Former FNM Leader calls for donations at rally


Tribune Staff Reporter

IN WHAT could be described as a "state of the party" address, former Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Tommy Turnquest on Thursday night urged party supporters to give "at least one dollar" to either their respective constituency candidate or the party's national office to help fund its electoral campaign, claiming that the party could not match "PLP money".

Stopping short of details on how much the FNM has spent in the build-up to next month's general elections, the former Mount Moriah MP said the party could not match the vast amount being poured into campaigning by the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) even if it wanted to.

"We can't match the PLP money. We are not trying to match the PLP money," Mr Turnquest said frankly, leading the massive crowd gathered at the R M Bailey park to bicker among themselves.

"But if every one of the thousands of people out here tonight could give at least one dollar to either your candidate or to the party ... you want to win, help the party win."

On Tuesday, both PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts and FNM Chairman Sidney Collie remained vague on how their parties were spending and raising money this election cycle.

Mr Roberts, for his part, said his party was expected to spend “millions”. This figure, he added, would cover political items, media content, rallies and other “necessary line items".

Mr Collie was more tight-lipped when asked about his party's campaign spending, leaning on the lack of campaign finance laws as the reason he did not have to present details.

“There is no such law to prohibit what we do, how we do it and or why we do; so we will continue on doing what we deem necessary to place us in the best position,” Mr Collie said in response to questions from The Tribune.

With this as the backdrop for his comments on Thursday, Mr Turnquest said he was doing all he could do to help the party, going as far as to ask his children fund the party as best they could.

"I am doing all that I can, calling everybody I know. I made my children give to the party, they all working. You have children who working, make them give too," he stated.

Mr Turnquest, who unsuccessfully led the FNM into the 2002 general election, also used his allotted time to warn undecided voters across the county not to be swayed by both the PLP and the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) in the weeks leading up to May 10.

Of the DNA, a party started by Mr Turnquest's former Cabinet colleague Branville McCartney in 2011, he said the FNM underestimated it ahead of the 2012 election, a move he insisted "was a major reason for our defeat in 2012".

Mr Turnquest the FNM crowd that it could not allow the DNA to again "take our voters from us".

He furthered: "Don't be swayed by the DNA. We tried to unify the opposition forces, and I know that because I was a part of it. I been to plenty meetings. But now, it is the people's time. It is time to vote now. Don't allow them to take our voters," he added.

"If you lost someone who use to be an FNM, go find them and bring them back to the FNM. Tell them you are sorry. I saw plenty of people in Mount Moriah today who put that thing on me last time, with Marvin Dames this time.

"And that is what we have to do in every single constituency. This time I want you to remember that a vote for the DNA is a vote for the PLP. As our leader told you, if you go to bed with the DNA, you are going to wake up with Perry Christie and the PLP."

Additionally, Mr Turnquest said the FNM, a party which has endured severe infighting over the last two years, was now "unified", "one family" and now "all together".

Mr Turnquest, a second generation FNM, added that voters should view the FNM as the best choice, asserting that the party had dedicated itself to being all about "fairness, transparency and openness for all".

"The FNM has assembled a team of candidates who will be able to govern this country effectively on day one," he said. "I am satisfied as I am sure the Bahamian will find and do on May 10 that the FNM has the best team," Mr Turnquest stated.


Cobalt says...

Mr. Turnquest..... please get lost!
We don't want to see you nor Hubert Ingraham anymore. Both of you are bilaterally responsible for the FNM's defeat in 2012. The reason that many Bahamian's pockets are broke now is because of you two. Now you have the audacity to ask people for money? Get lost. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth...... you should be the one donating all the money. Or go and ask your friend Brent Symonette to fund the FNM's campaign. Doesn't he own a bank?

Posted 21 April 2017, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

Turnquest and Ingraham are responsible for the 2012 election results? I thought it was the voters.

Posted 22 April 2017, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A dollar a day keeps the PLP ....

Posted 21 April 2017, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian242 says...

I would not mind paying a dollar a day until after the election! I am going to be sending some money down to the Head Quarters on Monday! A dollar a day will keep the PLP away!

Posted 22 April 2017, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The FNM seems to have a well organized "Obama-like" campaign going on right now ...... do not fool yourself, that costs money to fund ........ at least $50 million ...... there will bound to be some secret benefactors involved with the FNM

Now the PLP has the Public Treasury, the Numbers Boys, Nygard and the Chinese money ........ the PLP should be able to put up at least $100 million

In fact, the lil Gay Boy who the PLP sent to run in Long Island is bragging that he came here with $300,000 to spend campaigning ............. go figger

Posted 22 April 2017, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

UserOne says...

Your message has less effect when it is diluted with homophobic comments.

Posted 22 April 2017, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I am sorry ........... but we don't need anymore gaylords in Parliament

Posted 23 April 2017, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal

DreamerX says...

A gaylord, being a decent human is many times more desirable as a representative than your silly scared remarks. It's okay buddy, it's 2017, you don't have to hate gay people to prove your Heterosexuality anymore.

Posted 24 April 2017, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades tape this reminder to your red shirts wallet - rich born into a family with far too many silver spoons - has now turned into humble beggar Tommy - who ain't too proud to turn to urge y'all common man's and woman's to give "at least one dollar" to support the 2017 General Election campaign - but there will be No Free red t-shirt for ya $1 campaign donation - that'll set you backs
like another $20.

Posted 22 April 2017, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

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