McCartney draws confidence from DNA's emphasis on youth


Tribune Chief Reporter

DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney on Friday brushed off the "haters" as he defended the party's convention against claims of low attendance.

Mr McCartney said he and his team were "pumped" by the number of people who attended the first night of the two-day event, supporting one member's estimate that some 650 persons were drawn to the ballroom at the Super Club Breezes resort on Thursday evening.

He pointed out that despite the convention's late start, the ballroom and foyer were filled to standing room capacity.

"I'm very excited, it's very encouraging," Mr McCartney said. "From the delegates in the early sessions to the persons last night who attended. We're very excited, very pumped as a result of that. It's laying the foundation for us moving into the general election."

He added: "I saw some. Of course we have some persons on Facebook saying otherwise, but I'm extremely happy."

On Thursday, all of the party’s leadership team was successfully returned to office without challenge.

Mr McCartney, who has been unchallenged as leader since the party was formed in 2011, said it was clear that its members were happy with his leadership.

The party made several changes to its constitution during Friday's sessions. Most notable were amendments to strengthen the provision for term limits and another to make it mandatory for each constituency to have a Young Democrat delegate.

The latter initiative, according to Mr McCartney, elevated the status of younger members and spoke to the party's commitment to fully engage the youth in national development.

Acknowledging the sizeable number of young persons that made up the party, he said: "We have a very young party, I'm probably in the old set so to speak.

"We do have senior persons in the party but for the most part the party is made up of young people. They are on the executive, they have high ranking positions in the congress. The Young Democrats, they've been very significant in bringing policies."

A motion was also raised for the creation of a recall system of non-performing party officers, an internal policy that will likely shape the party's plans to implement a similar procedure for non-performing parliamentarians if elected to government.


marrcus says...

Its going to be a long slow grind, but DNA will overtake the FNM.
Regardless, by splitting the vote, neither will ever come to power again.
PLP forever, get used to it.
Hey KB...... how is that for a song title?
"PLP forever, get used to it."

Posted 1 October 2016, 9:15 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Bran has not convinced the youth that he is a change agent ....... nor has HAM ...... the PLP will throw a good $100 million party next year and may even win the U30 vote with gifts.............. but millennials are not drawn to vote like their parents ......... this may be an 80% voter turnout election due to despondency........... and the PLP always wins the over-60 vote

Posted 1 October 2016, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

Ambition is a cruel master.

Posted 1 October 2016, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

VDSheep says...

Mr. Branville McCartney – as I mentioned to you some time ago – send your candidates into the forty-five or so constituencies now! They can get to know the people on an individual basis; they can work to gain the confidence of the people. Not six weeks before the next election. You got a good showing the last time - now you need to get members elected! The DNA has to work for it. I believe; if each DNA candidate start working in their consistencies from now – when the election is called you will get at least 15 members in parliament. I hope the FNM will get about the same as will the PLP. It looks like – at least a collation government; this next time around. Do it man!

Posted 1 October 2016, 9:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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