Embattled minister says to ignore ‘innuendos’


Tribune Chief Reporter


MINISTER of Education Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday called on Bahamians to ignore “public clutter, innuendos and distractions” as he pushed back against controversy over the fact that his mother’s insurance firm was appointed as a “broker of record” at the National Insurance Board (NIB) shortly after he took office in 2012.

In a statement yesterday, Mr Fitzgerald suggested that The Tribune’s report on the matter was part of a shameless scheme to harm him professionally, and insisted that Bahamians are focused on “what counts” like the progress made on government initiatives, and the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) plans for the future. He added that he will not be “deterred” in the face of mounting controversy.

On this issue of his mother, Mr Fitzgerald noted that her company has had contracts with the government and quasi-governmental agencies dating back to 1992 - at least 15 years before he first entered public life as a senator in 2007.

Documents obtained by The Tribune show that NIB imposed A Scott Fitzgerald Insurance Brokers and Agents Ltd into the existing medical insurance contract for its employees, and also gave it the same role for its property and casualty business, less than two months after the 2012 election.

In 2012, Tribune Business reported on concerns that A Scott Fitzgerald was to be appointed without participation in the contract bidding process.

The Tribune’s article comes amid heightened public scrutiny of the Education Minister, who admitted last week that he solicited contracts from former Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian on behalf of his family’s businesses.

Yesterday’s Tribune report made clear that there was no evidence - unlike in the recent Baha Mar controversy - that Mr Fitzgerald sought to lobby for his mother’s company to get the business, and also stated that there was nothing to suggest that he or his family members had done anything wrong in relation to the NIB insurance contracts.

As such, Mr Fitzgerald questioned The Tribune’s motive for publishing its report, pointing to the firm’s more than 30-year record in the industry.

“As far back as 1992, 25 years ago, that company has had insurance contracts with the government and quasi-governmental agencies,” his statement noted. “Her company has had government contracts, therefore, for at least 15 years prior to my entry into public life as an appointed senator in 2007.

“I wonder then about the relevance of the story? Why bring my mother, a private citizen and an established and astute businesswoman, into the last-minute nastiness of a political campaign?

“I will not be deterred. From a young age I was trained to be strong. I was raised to be bold, independent and confident and to always remain steadfast. The very people they seek to shamelessly use to bring harm to me professionally today, are the same people who prepared me to stand and stand tall. I am eternally grateful for my parents and I thank God for them every day.”

He added: “It has been my experience, as I talk to Bahamians every day that they are focused on what counts - they like the progress that has been made with BAMSI, and new scholarships, the increase in the minimum wage, the launching of NHI.

“Bahamians are interested in learning more about our plans for the future, which include universal access to preschool education, after-school programmes at our new sports stadiums, and Second Start, which is our new programme for the re-training and education of adults.

“I invite all Bahamians to ignore the public clutter, the innuendos and distractions and to focus on the issues that matter to them as we move all Bahamians forward together,” he added.

In the wake of the Baha Mar scandal, there have been repeated calls for Prime Minister Perry Christie to fire Mr Fitzgerald or address the matter.


viewersmatters says...

Complete disgrace and no honor for your country or Constitution, let the court deal with this and base on their judgement then you should feel proud to ask anyone to ignore crime and corruption until then this is a complete shame and disgrace and this corrupted minister should hang his head low with shame, not because you want to maintain a D average nation mean that the people are D average for we the people seek education on and own and outside the Bahamas.

Posted 28 April 2017, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Boydie says...

Now that he has found the Bejesus all will be well.

Posted 28 April 2017, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This creature should be dishonorably discharged from any government or legal position that he now holds ............. He should be sent back to private practice (if he has one left) ....... He has disgraced himself, his parents, his wife, his children, his God/church and his profession ....... He should be silent, remorseful and repentant

Posted 28 April 2017, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal

tell_it_like_it_is says...

I personally *only* vote for "candidates" and never among party lines. This is one candidate that I truly wish was a Member of Parliament for my constituency just so that I could vote against him.<br/>
He is truly a disgrace, a terrible Minister of Education (who only likes the spotlight and photo ops) and by all accounts from his constituency not a good MP either. Fitzgerald, do yourself a favor and resign to avoid further public embarrassment on May 10.

Posted 28 April 2017, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...


Posted 28 April 2017, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Ignore Innuendos? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH he supposed to be smart....

Posted 28 April 2017, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamiangoddedd says...

Where is the option for NONE, Minnis has yet to prove that he can lead this country, people will vote FNM because anything right now is better than the PLP. Notice I did not even mention the DNA. If the FNM wins, I expect that Minnis will fumble until the FNM MP's get tired of him and Brent does what his return was intended to do.

Posted 28 April 2017, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Whomever wins has to do some unpleasant things if this country is ever to come close to recovery. Yesterday it was published that the Bahamas was the 7th most expensive country in the world to live. All these selfish politicians have done is store up a financial disaster for future generations.

Posted 30 April 2017, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Gotoutintime says...

Only in the Bahamas!!

