Horse racing book is a winner with the Governor General


Tribune Staff Reporter

TWO YEARS of research into the historic importance of horse racing in the Bahamas received the seal of approval by Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling yesterday.

A collection of memories often shared by former hotelier Ivan James during everyday conversations and speaking engagements was recently compiled in a book - “The Life and Death of Hobby Horse Hall Race Track” - detailing nearly 200 years of the “forgotten horse racing culture” of the Bahamas.

Shortly after presenting a copy of the non-fiction publication to Dame Marguerite, the 78-year-old told The Tribune of how fate led him to pen the book back in 1999.

“Someone heard that I had scores of pictures of horse racing and asked to see some,” he said.

“My passion for the topic led me to fly to Miami to get some footage edited. On my way back to New Providence, on the flight (I decided) that I had to do more to document this forgotten part of the

country’s history and culture.

“I started in 1999, after nearly two years of research, I compiled so much information, some that I had forgotten over time and it all went into this book,” he added.

“When you look at it, the Hobby Horse Hall race track was the first sporting seat of the Bahamas - (there was) no Junkanoo, very little football and there was some cricket. This was an industry and it is interesting to know that most of our royal governors played an integral part in this industry.”

Mr James, the lead official of the Arawak Downs Race Course Company, a group dedicated to the revitalisation and re-establishment of horse racing in the Bahamas, said his presentation of a manuscript of the book to former Governor General Sir Orville Turnquest spurred the end product.

“That is what is interesting here.

“Horse racing was so important to our country; the story of our nation is almost predicated on the story of horse racing. If you are a history buff, a culture buff or a horse racing buff; this is a book for you,” he said.


banker says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 13 September 2016, 1 p.m.


ikalik's comments are, in my view, extreme and offensive. While you might have the right to free speech, prudence allows us to measure what we say. You have used words which do not belong here.

Posted 13 September 2016, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

Freedom of speech.....LOL! In the Bahamas women don't even have equal rights, so where is the freedom of speech? What ikalikl is feeling is being felt by thousands upon thousands of Bahamians, by Bahamian rappers who have no freedom of speech to express their feelings in a song, or buy a Bahamian artist who can't even express his feeling about the Prime Minister in a painting. So where is the freedom of speech....oh there it is, "This comment was removed by the staff for violation of usage agreement". Is this newspaper protecting the PLP group, look up Lynden Pindling in search on your computer and see and read for yourselves what he really did for the Bahamas. And don't be surprised if the word Corruption is used over one hundred times. Freedom of speech , what a bloody joke!

Posted 15 September 2016, 12:49 a.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

If there is one thing we have all learned about ikaliki is that he has a very limited and vulgar vocabulary. There are more acceptable ways to dipslay one' s opinions than to say F$%^ in each of his expressions. I would venture his next response is to tell me F$%^ you. I am somewhat surprised that his comments today were even printed.

Posted 13 September 2016, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

As a long time investor of the Bahamas, many business partners, friends and I can truly understand the frustration and anger commentator ikalki is feeling. The fact that Lynden Pindling had a chance to make the Bahamas a true paradise for it's people over 40 years ago, but basically chose to fulfill his own greed with the help of the Colombian drug cartels, it is obvious in everything you see around you today. And what's real sad is, that Perry Christie continues his legacy with no care in the world about his own people; Christie's hero and mentor is Pindling. High Crime, social decay, disrespect for each other, D- education system, people living in fear, homes with bars on doors and windows with razor wire fencing is what he left you, nothing more. So for me to see the government of the Bahamas (who I pay so many taxes too), pay Dame Pindling's ten years back taxes owed, given a new BMW, and appointed to a government position, well, that's a slap in the face to you and me. Because if it was you or I in the same position, you truly know with out a doubt, we would be jailed in a heart beat. And to top it off folks, the PLP Government basically steals $900M dollars from the investor of Baha Mar, by the way, did you people know there was an article on that in the Wall Street Journal, does your government realize how many investors read that paper? Listen, my days of investing in the Bahamas are over, I will not allow any government to tell me how to run my businesses or face jail time; that's beyond communistic. Cuba is our new Bahamas, my partners and I have already signed future business contracts with the Cuban Government, and word is in the business world that the investor who was robbed of his $900M dollars is already investing in Cuba's future. We have been reading and watching this Bahamian newspaper for 6 years now but never made a comment until today. And the reason for that is, that the people of the Bahamas have to forgive their drama with each other and unite ASAP! Because your enemy is not your neighbor, their suffering just as bad as you are. Your enemy is the PLP and any group that oppresses it's own people for personal gain like they do. I don't have the answer for you my friends, but the Bahamas has been very good to me and I wish it the best luck in the world; but it's time is running out. Thank you for all you've done for me Bahamas, I love you and it's people, and wish you the best of luck, maybe some day it will allow me to return.

Posted 14 September 2016, 1:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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