THE New Providence pothole plague, the scourge of motorists throughout the island, continues to anger and frustrate residents with some “craters” in the road causing damage to cars.

The Tribune has been out and about, responding to complaints from readers, and photographing the terrible state of the roads, some of which have been left unfilled after corporation works.

One area highlighted - the junction of Cowpen Road and Maria Drive - where a huge hole had been left unfilled next to several potholes was fixed shortly after an article in The Tribune last week drew attention to it.

One resident of Breadfruit Street, Pinewood Gardens, complained that for the past few months, the Water and Sewerage Corporation has been doing work in the Pinewood area, which has forced residents to park on the main road and walk to their respective homes.

“I would appreciate if Water and Sewerage would do whatever they have to do at one time and stop continuously ‘re-digging’ the roads and the entire street needs to be stripped and repaved now,” the resident told The Tribune. “No government agency pays for brakes and shocks etc. We have to drive on this street every single day. The dust issue on that street is another story due to the continuous Water and Sewerage ‘re-digging’.

Other areas that have attracted complaints are Sisal Road, where it meets Blue Hill Road in Golden Isles, and in the Ridgeland area by East-West Highway. There it is not just potholes but unfinished road repairs. And not far from The Tribune’s office, a huge hole has been opening up for weeks at the junction of East Bay Street and Deveaux Street which forces drivers to manoeuvre around it.

The Tribune has been drawing attention to areas that are being neglected, or are unsightly, unhealthy and being ignored by the relevant authorities, whether they be potholes in the road, uncollected garbage or abandoned cars.

• Email to let us know your issues.


ashley14 says...

Does the government of the Bahamas not have a plan. It looks something like a yearly budget, with estimated amount of money coming in and putting so much out for road repairs, so much for education, and etc. It might be slow but that's how you accomplish something. That's why the people pay taxes. In what ever form the money is collected it's taxes. You can criticize the payroll taxes of the US, but look around and see what it has brought to it's citizens lives. Everything cost money and somebody has to pay for it.

Posted 13 September 2016, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

One sure sign of a PLP government. Potholes....

Posted 13 September 2016, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

LOL! .......Thank you my brother for making me laugh, because if I didn't laugh I would cry.

Posted 15 September 2016, 1:59 a.m. Suggest removal

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