'I forgive teacher for my son's death in car'


Tribune Staff Reporter


ROSEMANIE Louis, the mother of the three-year-old boy who died after being found unresponsive in a car in front of his nursery last week, said while there is a “big hole” in her heart caused by her only son’s death, she forgives the teacher who accidentally “forgot” her child.

Ms Louis, who is Haitian, said her son, Kayden Guerrier, was a “happy boy” who told her he loved her every day and was polite to everyone he met. She said if she knew last Monday was the last time she would see her son alive, she would have “hugged him a little harder”.

Kayden was found unresponsive in a car in front of his daycare on February 13. According to initial reports from police, a daycare worker at his school off Coleman Lane found the child shortly after 2pm.

The child was rushed to the Princess Margaret Hospital where he died a short time later.

Officer-in-charge of the Central Detective Unit, Chief Superintendent Fernander, said the toddler was left in the car “by mistake” for hours after he was picked up by one of the teachers, who took him to school.

In an interview with The Tribune at her Kemp Road home yesterday afternoon, Ms Louis, who was visibly distraught, recalled her last moments with her son.

“Kayden woke up and said he wanted tea. I bathed him, gave him the tea and then the lady came for him,” she told The Tribune.

“He said, ‘Bye mommy I love you’. At 12.30 the police called me and said Kayden can’t breathe and he is in the hospital,” Ms Louis, who also has a daughter, said.

“I went to the hospital and the police came to me with the doctor and said Kayden couldn’t breathe. I asked them how because he was not sick when he went to school; then they said he died. I screamed and I asked why and the police told me that the teacher left Kayden inside the car. I don’t know why she left him, no one is saying anything to me.”

Ms Louis said she spoke with the teacher in question for the first time since the incident on Wednesday, but she still has no idea why her only son was left to die in the car alone. However, she said she forgives the teacher, who has promised to pay for the funeral and “any other expenses”, including flying the child’s father to New Providence from Haiti.

“She said she will do whatever needs to be done. (Whether) it was an accident or negligence, I will just let the police handle that part of it,” Ms Louis said.

“The teacher is sad and sick, I feel for her but I miss my son. I do not believe she meant to do it. Only her and God knows what happened, it is now a police matter. I forgive her. He was my only son now I only have one daughter. He was a good boy, he was not rude. He always told me he loved me. Anything he ate he would make me eat it too, he was always sharing and now he is gone and I won’t see him anymore. I miss him so much, oh Lord. There is a big hole in my heart.”

When contacted yesterday, Chief Supt Fernander said there is no update in the investigation and the police are waiting for the results of the autopsy.

Meanwhile, Ms Louis said the funeral will be held in “two to three weeks” because the family is trying to get Kayden’s father to Nassau.

A vigil in Kayden’s honour will be held tonight at 7pm on the park opposite Pilgrim Baptist Church on St James Road.


sp1nks says...

This is so sad. I can't imagine what this mother is going through. I think there is a lesson to all of us... even in her grief, she can forgive.

Posted 23 February 2017, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Why has this autopsy still not been done?

Posted 23 February 2017, 10:42 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Is it just me or is it normal that a three-year-old boy is drinking tea? Is that normal for a three year old?

Posted 23 February 2017, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

It's just you.

Posted 23 February 2017, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

LC says...

My son is 3 and he has no clue what tea is to even ask for it. Juice and water are his only beverage requests. So idk.

Posted 23 February 2017, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I don't think its "normal", kids usually ask for juice but I think it points to how special a child he must have been.

