PM warns Minnis: PLP cutting him 'slack' before campaign begins


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie warned Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr Hubert Minnis Friday night that the PLP is cutting him some “slack” before waging a campaign that highlights the terrible things opposition members have said about him.

“The people who are against him are the people who was in his party,” Mr Christie said. “They’re the people who said never never never. They’re the people who defined him. And we are going to give him all the slack he needs right now because in his own record, what every one of them said about him, and they really ought to know him better than us and he might as well know now we are going to publish what they said about him. So start working my brother and try to find the explanations for why they said so many things about you and no matter how much the newspapers try to shine you up and brush you off, they said some things about you too.”

Mr Christie’s comments came during an event at the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) headquarters where the party ratified five candidates for the next general election: Senator Julian Russell for Central Grand Bahama, former Senator Cheryl Bazard for St. Barnabas, Glendon Rolle for Long Island, Dr. Charles Clarke for St. Annes and Butch Scavella for South and Central Eleuthera.

A candidate was expected to be ratified for the Freetown constituency, but that ratification has been postponed as the battle has been a hotly contested one between Senator Frank Smith and attorney Wayne Munroe.

“We have just one more (ratification) and we will undertake to engage in the pathway to resolving that particular challenge and contrary to what everyone has said, it will be resolved without conflict,” Mr Christie said about the controversy.

“We are a democratic functioning party. We do things the right way and we always try to bring a resolution to our challenges where in the final analysis what the party does is accepted and deemed to be well done. There should be no difference in our approach with respect to Freetown. We are going to win Freetown and the candidate who is given the privilege to represent the PLP will have the burden of winning that seat for us.”

During the ratification celebration, which saw hundreds turn out in a celebratory mood, Mr Christie warned PLP supporters that the party is being attacked from all sides.

“The forces against us are being lined up,” he said. “There are even feelings of desperation, at all costs let’s stop the PLP. Let us tell them that they cannot stop the Progressive Liberal Party. Our party is connected to the spirit of the nation. Our party is connected to the aspiration of the young people in this country. Look this evening at the quality of the candidates who have been ratified by the National General Council. Look at what they bring and compare them to those who run for other parties in this country.”


viewersmatters says...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ring the bell and lets see if what the Bahamian people along with what the young people have said about the PLP is true or not lets see how badly the people want PLP out or in......... ring the bell.....

Posted 25 February 2017, 2:47 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Boundaries moved in central Eleuthera to favour home town boy "Butch Scavella". Potholes just fixed after months of axle breaking conditions. Food banks by volunteers for locals unable to feed themselves. Irregular electricity and water supplies. Sky high cost of living and the talk of downgrading and devaluation being mentioned more and more so what is the true "!spirit of the nation" ? I would suggest Mr Christie that any thinking person finds the economy rather depressing with no improvement in sight

Posted 25 February 2017, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Other things to consider: 9. **THE NATIONAL DEBT** : Despite being promised that the VAT money would go to paying down this debt, it continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Meaning not only is the burden now on you and your children's, but also on your children's children and their off spring for generations to come. 10. **THE COUNTRY'S FINANCIAL DOWNGRADES**: FOUR in recent times. What does this mean to the future of the country as far as investors are concern and as for the value of the dollar? 11. **FREEPORT** : Why is Freeport being allowed to dive into such a degree of degradation and decay? the part of the country with the most tax concessions and breaks. Yet it has the highest degree of unemployment and greatest slippage of economic activity. 12. THE FAMILY ISLANDS : Many, including South Eleuthera and those affected by the hurricanes are in dire need of capital injections. Despite the promises little or no help or hope is on the way. Causing many family islanders to come to New Providence, already crowded and crime ridden, in search of jobs. 13. **SOCIAL SERVICES** have been doing a great job in provided much needed assistance to persons in dire need. However this program is costly and not sustainable,at the present level in the long run. What plans does the government have to reduce unemployment and thus reduce the burden on this program soas to keep this safety net much intact. 14. **BANK OF THE BAHAMAS** After being brutally raped and ravished by this government and this cronies, the bank seems to be making slow and painful recovery. What measures are being put in place to ensure that the crime does not re-occur. And how much of the *stolen* funds have been recovered? 15. What intervention programs, if any, are on the drawing board to prevent so many young men from indulging in crime and drugs and substance abuse, and causing so many to lose their lives to murder? 16. **PLANS FOR THE FUTURE** : Since the government has run through most of the plans it met on the drawing board, that were the works of the former government, refitting Bahamas Air with new planes, Defence Force with new boats, The road works completed, The hospital extension completed, what plans does the government have for the future especially ones that involved putting a number of local Bahamians back to work?

Posted 25 February 2017, 10:01 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

EXCELLENT questions my brother!

