FNM candidate says new airport 'critical' for Long Island


Tribune Staff Reporter


AMONG a list of initiatives he pledged to advocate for if elected, Free National Movement (FNM) candidate for Long Island Adrian Gibson said the construction of a "state of the art" international airport was paramount.

Mr Gibson said the airport was critical to alleviate the "stranglehold" the "lack of airlift" has on Long Island's economy. 

Speaking to supporters at an FNM rally in Salt Pond on Thursday night, Mr Gibson lamented the negative impact not having an international airport has on Long Island, so much so that during slow periods, business owners are forced to fund their businesses "from personal funds or watch it collapse".

This, Mr Gibson said, has resulted in a gradually "dying" Long Island economy, all whilst the government "spends nearly $25m for a few naked people to 'wind up' in the streets" for Junkanoo Carnival. 

"It would lead to spin-off jobs, new local and foreign investors and business for restaurants, bars, hotels and motels, car rentals, straw and craft vendors, taxi and livery drivers etc … it will also encourage more people to return to our island, to open small businesses and hire others. 

"It would bring new money into our economy and direct flights to Long Island from anywhere in the world. A new airport and the economic benefits that would come from it will also create new opportunities to cause young people to want to stay and/or return to Long Island. 

"We have a brain drain here," he added. "Once many of our youth finish school, they leave for elsewhere and never return except for a regatta. We must address that."

Mr Gibson also vowed to take steps to diversify Long Island's economy and expand it beyond the "favour major" sources of employment currently available on the island. Doing so, he suggested, would also be greatly aided by the construction of an international airport on the island. 

"Either you are a civil servant, a fisherman, work for the number houses, work for the Stella Maris Resort, or work for Cape Santa Maria," he said. "We must broaden the employment options; encourage more investors to come here; encourage more Long Islanders to become entrepreneurs via incentives and a new airport. 

"We must think global. We must position ourselves to compete with the world. I intend to lead that charge."

Other issues Mr Gibson pledged to address are upgrading sporting facilities on the island, increasing educational opportunities, bolstering the fishing industry on the island, and most importantly, reviving the island's capital, Clarence Town. 

"Our capital city is dead," Mr Gibson added. "The clinic is closed. The police station is closed. The administrative office is crumbling. The population is greatly decreased. Surely, the capital of Long Island must be the most backwards and underdeveloped in the archipelago. We will address that and return Clarence Town to its former glory."


sheeprunner12 says...

It is possible .......... if we vote the PLP out in 2017

Posted 11 February 2017, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

If Loretta couldn't do it what makes you think you can ?

Posted 11 February 2017, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

I do not know your knowledge of the reality on the ground in Long Island ...... but LBT was never about the ordinary Long Islander ........ she used us like she has used every person along the way from the mortuary to the grave-yard .......... we got beaten with the PLPs stick that was meant for LBT since 2012 ............ This young man will not treat Long Island as a colony of Nassau like Loretta, Jimmy Knowles and the others before them

Posted 11 February 2017, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

Good political talk, but thats about it.. airports alone do not miraculously lead to great tourist arrivals. You need much more... Facts are that south of Exuma, there has not been a single successful touristic resort of any magnitude ever. They put a big airport in north Cat Island decades ago, the place is still as run down and delapidated as ever. Lets look at Abaco, a big airport in Treasure Cay built decades ago.. you could lay down on the runway most days and never get run over by an airplane... Big airport in Governors Harbour courtesy of the USA and Club Med closed. Perhaps some boutique resorts might have a chance in LI, but thats about it and that does not merit a major airport. What they need is better connections and frequency from Nassau to suit arriving and departing US flights so the journey time is less than going to Europe or across the Pacific. They struggle to keep flights into Freeport using heavy subsidies from the MOT for heaven's sake. Better to spend a few dollars trying to revive a farming economy and perhaps bolstering the fishing industry somehow, much more potentially viable and realistic options in my view.

Posted 12 February 2017, 1:24 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Good observation ....... why are the southern ends of EVERY Bahamian Family Island unable to thrive and sustain a stable economy?????? ....... I want to hear a politician explain that this election cycle ...... Long Island had a solar salt plant 40 years ago, but that failed and now that (south) half of the island is DEAD ............. Adrian Gibson please offer some vision for that

Posted 12 February 2017, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Victor says...

South Abaco is doing quite well, thanks.

Posted 13 February 2017, 2:05 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Sandy Point???? ............. Or where there is hotel development??????

Posted 14 February 2017, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

On a lighter note .................. We wish to congratulate the TWO high schools on Long Island for some of the BEST results in the 2016 BJC and BGCSE ........... now it is time for Long Islanders to invest in ALL of the schools that have helped to educate them and have made them some of the most educated and productive citizens of this country ......... please send the schools some financial assistance as the government provides NO money and little resources for the day to day upkeep of ALL of the schools on the island ........... What a crying shame

Posted 14 February 2017, 3:39 p.m. Suggest removal

DonAnthony says...

One of those schools is NGM Major in Buckley consistently one of the most outstanding public schools in this country. There is a serious problem that the govt needs to address immediately. There are students there on a government assistance meal program, where they are provided with lunch paid for by the government. Well the govt is now late in paying the food vendor and they are no longer providing the meals. The school has now taken upon themselves to cook a meal for those children each day. This is ridiculous and shameful, the govt needs to see that this is corrected immediately! How can students study when they are hungry? Please see to it that these vendors are paid and our children provided for.

Posted 14 February 2017, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

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