Rollins ‘would run against Loretta’


Tribune Staff Reporter

LONG Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner could face an independent challenge by Fort Charlotte MP Andre Rollins if voters on the island urge him to do so, the controversial politician said yesterday.

His threat came hours before the Free National Movement (FNM) announced it had ratified Mrs Butler-Turner as its standard-bearer for the constituency in the next general election.

Dr Rollins made his comments while appearing as a guest on the Ed Fields Live talk show, with host Rogan Smith and co-host Tosheena Robinson-Blair.

Speaking to Mrs Butler-Turner’s representation in her constituency, Dr Rollins claimed that voters in Long Island are at their wits’ end with the MP.

He also insisted that if Dr Minnis stays true to his words, and allows the voters in Long Island to have their say, they would opt for new representation.

“It would not be Loretta Butler-Turner that the people of Long Island are calling for, they will be calling for someone else,” Dr Rollins said. “I know Long Island is deep south, and the journalists don’t get a chance to go on the ground in Long Island. But you allow the journalist to go on the ground in Long Island and find out if they feel a connection to Loretta Butler-Turner.

“I am saying that not out of any personal animosity towards her, I am just letting you know (what) the feelings of the people I am interacting with in Long Island are. And the reality is that they are not asking the party to return her to Long Island. And I think that if you really wanted to know what is going on down there, you shouldn’t take second hand information, you go for yourself and find out what they are saying,” he added.

On Thursday, The Tribune reported that Dr Minnis and party executives were expected to endorse Mrs Butler-Turner next week during a town meeting in Long Island.

However some on the island have said they do not want her as their candidate.

Earlier this month, former Cabinet minister Tennyson Wells told The Tribune that he instructed a group of voters in Long Island to draft a petition for Mrs Butler-Turner’s removal if they truly wanted another candidate.

Mr Wells said this group approached him for counsel during the most recent regatta on the island where he advised them that the most effective way to get the party’s attention was to gather as many signatures as possible to prove that she is no longer supported.

Yesterday, Dr Rollins said if the voices of voters are ignored, and Mrs Butler-Turner is installed as the candidate, he would not be afraid to launch an independent bid.

“The voters of Long Island, ultimately, I expect will have an opportunity, maybe as soon as next week to be heard as far as what they would like to happen as far as the FNM. If their voices are ignored, if they are not given the opportunity to be heard, then the discussion will open it to something larger,” he stated.

“Whether having been ignored, if that happens, whether they would wish to exercise their choice in what will amount to a form of primary where they will chose their preferred candidate in a general election who may happen to be an independent, who would yield to their direction by joining the party that they support as they enter the House of Assembly,” added the Fort Charlotte MP.

“If the people of Long Island instruct me that that is what they want, then I will of course yield to their instructions. But I doubt that they will ask me to remain independent. Ultimately the people of Long Island are Free National Movement supporters in the main. There are many who believe Long Island has been ignored. That it has received nothing but empty promises and they believe that Long Island is long over-due for the attention that it has lacked since the first FNM administration, 1992-1997.

“I can assure you, for people who know that I am a bold politician, I am not afraid to embark on this particular journey. Let there be no mistake. I am not afraid to embark on this journey, but if the Free National Movement ignores the voices of the people in Long Island, they do so at their own peril.

“If they are ignored and they tell me that they want me to give them another option, I will march to their tune and I will put myself in position to allow them to use me as a vessel to affect the kind of change to ensure that Long Island (is not) ignored and that it takes its rightful place in the political establishment in this country.”

It has been speculated for months that Dr Rollins was shoring up support in Long Island for a potential election bid there.

In February, The Tribune reported that Dr Rollins was seen on the island “making rounds in an attempt to garner the support of the party,” according to sources.

Dr Rollins has previously said he would not seek a nomination from the FNM after Dr Minnis retained his leadership post at the party’s convention in July. However on Monday, he changed his tune, saying on Ed Fields Live that he would consider a nomination from the party if offered one by Dr Minnis.


theplpsucks says...

First he says he is leaving the FNM because of Minnis then he says he will run on the FNM ticket if they ask him now he says He will run against Loretta in Long Island because according to him the people are tired of her. I think this man is bi-polar.

Posted 16 September 2016, 11:40 a.m. Suggest removal

CMon_Man says...