Posted 24 February 2017, 4:04 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Ha ha ha ha ha . . .yall talking like a buncha rich persons who did not grow up without a "full" fridge all ya lives. . .juice. . .ha. . .we grew up on tea and cool aid. . .which are cheaper than juices and or water! For example, a small box of tea cost about $1.20 and a pack cool aid about $0.50. . .with a can of juice costing $4.89 to $9.50. . .one gallon of purified water cost $2.89 for the cheapest! Children from the inner cities of the Bahamas regularly drink tea because it is cheap. . .that's why we former inner cities dwellers call every hot/warm drink "tea" and when we are around you guys. . .we call them coffee, milo or etc.! However, when we are around we former inner cities dwellers. . .we say I want some tea. . .then we ask, ya mean coffee, milo or Lipton. . . Lol! So when she said the child had "tea". . .he had anything from tea itself through to hot chocolate. . . see why I tell yinna that yall een know what the hell going on in the "streets". . .most inner cities houses had juice in the fridge during the Christmas shopping trip. . .there two worlds out here fellas. . .that's why doc Minnis could beat yinna at the game for the hearts of the "streets". . .he grew-up in them. . .yinna don't know them! Even many of us "trailed" out of them there inner cities. . .the psyche of the "streets" are still in us. . .we are a band of brothers and sisters!! Lol! LOP knew and mastered that principle well and he was almost unbeatable in the "streets" by them buncha "ask for juice or water from the fridge" elites. . .and was only beaten by another "streets" boy in 1992. . . who he himself was beaten by another "semi streets" boy. . .who cant stay in power two straights for nothing! Lol!

Posted 24 February 2017, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

There are very glaring issues emanating from what was stated in this interview.

Posted 23 February 2017, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

jusscool says...

This child was left in the car by the same person who took him to school. Am I right? Are they missing something? She drove to school ,opened her door, closed her door and locked it without ever remembering that a child was in the car? The one she picked up. I'm not buying it! Their missing something about this story. An autopsy must no doubt be done. As well as a mental evaluation!

Posted 23 February 2017, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Hahahahahaha. . .happens all the times. . .even by some of we grand parents dem. . .busy day. . .children not always with you. . .four or five of dem in the car with you. . .one falls asleep on a back seat. . .the rest rush by you. . .because you are not routine with having dem. . .bam. . .you walk away. . .lil sleepy head in the back seat snoring he lil head off! I lost a whole grand child in the mall. . .buying something and the child wondered off. . .did not leave the store. . .when complete with my purchase I turned and walked out of the store until I got by the door and realized that I brought one lil child with me!! I turned back and asked the folks in the store if they saw one lil child that look like she was missing one big person. . .NO. . .they all responded! Ya mean alla we grown adults stood right there and the child just walked off and none of we saw her? We then started to look fer the child. . .the child was sitting in the display window. . .never left the store. . .and none of we adults ever saw one lil thing when the child "slipped" away from us all and climb into the window! I bet the child mother or father were more likely to see the lil criminal going to the display window!! They would readily know that they missing something. . or one lil thing because their social radar has the where-about coordinates for the lil slippery thing. . .now for me who see her once or twice a week. . . I walked away with a vague feeling that I had one lil child standing next to me awhile ago when I was way at the door getting ready to leave the store! Lol!

Posted 24 February 2017, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

This is so sad. My heartfelt condolences go out to the mother and family of Kayden. May God give them the strength to overcome their loss.

Posted 23 February 2017, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal

MassExodus says...

Simply put someone should be charged with a crime. At least of crime of negligence. We need to hold people accountable for neglecting another person, otherwise people will go around trying this stunt, to get rid of their unwanted children.

Posted 23 February 2017, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Zakary says...

Well said.

Posted 23 February 2017, 11:49 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Oh. . . she will be charged with manslaughter by negligence. . .carries up to 20 years. . .tragic for both families!

Posted 24 February 2017, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

ashley14 says...

This is so sad! God please be with this family in this time of loss! Our prayers will be with you.

Posted 24 February 2017, 4:41 a.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

I can't believe the lady took the bribe money to say this over the truth....

Posted 24 February 2017, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Forgiveness is no substitute for the LAW ................ even Jesus forgave from the cross where he had been lawfully executed (under false pretenses)

Posted 24 February 2017, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

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