford constituents in the past because of him- But I am sorry to tell him, that was all HAI. And Minnis aint spending his money on anyone but him and LBT shouldn't spend another red cent on that party unless it is going straight to her own fight- especially since the FNM has not chastised Tennyson Wells for waging his personal campaign against her in LI. When you look at it- BM doesn't have anything to lose, but Minnis and the FNM, well that is another story. Is it me or is Minnis getting slimmer by the day? He is sporting a whole new makeover. But the problem is we need him responsive by showing a sound mind with some good ideas in it and a mouth that can respond when asked a question in a clear cogent manner, and you can't dress that up. "No Comment" is woefully inadequate at this stage.

Posted 13 September 2016, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I must agree with you. . .requiring the DNA to disband is. . .well you might say. . .a "Hadrian's Wall" for the DNA. . .their thirst for relevance is too great for disbandment. . .poor choice for requirement of coalition on the behalf of the FNM. . .that one will never fly. . .the DNA will not agree to that! Then on the other hand, the DNA wants 15 non-contested seats . . .they crazy aye. . .but both look to have dug their feet into the sand and not about to move! They must vote out BM and come to their senses. . .the nation needs non-swollen heads to prevail in this matter! I don't know if the DNA members een see that BM is no "speaker" himself. . .he has trouble to carry a thought in a hand basket. . .purely sound-bites person. . .his best bet. . .the nation's best bet is the coming together of the two groups.

Posted 14 September 2016, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade GreenTea, so, the next time someone offers you an olive branch, are you telling me me there's always an opportunity down the road - even if you pickup the sucker and throw it back in the person's face?
Bran is like Long Island's Loretta, Montagu'a Richard and Fort Charlotte's Dr. Andre, among the ungrateful of Minnis's, repeated political generosity.
Tell me, which one them ungrateful would have dared to toss the first, or tenth stone at Papa Hubert?
Loretta, sure as hell never tossed a single stone at Papa Hubert's, strong-arming his House Red MP's, over the sale of BTC.

Posted 13 September 2016, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

Minnis's generosity??? You got any more jokes?? He is not being generous, he knows that he CANNOT win if the DNA field candidates in all constituencies. He is only fighting for his OWN survival, not being generous by a long shot!!

Posted 14 September 2016, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

bookiedread says...

Once again Mr. McCartney is showing his political immaturity as he did when he left the FNM. It has to be his way or the highway. He is just a selfish man.

Posted 14 September 2016, 7:56 a.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

PLP FOREVER.........."GET USED TO IT!".......

Posted 14 September 2016, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Don't rejoice fella. . .check your history. . .that road is most likely to lead to blood shed against the government . . .members of the PLP already have to have plenty body guards around them. . .carry guns for protection. . .be careful what ya wish for there. . .ya just might get it!

Posted 14 September 2016, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

marrcus says...

Is it possible, in this world of twisted plots, that the PLP election fund has promised funds to the DNA election fund. We already know from past elections that the price to buy the Bahamas is $5M. Seems like throwing Bran $1M would be a good strategy.

Posted 14 September 2016, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

justthefactsplease says...

It is obvious that many of you who are commenting have not even read the article. How do you expect him to form a coalition when they want him to fold up his party? That is not a coalition, it is more like an amalgamation. In a coalition both groups come together for a common cause not one group absorbs the other to suit its cause.

Posted 14 September 2016, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I agreed with you above. . .I knew as soon as I heard what the FNM wanted the DNA to disband all has gone the way of the Dodo Bird. . .they don't expect the DNA to do that. . .and the DNA is outta they minds to ask for 15 seats. . .now them other DNA members all about on radio saying that they won't join up for no reason! What a bunch of "nailing they feets them to the ground" goings on for possible national leaders them!

They have made so much enemies by looking like they are just for they self and not the best interest of the nation . . .looking like a bunch of "sperl chirrins them" and not as sound thinking and balanced national leaders. . .they are turning plenty people off. . .making us doubling our effort behind the FNM and send the DNA packing. . .DROP THEM FOR THE SAKE OF OUR NATION NOT BEING UNDER THE PLP FOR ANOTHER FIVE YEARS!

Posted 14 September 2016, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

Wow, the Bahamas is finished if the PLP gets reelected. I can hear the Bahamian dictator dancing and singing in his shower, because he knows he will be the wealthiest Bahamian Prime Minister the Bahamas has ever had on the people's taxed funds. There is no chance in hell I'll ever do business in the Bahamas again if the Bahamian dictator get reelected; I can't afford any more extortion from them.

Posted 16 September 2016, 3:31 a.m. Suggest removal

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