Appear to be bright but clearly the elevator ain't going to the top floor.

Posted 16 September 2016, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

200 disgruntled persons cannot win Doc Rollins a seat .......... he better seek a seat in Eleuthera

Posted 16 September 2016, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Who cares? He is worthless MP in Nassau and now thinks that Long Islanders of all people are stupid and desperate. Every two days he is making a statement that contradicts the one before. He is clearly unstable.

Posted 16 September 2016, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Just from looking at his perfect teeth and particularly knowing that he was not knocked down and out from that slap delivered to side he head - that we can dismiss outright that there wasn’t a concussion suffered? Fact is that even ‘Tennyson’ may want to admit how time and time again, Dr. Andre's logical political decision-making process had to have been altered? How slightly or much, I don’t know but it might not be a bad idea, if Long Islanders asked Tennyson to purchased one them medical machines from Radio Shack, to at least have the potential ‘Tennyson Standard-bearer' to undergo a some kinds Brain examination?
Admittedly, Dr. Andre has acknowledged publicly on live talk radio that, that slap was a 'life-altering' experince for him?
One can only wonder if 'Tennyson' being the true promoter he is, hidden motivation is no more than to promote a 'Slap Rematch?' The 2017 Rumble In Salt Pond?
Comrades! You just couldn't possibly make this kinds 'Tennyson's Rubbing Salt Deep In Old Wounds' stuff up!

Posted 16 September 2016, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

So now Rollins and Tennyson are teaming up?


Good luck Rollins...

Posted 16 September 2016, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

Rollins is only loyal to the interests of Rollins.. As such, he is unsuited to represent anybody but himself. LI people vote emotion at times, so who knows.. Regardless, there is nothing he or Butler-Turner can do for LI as once you move south from Exuma, you are behind Gid's back. That part of the country is doomed to everlasting distress..

Posted 16 September 2016, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I hope you reflect your pseudo-name and are speaking for Greece ........ this country would have been doomed without the education, work ethic, business acumen, patriotism and creative genius of Long Islanders ........ we do not sit down and wait for welfare and hand-outs from government like 80% of other Bahamians ......... that is why we are mis-understood

Posted 16 September 2016, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Millennial242 says...

I am your newest fan! @sheeprunner12. :)

Posted 16 September 2016, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

I like his "wild cat" ways. . .different than "the run-of-the-mill" evasive talking politician in the bbahamas! He just need to learn how to chill every time a mic is "pushed" into his face. . .

Posted 16 September 2016, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Rollins is a "dilly" that overripe on the tree but no one picked it, and it did not fall to the ground

Posted 16 September 2016, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Baha10 says...

This Guy scares me and I reckon I am not alone!

Posted 16 September 2016, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

No this man is not bi polar, this man has more balls than 300,000 Bahamians put together. Would you go up against the Sicilian mafia, would you say in the media how corrupted they are and still be alive the next day as he is going up against the PLP mafia? You see it as a weakness, I see it as brave man willing to dry for what's right for his people; do you see the difference? Anyone who goes up against the PLP mafia to better the lives of the Bahamian people is a Bahamian hero warrior in my f&$%@#g eyes; now I'm f%$^&#g pissed! You PLP bastards sent to write these negative comments on web sites like these don't fool a single Bahamian, you have been stealing from them for decades. Bahamians start backing anyone who is against your oppressors and your lives will get thousand times better, greed is the only god the PLP worships.

Posted 16 September 2016, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I agree with you. I think Rollins has been mischaracterized. He's actually exhibiting what we say we want to see, independent thinking. and he's getting attacked for it.

Posted 18 September 2016, 12:09 a.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

