Election date in early May


Deputy Chief Reporter


AS PRIME Minister Perry Christie last night described the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) election campaign as a “short sprint” with a “big battle ahead,” a timeline of the “first week or the second week of May” was revealed as when the electorate could expect to head to the polls.

Before a raucous crowd of party supporters last night at the T G Glover Primary School, Bain and Grants Town MP Dr Bernard Nottage, who also has responsibility for elections and referenda, said he was certain that the party under Mr Christie’s leadership would return to the helm of government in the first half of May.

An energetic and “confident” Mr Christie further revealed that Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis will “ring the bell” signaling the end of voter registration and the full swing of campaign season.

“I say without a fear of contradiction that this is the best political party in the nation, in the region (and) in the world,” Dr Nottage said. “And when the first week or the second week of May comes, this party under the leadership of Bernadette’s husband (Mr Christie) is going to return to the government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.”

The revelations came during the PLP’s joint constituency meeting for Bain and Grants Town, Killarney, Mount Moriah and Fort Charlotte where Dr Nottage, realtor Reneika Knowles, former Attorney General Alfred Sears and attorney Arnold Forbes respectively are contesting the constituencies.

As he spoke to supporters, Mr Christie made a strong push for Bahamians to register to vote, while painting his party as an organisation that is unified and led by an incumbent with strong leadership characteristics.

He said: “I can begin by saying there is no stopping us now. My brothers and sisters, I have given fair warning to the country. Next week the House of Assembly will be dissolved and the bell would have rung. Remember now, don’t look for Brave Davis to come up here tonight and ring the bell, but very, very soon Brave Davis will ring the bell and when the bell is rung you had better be ready. There will be no more time to register. So if you have not registered yet, please go out this week and get registered.

“Listen, make sure your friends and your neighbours who are going to support the PLP, make sure they are registered. Those of you who are campaigning, this is the time to be resolute in your commitment to ensure that our supporters are registered.

“Listen now, we have a short sprint and I’m using the word sprint, this ain’t no long distance race, but a big battle is ahead. “We need all hands on deck. You hear what I am saying? We need to have all hands on deck. So I stand here tonight, filled with confidence about our country’s future. I know how much work we have done. I know we have more work left to be done. But I also know that we have come a long way, but we have put in place a strong foundation so that we can grow and reach more Bahamians,” Mr Christie said.

“This is the team for this country. These are the members of Parliament for this country. The confidence that I have comes from the strength of the team that we have.

“I think we can all agree the Progressive Liberal Party is the only party strong enough and united enough to take this country forward. And there is a lot of stake in this election too. That is always true of every election, but it is particularly true now in a world that is changing rapidly,” he continued.

“We know how to chart our course forward true to our Bahamian values.

“The difference between us and the others is, not only are we strong and united, but we have the vision and the ideas. We have the intestinal fortitude, in other words we have the strength to take the country forward. So therefore I am asking you to fight along side our candidates all of you who are here this evening.”

He added: “It is going to be very important that you just not come out to rallies, that you come out to cheer, come out to listen to the music, but that you make yourself available to walk with our candidates, to fight with our candidates.”

On Monday, Mr Christie said he is not “confused” about when the election will be called, however a specific date has not been announced.

He revealed on Sunday night that Parliament will be dissolved on Tuesday, April 11, and election writs will be issued that day.

In a statement from the Office of the Prime Minister, Mr Christie implored those who have not yet registered to vote in the next election to do so quickly, because April 10 is the deadline.

According to the Parliamentary Elections Act, an election must be held 21 to 30 days after election writs are issued.


MonkeeDoo says...


Anyone find da Vat Money Call Crimestoppers ta get ya pin

Posted 5 April 2017, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

CuriousAbaconian says...

“I say without a fear of contradiction that this is the best political party in the nation, in the region (and) in the world,” Dr Nottage said.

Well, I've heard it all now. Ring the damn bell and let's vote these lyin', tiefin' clowns out!

Posted 5 April 2017, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

BoopaDoop says...

"in the world". This man is either on some serious drugs or has lost his mind.

Posted 5 April 2017, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Who else is getting the feeling that the PLP seems to have panicked and are now packing up and running away? Even their rallies seem to be "ho hum". And lacking enthusiasm and a fighting spirit much less a winning one. Do the (PLP) know something the rest of the Bahama's does not yet know or do they see the handwriting of defeat clearly written on the wall?

Posted 5 April 2017, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Notice the supporters talking and texting on their phones and the officials chatting in the background while their esteemed leader is speaking?

Posted 5 April 2017, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

You are right there are only two persons seem to be listening to him and one of them has a scowl on his face

Posted 5 April 2017, 4:46 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I would call the Prime Minister a sack of crap, but he is lower than that. A sack of crap can be used to fertilise plants.

Posted 5 April 2017, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Emac says...


Posted 5 April 2017, 1:13 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

So we knew on Sunday that the House is to be dissolved and election writs issued on 11th April and, as "according to the Parliamentary Elections Act, an election must be held 21 to 30 days after election writs are issued", it goes to follow that the election MUST be held either first or second week of May. This is not a new revelation. Why does he not just spit out the date? Or is he losing track of what he has already said on the podium? He is sounding more and more confuddled daily.

