Condo complex shut with repairs on hold


Tribune Freeport Reporter

THE Coral Beach Condominiums in Freeeport remain closed due to hurricane damage and hundreds of winter residents have not been able to come to Grand Bahama this season.

Repairs at the 200-unit complex are on hold until Condominium Association President Bruno Rufa receives permission from the Immigration Department to come and deal with the repairs.

In October and November, Mr Rufa’s attorney requested permission from the Director of Immigration William Pratt for him to be allowed entry to the country to deal with repairs at the condominiums following the passage of Hurricane Matthew.

Carey Leonard, of Callenders and Co, wrote to the director on October 14 requesting permission for Mr Rufa’s return to Grand Bahama for a period of two weeks for the purpose of dealing with insurance matters and the initial repairs for Coral Beach.

He informed the director that Mr Rufa is the president of the Condominium Association and is the officer responsible for the insurance on the property. “It is his duty to handle any claims with insurance adjusters, and to get repairs going as soon as possible,” Mr Leonard said.

He explained that the insurance claims and repairs dealt with are of considerable importance to the approximately 200 home owners at Coral Beach. The Immigration Department responded in a letter dated November 16, acknowledging receipt of Mr Leonard’s letter.

Assistant Director of Immigration Hubert Ferguson advised Mr Leonard that their request for permission for Mr Rufa enter the Bahamas for a period of two weeks was considered, but not approved.

In a second letter dated November 16, Mr Leonard told the Director of Immigration that the situation at Coral Beach was now quite desperate, and that because of all the hurricane damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, the condominium complex was not open.

“The result is that the hundreds plus winter residents that usually arrive at this time of the year have not been able to come. This naturally has a knock-on effect on the economy of Grand Bahama at a time when it most needs economic stimulation,” Mr Leonard said.

“It is now even more critical for Bruno Rufa to come down and deal with the adjusters, and the hurricane reconstruction needed to get Coral Beach back on its feet.”


bluesky says...

This is alternative news. The Coral Beach Condominiums in Freeport is not closed. It was never closed. There are more than a hundred winter residents at Coral Beach right now.
"Repairs at the 200-unit complex are on hold until Condominium Association President Bruno Rufa receives permission from the Immigration Department to come and deal with the repairs" , what a joke.. Bruno Rufa was forced to resign as president. The owners don't want Bruno Rufa's hand in the Association's Bank account, His Board have the Association in a mess and on the brink of Bankruptcy. After the AGM tomorrow, Bruno and his cronies along with the Out Spoken QC will be history. Immigration did not get swing, but nice try.

Posted 24 February 2017, 10:30 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Bruno Rufa and his board voted out., next step is to get rid of the Out Spoken QC.
Congratulations to the new board, "Team Coral Beach".

Posted 26 February 2017, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal

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