Collie denies Izmirlian financially backing FNM


Deputy Chief Reporter

FREE National Movement (FNM) Chairman Sidney Collie on Friday denied that former Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian was financially backing the opposition party.

He spoke after incumbent Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, who is now running as an independent in the upcoming general election, admitted that her second bid for the FNM leadership late last year benefitted from the financial resources of Mr Izmirlian.

Mrs Butler-Turner's admission sparked questions on social media focusing on the wider issue of campaign finance laws and whether the FNM had also received money from the investor at any time leading up to this election cycle.

Mr Collie said: “The party doesn’t have anything to do with anything about Loretta. (But) Sarkis Izmirlian is not backing the Free National Movement.”

Asked if Mr Izmirlian has ever given financially to the party, Mr Collie responded: “Not to my knowledge.”

Meanwhile, when he was contacted, Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts said Mrs Butler-Turner’s confirmation that she received Mr Izmirlian’s money was all he needed to validate his persistent claims that “he gave money to many people in the party who he wanted to”.

“What Loretta said is open confirmation right there,” Mr Roberts told The Tribune. “It’s personalities who make up the party and I believe he gave money to the people who he wanted to in the party.

“There is no doubt that the financial backing from Izmirilian attributed to comments and actions of the FNM when it comes to Baha Mar.”

Mr Roberts has in the past been critical of the fact that FNM Freetown candidate Dionisio D’Aguilar, a former Baha Mar Director, joined the opposition party and was ratified to run on the party's ticket.

He has repeatedly accused Mr D’Aguilar of being “the mouthpiece” of Mr Izmirlian.


Maynergy says...

Open dialogue is mandatory for any government to be successful.

Posted 28 April 2017, 11:14 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscool says...

And if he was. "What the hell!".

Posted 29 April 2017, 1:04 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

It was disheartening, but not shocking, to learn that financially powerful people were funding Loretta Butler-Turner in her attempts to unseat Hubert Minnis as leader of the opposition and head of the FNM party. Butler-Turner admitted that Izmirilian provided her funds for the convention to challenge Minnis for the leadership post, among other things. She further admitted it was not her idea to send the letter of no confidence to the governor general that resulted in Minnis being removed as leader of the opposition. But she went along with the others, some who had only recently been kicked out of the PLP. How can you ever elect someone back to high office who has politically and openly prostituted herself in this fashion? Taking actions that almost totally destroyed the elected opposition and the official opposition party as well as the second opposition party in the country. Imagine if she was ever prime minister. She would sell out the country and the Bahamian people. There is no forgiveness for Butler's action, at least not immediately. She is a traitor, a dangerous one. Her popularity and trustworthiness is shot and the election results will prove it. And whilst she was busy at work, trying to cut a pound of flesh from nearest Hubert Minnis heart, the biggest political harlot, dressed in red even, a roaring wolf in sheep clothing, Rodney Concur. He was busy at work trying to destroy Minnis in the public's eye. And his claim was that he was instructed to do so by former prime minister, Hubert Ingraham. This Concur political animal spent weeks and months attacking Minnis about a lease agreement that existed under both the PLP and FNM governments. A lease that continues because both governments admit that there is no other suitable building to replace the one under the lease. Then for months Rodney Concur drove his sheep to the slaughter, telling them not to register and begging them not to vote. Begging them not to vote. Then at the ninth hour, after the register had closed, this political deviser, removed his sheep's disguise, endorsed Perry Christie, for another term as prime minister, and marched with him to nominate. This was despite claiming to still be an FNM, and after accepting a senate appointment from Loretta Butler, who herself, had been publicly deceived and politically derailed. So in essence Butler-Turner appointed a member of the ruling PLP government to sit in the opposition's senate seat. A man who was praying openly for God to send a tidal wave to wash Bah Mar into the sea and out in the ocean. Yet this deceiving hypocrite was seen toting rolls of French bread and chocolate from Bah Mar as fast as the bread come out of the oven. And now he is the mouthpiece for the PLp on every propaganda media they have after the lights in his own show have been shut off and the microphones silenced...finally, after creating so much political mischief and misleading so many.

Posted 29 April 2017, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamiangoddedd says...

There are others right in the FNM who are patiently waiting to unseat Minnis if they win and that time will come sooner than you think.

The entire FNM brigade knows that Minnis was not the right choice but Loretta was the only one with guts to come forward at that time and challenge him.

Minnis' handling of the FNM in the past 5 yrs is all the proof you need. This election we will vote for the lesser of two evils.

