Minnis the reformer

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What we are witnessing before our eyes today in The Bahamas regarding wealthy, prominent politicians being hauled before the courts is without precedent.

It is usually the small man who bares the brunt of the law, while important people are exempted from penal liability.

PM Dr Hubert Minnis has virtually changed the course of history since assuming high office approximately three months ago.

At the current rate he is on, he will be considered a political reformer by historians in years to come.

Minnis has exceeded expectations; and has demonstrated a bravery which is simply unmatched by even former PM Hubert Ingraham.

When Ingraham became PM again in 2007, many FNMs were clamouring for investigations to be conducted into the affairs of the first Christie administration. They were sorely disappointed, as no such investigations were carried out.

There was a perception that certain persons connected to the PLP government were engaged in gross corruption, and had gotten away scot free. Some FNMs reasoned that it may have been due to Ingraham’s close ties to Christie. Both of them were law partners and had served in the PLP Cabinet of Sir Lynden Pindling, the nation’s first PM.

While Ingraham is a loyal FNM and has been since 1990, his political navel string is buried in the PLP. Any mention of the PLP might cause him to become sentimental, especially if he reflects on his start in frontline politics as PLP chairman in 1976. This is understandable. Ingraham was a good PM.

The type of malfeasance which allegedly plagued the two Christie administrations never occurred under his watch. However, his unwillingness to investigate Christie hurt him.

In fairness to Ingraham, his first administration did hold a commission of inquiry into the Pindling government in 1994. But that process led to no criminal prosecutions. Bahamians were disappointed. Ingraham simply did not go far enough.

On May 10 of this year, an overwhelming majority of Bahamians entrusted their country to Minnis in order to do what Ingraham failed to do: stomp out corruption once and for all.

If Minnis succeeds in this regard, he will become a legendary icon. He will go down in political folklore as the greatest PM the country has ever had. Minnis is a courageous political reformer.

The small man loves him dearly. It is surely the people’s time. Minnis must continue on the path he is on. We the people put him in office to do exactly what he is doing.



August 7, 2017.


ted4bz says...

The people in power can never be greater than the people who put them in power. How dump do you need to be to think that you can forever get away with crime and mashing down the people. Governments turn on each other. Mafias turn on each other. The cartel's turn on each other. Friends turn on each other. The day is come, the people time has come, we are turning on you. We will not forget. We will not forgive. We will not relent. Expect us.

Posted 9 August 2017, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

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