'Arson could be cause' of FNM community centre fire


Tribune Staff Report


FREE National Movement (FNM) Candidate for Nassau Village Halson Moultrie said yesterday that arson could be the cause of a fire that nearly “engulfed” the party’s community centre shortly before dawn on Thursday.

Mr Moultrie said thanks to the quick responses of neighbours, who called the fire department, residents of the Action Upholstery Complex on Taylor Street were evacuated “without incident or injury”.

"The cause of the fire is unknown but firefighters and the police are suspicious after discovering forced entry into the building and suspect arson as they were able to identify multiple origins of fire that had not completely merged," Mr Moultrie said.

"Firefighters had difficulty accessing parts of the complex and the fire was extinguished at approximately 10am. It has not been determined whether the property had working smoke alarms or a fire sprinkler system at the time of the fire.

"Miraculously, with the building being significantly damaged by the fire, our FNM Community Centre had a Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego experience. Aside from minor damages resulting from smoke and water there were no significant damages to our Community Centre.

"A cleanup and assessment exercise to determine whether the Centre should be relocated will commence at 12 noon on Saturday and all supporters and concerned persons are invited to contribute and assist."

Mr Moultrie thanked the residents of Nassau Village "who showed up, expressed concerns and gave assistance to persons who were left without a home following the fire".

"I would also like to thank the Fire Department for the quick response and professional handling of the incident and the police for their ongoing investigations in their efforts to bring the culprits to justice," he said.

"We wish to assure our supporters and potential supporters that our campaign will not be deterred and has, in fact, been fired up and energised by this turn of events."


paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Sounds like amateur arson, or a warning from a practiced arsonist.

The fire flashed but did no major damage? Sounds like an accelerant was used albeit sparingly, doesn't it?

Now who would do a thing like that?

Posted 16 September 2016, 8:58 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

the PLP, that's who!

Posted 16 September 2016, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

*.Aside from minor damages resulting from smoke and water there were no significant damages to our Community Centre"*

If the mentioned building is the one seen in the photo above, then the building surely looks significantly damaged to me!

Posted 17 September 2016, 6:55 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Maybe someone broke into the building for somewhere to sleep. (Or smoke) And they lit fires to chase off mosquitoes. Speaking of mosquitoes do you know that many persons are reporting they are seeing more mosquitoes and getting bitten more frequently since the extra fogging was started? Is the fogging driving the mosquitoes indoors rather than killing them? Is the attempt to eliminate mosquitoes completely the right approach to fight ZIKA? In Florida they have just purchased machines that can shoot insecticide EIGHTY FEET into the air with hopes of eliminitating the mosquitoes that carry the virus.. Is this a good thing to do? What environmental damage is being done? What other insects like bees will be wiped out? Remember deformed babies only stated being born in Brazil after that country used airplanes for years and years to spray for mosquitoes.

Posted 17 September 2016, 7:22 a.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

I lived in Fla as a child and even back then they drove thru the neighborhood's with big sprayer trucks, spraying for mosquitos. Being kids, we would run behind the trucks in the spray on purpose. No one ever told us to stop it, but it never hurt us. Or maybe it did. Lot's of people think I'm crazy. Even without Zika, Fla. has always sprayed.

Posted 17 September 2016, 8:36 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

"Mosquito Facts: How and Why a Mosquito Bites You - Mercola
Aug 8, 2015 - Mosquito larvae are a popular snack for fish and other aquatic creatures while adult mosquitoes provide food for birds, bats, and spiders. Male mosquitoes don't bite humans, but rather feed off flower nectar. Female mosquitoes are the ones that require meals of blood in order to develop and lay eggs.

Posted 17 September 2016, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

theplpsucks says...

we all know who did it. I hope the police do their job

Posted 17 September 2016, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

That dilapidated building is nothing but an eye-sore. Is it really a community centre? Bey that looks like trash and is not representative of what a community centre aught to present.

Posted 17 September 2016, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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