Posted 29 April 2017, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

I guess you have a mental block. Loretta has admitted that it was not her idea to challenge Minnis or to send the letter of no confidence in him to the governor general, but she just went along. So how can you say she is the best choice to replace him when she has been "puppetized" and manipulated just to undermine Minnis and carry out the special interests of people with deep pockets. Now Butler-turner is damaged goods and may not even win her seat on Long Island.

Posted 1 May 2017, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! When the red party's chairman Collie says: “The red party doesn’t have anything to do with anything about Loretta" - he is ducking the real question because he wasn't being asked about 'her current party status' but about what she was doing at the time when she was right up there in the thick the red party.

Posted 29 April 2017, noon Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

One thing we all know ........... Izzie is waiting with bated breath for the FNM to win to get his hotel back ......... No one cannot hold that against him after the PLP ku klux him with the Chinese

Posted 29 April 2017, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...


Posted 29 April 2017, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Collie is not known for speaking truth. why would he start now? Collie is a stranger to truth.

Posted 29 April 2017, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

You are making it awfully hard for me.

Posted 29 April 2017, 8:50 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

My uncle is doing his part to save the FNM money. He is recycling his old bumper sticker. Actually he never took it off.…

Posted 29 April 2017, 8:51 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

I don't believe Collie.

Of course Sarkis donates...

Dumb statement...

Posted 30 April 2017, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

7 of 10 MPs voted no confidence in Minnis.

When Chipman says Minnis refuses to work I believe him.

When Theo says Minnis refuses to work I believe him.

When Neko says Minnis refuses to work I believe him.

What I fear and why I am not voting is that the new FNM is stocked full of blind Minnis supporters who won't go against him.

There is no doubt in mind Minnis would make a lousy PM just as he made a lousy opposition leader.

I just hope he doesn't take the FNM down with him, our country needs an alternative to the PLP.

Posted 30 April 2017, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Dat you, Peter?

Posted 30 April 2017, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Poor you!

Posted 1 May 2017, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Loretta is Independent ......... she is supported by Bran and the PLP ........... But LBT has shot herself in the foot by publishing her Constituency Allowance financial records for the past 5 years ........ That alone is a study of graft and "friends/family/lovers" giveaways .......... LBT has exposed her dark and petty side and is not welcomed back here ........... BE GONE!!!!!!!!!

Posted 30 April 2017, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Godson says...

As I understand it, the opposing candidates had erroneously put it out to the Long Island Electorates that Mrs. Butler-Turner misused the constituency discretionary funds. First they said that she could not account for $500,000. Then, at the Long Island candidates' debate, they retracted what the allocation of moneys actually was: $400,000. So much for their ability to give correct information, however, they never apologized for the propaganda.

What they did not know was that every single dime of the allocated funds was accounted for. All moneys spend from the funds were spend on Long Island to assist Long Islanders including the Islands' Educational and Religious Institutions and to assist indigent persons in need.

All of the designated projects had to be and were approved by the Minister of Finance. Furthermore, the funds were distributed by the Island's Administrator - Not Mrs. Butler-Turner.

The publishing of the Constituency Allowance Financial records is what any right minded person would call ACCOUNTABILITY. This is what the people call for and it is what is needed of those that hold elected office.

Posted 1 May 2017, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

Why does the FNM answer Roberts' questions????? They just open themselves up for more crap!!! The only way to respond to Roberts is to say the EXACT same thing back to him. Do NOT take the high road with Roberts 'cause he WILL kick you in the balls. FOCUS FNM!!!!

Posted 1 May 2017, 9:36 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Has anyone seen a poll yet that has the PLP winning the election? Some were calling it 22-17 in favor of the FNM and 1 DNA and one independent seat. A more recent poll is showing 23 seats for the FNM 15 for the PLP and 1 for the DNA. This poll does not see Loretta -Butler retaining her seat. Even Perry Christie is getting the jitters and pumping more resources into his consticuency. He also has his family doing door to door campaigning.

Posted 1 May 2017, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I understand this 'Godson" is the henchman for LBT .......... Well he eeeeeeen bin to the right house yet to tote a cut-ass ......... BTW: LBT has hung her own fat neck by mixing up the constituency HQ allowance monies and her constituency capital works allowance monies ...... If she was being accountable, why would she pay rent, electricity, telephone and employee stipend out of her constituency capital works allowance????????........ Godson, sit small

Posted 1 May 2017, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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