Damn it, I told Paul Vincent Zecchino his would be my last comment, and I am a man of my word, but the Bahamas is very important and dear to me; it's worthy of a broken promise. So hopefully this will be my last comment because we have our own problems, it's called Trump and a can't spare a minute. I want to share something with my Bahamian friends, I have the most reliable street cense in the world, it has made me wealthy and saved me from life threating situations; I trust it with my life, we all have it, you just need to find it. I feel Bahamian warrior Rollins's youth and ideas backed up by his ass kicking attitude, that no one dare try bullshiting him, will be a great leader. And believe it or not, I feel L.B.Turner should be his right hand man, in this case woman. The PLP media has said she never fulfilled her promises to the people, how could she if they control the people's taxed funds they've deposited in their own personal bank accounts? She also has the warrior like attitude your country needs. Imagine telling this woman you do want to do what the Bahamian people want her to do for them; she's knock the hell out of any will deserved jackass use to PLP orders. And here's the big surprise folks, Dr. Minnis should be third in command, he has the experience and also the warrior like attitude. But he needs to be contended for his know good because he's been hanging around the PLP for way to long; the good people of the Bahamas have to detox him from PLP poisoning first. The rest are all wanta be's, my golden retriever is smarter than all of them put together; by the way,I taught him to bring me a beer from the refrigerator in 2 weeks time, now that's a smart dog. You people are smart, don't let anyone tell you your not, you don't need me to tell you what to do, do what your body tells you you should do, it's never wrong trust me. This inner feeling was giving to us by God himself, it's called a soul, you know it's there, you just have to learn how to trust it; it took me a very long time before I found it. I love you people, wish you the best, and hope to see you soon when you have won against your oppressors the PLP mafia and their heartless evil dictator, Perry "Biriestrachan" Christie.; thank you.

Posted 18 September 2016, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Lol. . .that explain why Birdie acts like half of his Brain was left at home and the other half being used is in "PARKED". . .hahahahahahahahaha!

Posted 19 September 2016, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

I'm so f&^&$@g pissed I misspelled DIE, not dry, and forgot an A between the AS and the BRAVE; sue me, I have three ruthless Hebert NYC lawyers I call the three wise men....LOL!

Posted 16 September 2016, 11:21 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

And while were at it, TalRussell, I like you, I see the good side of you that other don't. But I promise you if you call me Comrade, I will spend every penny I have to find out your Identity; I already know who Birdieshrach is. I was born to a Sicilian father who met a beautiful Cuban woman who worked as a cigarette girl who was sent to run the casino's in Cuba for my uncle in the 40's; don't f^%$k with me.

Posted 16 September 2016, 11:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

Sheeprunner12 seems I touched a nerve.. My comments are nothing personal toward LI people or for that matter the other inhabitants of MICAL. It's just reality that the SE Bahamas is the dead zone.. Blame all the previous governments who were either intellectually bankrupt or just don't care about all of you..

Posted 17 September 2016, 4:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...

Thank you Publius! I always say that this man is an opportunist. He is not stable in his thinking and he is a horrible representative. Please tell me what has this man done for his constituents other than run his juicy mouth. At least you see people like LB physically working or raising funds for her people. But this man sucks! I hope he is good at dentistry, 'cause he sure ain't gat nothing else to offer in the field of public leadership. Sickened and ThisisOurs are too easily sold by these loud politicians. Rollins actions surely suits the old adage, about the empty barrel that makes a lot of noise. And unfortunately, a large percentage of voters, just sucks up this noise and call it good representation. SMT!

Posted 17 September 2016, 7:10 a.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

while Long Islanders have LONG been neglected by successive governments, they are a resilient people who stick together and help each other out of every adversity. They are not ignorant people who are rabble roused to vote for a candidate by bribes and parties around election time. They will elect the person they feel is the best candidate for them, and Rollins/Tennyson Wells will not be one of them. Long Island has elected an independent candidate before, in the person of Larry Cartwright, after they tired of the same old bogus promises of Jimmy Knowles, and it could very well be that Ian Knowles, as an independent will be the front runner. The only problem with this is that Independent candidates have little effect in parliament, and no matter how good their intentions, usually are not able to accomplish much unless they join up with the governing party. Nonetheless, they will elect the person they feel is best suited for the job. They are still feeling the sting of pain left by hurricane Joaquin, and this fact, could also place the PLP out of the picture, leaving only Mrs. Butler-Turner, and Mr. Knowles (should he decide to run), as the viable candidates.

Posted 17 September 2016, 7:24 a.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

God help the good people of the Bahamas if they believe the bull$hit comments these PLP commentators here are sent to deliver by their Bahamian dictator Perry "Birdiestrachan" Christie. They work for the devil himself, their terrified you will believe the truth and not them. Would you believe a word Satan says to you, he is the greatest liar the world has ever known.

Posted 17 September 2016, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

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