Posted 28 April 2017, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

The audacity of this corrupt man, is unfathomable. Idiot.

Posted 28 April 2017, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Dear Mr Fitzgerald an innuendo is a suggestion. These allegations are supported by facts. How can you possibly hold up your head and say with conviction when speaking to stuents about working hard to get a job when all the time you and your family are cornering the market ?

Posted 29 April 2017, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! May 10, 2017 General Election Day is just over one week away and voters still are left unsure as to what "change" the red party can bring - if elected to a minority government?
The country demands "change' that will be much more than just the shuffling in out out of cabinet ministers from the two main political organizations - which differ little when it comes down to same political entitlement mindset expectations.

Posted 29 April 2017, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

I would visit him in jail, just to take his picture to show Bahamian children how not to behave.
Jerome Fitzgerald is a disgrace to humanity.

Posted 29 April 2017, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Soooooo true ........... Perry really messed up this time ........ We can judge his ability to lead by those he appointed to Finance, Education, Labour, Environment, Public Works, Health, GB and Transport ........ all are suspects to be hauled before the RCOI and possibly be sent to jail for malfeasance

Posted 29 April 2017, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Is "fook" (and its definition) officially copyrighted to be added to the new Webster's dictionary for 2017?????? ......... Perry has been fooked as well!!!!

Posted 29 April 2017, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Don't get me wrong cause I think it's silly season for Jerome to be calling out for the media to leave him alone with their “public clutter, innuendos and distractions” as he attempts push back against controversies he himself stuck his chin out to be a target....But because of there not being a Code of Ethics rule with enforceable teeth for the Crown's Cabinet Ministers to follow - there is really nothing to call for jail-time criminally to refer to the Madame Attorney General, for her to investigate.
Should the PM have swiftly fired Jerome. The PM as the Chief Servant of and for the people - should have kicked him out of the cabinet.

Posted 29 April 2017, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Cabinet has Rules .......... Constitution has articles ........ Parliament has rules ........ but this AG is the Nolle Queen ...... and Fitzie's co-conspirator

Posted 29 April 2017, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Sheeprunner12, under Premier Pop Symonette, Prime Ministers Pindling, Papa Hubert and Christie - not only is the "ethics wall"so low to walk over - but its full of loop holes for cabinet ministers to jump through.
I've seen nothing that would lead me to trust that Minnis, will build a higher ethics wall, and cement-up the loopholes?

Posted 29 April 2017, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

I wish him well. could STB emails have any thing to do with all this and is the man running
against him ia member of STB?. His political future rest in the hands of those who are in his area. Mr: small things awarded himself a contract, I do not remember all of this outcry. Perhaps it is all about the hue/

Did the "D" grade come about after he became minister of education? It did not. The parents,the
children and the teachers all play a part in the "D" grade. after all he has a very smart son.

I know my post may be taken down because STB seems to be very powerful.

Posted 29 April 2017, 3:43 p.m. Suggest removal

pileit says...

Who opened up STB emails and shouted them in parliament, adding 'innuendo'? Who is now experiencing ultimate karma of his own making? You gat any family/friends living near Rubis Birdie? Would you let them bathe and cook with water contaminated by Xylene just so you don't risk losing a title? What do you think of someone who would?

Posted 30 April 2017, 6:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

No-one really cares about your post Birdiebrain. You give yourself too much credit.

Posted 30 April 2017, 7:47 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

He has all the responsibility for grade D which he stated was acceptable. Despite the rhetoric schools still want for supplies, Cuban teachers are hired who cannot be understood, do not know their subject and really have no reason to give their all as they leave after 2 or 4 years laden with western goodies. Look at this National diploma, once the non academic students realise they have no hope of graduating they give up. He talks the talk but also has to accept responsibility for the poor results.

Posted 30 April 2017, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

What national diploma you talking about? There is no ND. . .MOE planning section was not involved in putting that joke together. . .the minister used one of his friends (cronies) who did not have any training in constructing or implementing of a national criteria for minimum academic requirements for general competency. . .and she created one monster that nobody can understand. . .send it out to the schools and the schools are refusing to use it. . .they cannot understand it! But in typical PLP fashion. . .the minister refuses to listen to anyone except its a PLP. . .Minister of education completed no project he meet on the "books" when he came to education. . .he was just too full of himself to be of any use. . .he had no use for persons who were or suspected to be FNMs. . .

Posted 1 May 2017, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

pileit says...

Strachan: Who opened up STB emails and shouted them in parliament, adding 'innuendo'? Who is now experiencing ultimate karma of his own making? You gat any family/friends living near Rubis Birdie? Would you let them bathe and cook with water contaminated by Xylene just so you don't risk losing a title? What do you think of someone who would?

Posted 30 April 2017, 6:43 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Innuendo is how Italians "give it" to each other and he is "giving it" to Bahamians.

Posted 30 April 2017, 8:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Tarzan says...

You really cannot make this c__p up. Innuendos? Love it Banker, new Italian expression for caught on video tape and mouthing "don't believe your lying eyes".

Posted 1 May 2017, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

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