Posted 5 April 2017, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

There is NO reason for a Prime Minister to have this amount ow power in a democracy ........ Our Constitution needs to be torn up and thrown away ......... HINT, HINT ......... Reform??????

Posted 5 April 2017, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

I heard the PM called a lot of things but "confuddled" is a new one on me. I think after the middle of May we will not be calling him the PM any longer!

Posted 5 April 2017, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

For those who don't like him, this will be the last general election for Perry Christie, whether he wins or loses. Come next election he will be close to 80, so will Bradley Roberts, Bernard Nottage and several others in Both major parties. So Perry Gladstone Christie will either retire as Prime Minister of the Bahamas or the defeated prime minister. Of the other two prime ministers, Sir Lyndon Pindling and Hon. Huber Ingraham, both were voted out of office before retiring.

Posted 5 April 2017, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Haven't you heard of Robert Mugabe, Perry's kindred spirit? He is well into his nineties.

Posted 5 April 2017, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...


Posted 5 April 2017, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...


Posted 6 April 2017, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Minnis has failed to articulate even one major policy initative he would undertake to try and turn things around for the Bahamas. Specifically, he has made no compelling mention or commitments whatsoever regarding:

1) The holding of a Royal Commission of Enquiry to investigate even one of the many egregious instances of corruption, fraud and outright theft that has occurred during the last five years;

2) The passing of meaningful and enforceable freedom of information legislation with few exceptions or loop holes for the government and politicians of the day;

3) Legislative amendments to close financial disclosure loop holes and introduce enforceable penalties of substance for MPs and Senators who fail to comply with their financial disclosure requirements;

4) The establishment by legislation of a formal Office for a truly Independent Director of Prosecutions in order to once and for all end the government's ability to wrongfully interfere with the judiciary through its de facto executive (PM) control of the Office of the Attorney General;

5) The wholesale repeal of the gaming web shop legislation;

6) New legislation to establish a National Lottery, the profits from which would be earmarked solely for the purpose of contributing to the financial needs of our public education system;

7) Tightening of legislation to give the Office of the Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee the biting teeth they need to discharge their important duties in the way intended and expected; and

8) New campaign finance reform legislation to avoid the will of Bahamian voters being thwarted by large amounts of 'tainted' money directed at politicians by the likes of Sebas Bastian, Craig Flowers, Peter Nygard, Christie's Red China friends, and so on.

A passionate stance by Minnis and the FNM on implementing just these eight major initiatives alone would go a long ways towards putting the Bahamas on the right road for its future and the betterment of the Bahamian people. But "No", Minnis has made no meaningful or passionate commitment to us on any of these most important matters. Minnis instead prefers to ramble on and on ad nauseum about how the Christie-led PLP government has failed the Bahamian people. It's as if Minnis and the FNM believe they need not commit to anything on our behalf. That just can't be right and should give each voter serious pause for thought!

Posted 5 April 2017, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

No where was you hiding all that good sense all this time? Forget ya hate for doc and gee him hell by good common sense suggestions like this. . .I LIKE!

I want to hear their positions on ya points as well. . . serious consideration of these points can create a true paradigm shift for national redevelopment!

Posted 5 April 2017, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

He's a PLP in disguise.

He tries to cover his motives.......... but every once in a while he mistakenly reveals his gold and blue.

Posted 5 April 2017, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

It's always too easy to criticize like Minnis has done throughout his political career todate, but what we need now more than ever is a constructive sense of what it will take to fix what is hurting our country most these days.

Posted 5 April 2017, 7:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

@Cobalt: I have been a close follower of Mudda's comments for quite sometime and suspect you are wrong in labelling him as you have done here. Like so many of us these days, Mudda seems to be a frustrated Bahamian who is very concerned about the future of our country. Both his more insightful comments and his more angry observations typically cut across political party lines. He seems to be an 'equal opportunity' critic and cynic. In other words, he appears only too willing to throw a stone to make his point without care about the political persuasion of who it hits. Perhaps he's still an undecided voter, assuming he's Bahamian and has registered to vote.

Posted 6 April 2017, 3:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Interesting that you've assumed I'm a man and not a woman.

Posted 6 April 2017, 4:28 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

I am assuming that you are White, and either here on a work permit or are a long-term transplant.

Posted 6 April 2017, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

mudda sic is a dna operative. don't buy the bull. read his/her comments carefully, they are mostly anti plp/fnm with an occasional soft ball launched at the dna to throw us off

Posted 6 April 2017, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Or green?

Posted 6 April 2017, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

If yall een hear what Doc will do .............. you just refusing to listen ........or GO read ourfnm.org

Posted 5 April 2017, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

No-one is checking for you Perry. Our collective middle finger is pointing at YOU!!!

Posted 6 April 2017, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...


Posted 6 April 2017, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

Double ditto

Posted 6 April 2017, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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