Gray defends Potter’s Cay $9m project


Tribune Staff Reporter

AGRICULTURE Minister V Alfred Gray yesterday continued his defence of the Potter’s Cay redevelopment plans, contending that the $9m proposed for the scope of works to be carried out by his ministry will guarantee Bahamians “the very best at the absolute lowest cost”.

Responding to questions on the finalisation of the proposals put forward by his ministry to Cabinet, the MICAL MP argued that a lack of clarification over the plans has led the public to a state of confusion over the entire project.

Mr Gray said his office will hold a press conference later this week, where he and other officials will present the full scope of plans already presented to the Cabinet. He said once this occurs, the public will get an “appreciation” of what the Christie administration is trying to do at the site.

He stated: “I think people continue to say stalls because it is a short form for the rebuilding of the food and vendors stalls, the fruit and vendors stalls; it is a redevelopment of the whole of Potter’s Cay - the bathroom areas, the administration block.

“So it is not just stalls and I am having a press conference later this week to show the plans to the public so that they will get an appreciation for what we are trying to do there.

“But, it is going to be a marvelous development. (We know) that whenever you do anything good, people will criticised. So we are not concerned about the criticism because the Bahamian people deserve the best.”

Last year, the government announced that the redevelopment of the area was expected to cost around $3.1 million. It was presented as a joint effort between the Ministries of Works, Agriculture and Transport and Aviation.

Then, last week, Mr Gray indicated that the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources will oversee a proposed $9 million project involving the fish and food vendors and the stalls - in addition to the original scope of work pegged at $3.1 million.

A statement from Bahamas Information Services later said the Ministry of Transport and Aviation has oversight of the scope of works now underway at Potter’s Cay. This scope includes the construction of the boardwalk, the sidewalks, the landscaping, the parking lot, the road works, the fencing and a new cargo holding building. This aspect of the project is estimated to cost about $3.1 million.

The statement said the Ministry of Agriculture had a separate scope of works, which includes vendor stalls and commercial aspects.

However, this led to staunch criticism from opposition factions, with finance representatives from both the Free National Movement (FNM) and Democratic National Alliance (DNA) raising questions over how the cost went from $3.1 million to $12 million.

Earlier this week, FNM Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest condemned the Christie administration for the “mind-boggling and incredibly unsatisfactory” nature of the three-phased project.

Mr Turnquest also questioned the long-term affect the new costs could have on the 2016/2017 budget and national debt.

Meanwhile, DNA finance spokesperson Youri Kemp said he was startled by the new price tag because no report issued to date, considered the needed repairs to the dock portion of the site.

Responding directly to these assertions, Mr Gray insinuated that both Mr Turnquest and Mr Kemp were attempting to unnecessarily politicise the issues at Potter’s Cay.

He further claimed that the matter was being used as a political football only because it is being advanced by the PLP.

“When the FNM spent $250,000 on a bathroom, one ladies’ and men’s bathroom on West Bay Street, you heard the outcry? It was so silent, it was deafening,” stated Mr Gray.

“(That was) $250,000 on one bathroom. Each stall may cost about $45,000-$50,000 - compare a bathroom to a restaurant or a stall. But you know, it seems to be about who is doing it,” he said.


theplpsucks says...

only PLP supporters will believe this costs $9 million. The rest of us know better. PLP talk about the FNM spending money. what a joke!

Posted 21 September 2016, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

PLP supporters won't complain because they get a piece of the 9 million

Posted 21 September 2016, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Ridiculous, how about not launching a project before you have a reasonable idea of the cost. A 300% increase in the budget is to reasonable and the height of irresponsibility.

Nobody cares about some "marvelous" development if it puts us in the poor house! Bahamar was another "marvelous" development that has us on the brink of junk status. I wonder if these cabinet ministers have ears.....Moody's told them to stop spending and to stop publishing misleading economic outlook reports

Posted 21 September 2016, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

thephoenix562 says...

A $40-50,000 vendor stall. One stall well kiss my leg.Mussee gat cable Tv ,Internet and come with its own furniture.

Posted 21 September 2016, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I sure hope Gray re-nominates for MICAL and gets a good cut-ass........ or maybe it will be a split seat by then

Posted 21 September 2016, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscool says...

The negro Groucho Marx has gone crazy again! .With his outrageous numbers.

Posted 21 September 2016, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

YesiJed says...

$50,000.00 and they charging $100 a month rent to the Stall Owners. When will the Bahamian People recoup their money ???

Posted 21 September 2016, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

It's called plp maths triple mutification

Posted 21 September 2016, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This man shown in the article is a criminal in a coat suit ............ that is the bottom-line

Posted 21 September 2016, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

With a little fairness, not so long ago a bunch of experts, Doctors, Surgeons etc sat under a tent by the Shirley St side of old PMH and clapped hands and listened to speeches with the govt on getting approval of some 65 million dollar loan in one day to build a new section of PMH. The new section is to house some 20 theatres state of the art in the Caribbean. Well guess what? all dem big time Doctors and experts did not ask where was the money to buy the equipment to fill those theatres. Of course you need equipment to do surgery and today there are some 500 persons awaiting surgery. The roadworks started out at 119 million and closed out at double. Well while it must have been those same govt budget people involved again. Third time now Potters Cay and the matter of security needs to be addressed as this is an area where the American sailor was murdered, the web shop employee was murdered, persons murdered, persons driving off Potters Cay, boat with undeclared goods, abandoned hotel on Okra Hill, suspected illegals, numerous crimes etc and easy access for persons to jump onto or get off of any boat from the unsecured perimeters etcetc ot to mention the many exit points or short cuts from Fowler st, Balls Alley, William St, hidden secret road immediate wwest if Ministry Fisheries and 40 ft containers, Okra Hill, Mackey St, and two others including the one York? (and Ernest leading to more exits) the prisoner jumped through the prison bus and escaped. The area must be secured as all the area is visited by Paradise Island US visitors and other guests. To secure the area from pimps, pushers, pick pockets and prostitutes money needs to be spent. Businesses along Bay st who were allowed to open business and no or little parking and whose staff use the free parking along the water must now be charged for the public expense of providing parking on what was first designated Green Space now asphalted over. The Minister should blame the same budget guys for this overage again and this third time they should be fired and the Sandals employees given their jobs.

Posted 21 September 2016, 9:23 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

Does all of this mean that there will be no need to urinate overboard behind the stalls? Wonderful.
I give any toilet facilities on Potters Cay Dock one week before they will be unusable.

Posted 21 September 2016, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Das your spot huh? Beer does that to you after about 2 hrs. So what do you do when you hav to do # 2 ? Aren't you scared of fallin over ?

Posted 22 September 2016, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

When #2 ready, it is time to go home or find some bush. But I agree that unless there is a team of custodians to keep the toilets working 24 hours a day, they will be inoperable very shortly.

Posted 22 September 2016, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

This crooked SOB Gray needs to be strung up by his ..............!

Posted 21 September 2016, 10:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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