Posted 25 February 2017, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

1. CRIME...has crime gotten better and gotten worse under the PLP government? Consider this They campaigned on a platform to reduce murder in this country but before you get a chance to vote some 600 persons, mostly Bahamian sons and daughters will have been murdered in this country since Chrisite dem came to office. Most of the murdered victims are barely 20 years old. 2. UNEMPLOYMENT. Despite their claims of having created 32,000 jobs, unemployment is at its highest level in the modern history of the Bahamas. (At least 15% while unemployment in the US is 4.3%). 3. CORRUPTION: It is no longer just talks. When your government cannot tell you what they are doing with their tax money, and when one of the most credible persons in government can take to the public and boldly and blatantly lie about your VAT money. Lying Halkitis. 4. TAXES Bahamians are being taxed more than ever before than ever in the history of the Bahamas. Some 60% of the average citizen's income goes to taxes or some form of payment to the government. Yet foreigners continue to get unconscionable concessions and tax breaks and crown land grants. 5 BAH MAR What exactly is hidden behind the veil of secrecy at Bah Mar? Why did the government interfere with the private business of this company and help wrestle the property from the original owner and dump it in the laps of the Chinese? Who really owns Bah Mar? When will Bah Mar really be open (if at all)? How much of your tax dollars have been pumped into Bah Mar? What additional concessions were given to Bah Mar beyond what was given in the heads of agreement? 6. WEB SHOPS..Are they really being regulated and taxed or they only being used as a source of additional revenue for the government? Is illegal gambling still rampant, like other crimes, so much so that the licensed web shops are starting to complain. 7. THE GENDER EQUALITY BILL was defeated, but will the government bring this bill through the back door, or in a more forceful format if it is re-elected?. 8. THE SPY AND INTERCEPT BILL: One of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever proposed. Even though many in the party do not agree with it, will the PLP be forced to pass this bill if elected
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Posted 25 February 2017, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The posts got out of sequence because the first on kept getting deleted. Also the bold highlight was not applied when I reposted it for the third time.

Posted 25 February 2017, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Perry Chrisite is so confident that He and the PLP will win this election. Notice how bold, and boisterous and exceptionally arrogant he has become of late.

Posted 25 February 2017, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says... the depths of delusion really set in!

Posted 25 February 2017, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Folks on the ground, close to the electorate say that there is a very good possibility of Crisco Butt getting another term.

Posted 27 February 2017, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Prime Minister, I'd be careful not to be bullying Minnis - when if you misread the scale of the dissatisfaction mood among "first time voters" - your own misfortunes may be facing 2017 General campaign setbacks.
Some do believe that the right knows how connect with younger voters" candidate for Centervillle - can give you a respectable chase for your House of Assembly seat?

Posted 25 February 2017, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

What an arrogant so and so! Bring it!

Posted 25 February 2017, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Perry is so oblivious to the fact that his political career is being counted in days ........ it is so funny!!!!!!! ..................... He wants to expose Minnis ....... but Perry's failings are there for everyone to see over the last five years .............. RING THE FRIGGIN BELL!!!!!!!!!

Posted 25 February 2017, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Franklyn says...

PRIME Minister Perry Christie can put on his clown face, dance and joke-around to entertain his base but the International financial community, tourist and investors do not see the joke.

Posted 25 February 2017, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Unfortunately you cannot count Perry Christie or the PLP out at this stage in the game. Despite their dismal performance as the government and despite having to going into election with the country in turmoil (crime at its highest, murder about to set new records, unemployment higher than it was when they came to office), the greatest advantage the PLP has is that they stand united, even in their failings. The opposition, on the other hand is severely fragmented and invisible to some, at least to the naked eye. The blow Loretta and the Rebel Seven did over the pst several weeks has done severe, almost irreparable damage to the major opposition. So much so that many loyal FNM supporters have taken to the high grounds and threatened not to vote in the election. Hubert Minnis does not have the experience of running a full, nationwide general election campaign. And while Granville McCartney and the DNA, by surviving over the past five years have proven they have sustainability and that they are a force, they are not yet drawing the kind of support necessary to win a general election. So several things must happen: The opposition must join forces and fight this election against the PLP in unison. And they must do it soon and do it in such a way so as to draw the disgruntled voters to come out and vote Or the FNM must bring a strong second man on board (Too late to dump Minnis now). Someone who has people appeal, creditability, ability to draw financial support and some experience both in government and on the campaign trail. This will not only strengthen the FNM's chance of winning, but it will make them more appealing to the DNA to join forces to fight this crucial battle (Brent Symnonette). Not only that but it will ensure that Loretta Buttler-Turner is left out to graze during this lap and not brought in to cause more disharmony and division in the party. Or failing that and she comes back home she will have to sit at the back of the bus, at least for a while, and not interfere or distract the captain. Christie den will have big money riding on this election, They have gerrymandered the constituencies, and they are more desperate to win than a hungry tiger trying not to attack his trainer.

Posted 25 February 2017, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The FNM is stronger without the Rebel Seven .......... some will either retire or not nominate in 2017 ........ LBT will lose in Long Island, Chippie will fall in line, Ole Eddie will go back to the PLP and Rollins will be a cheerleader ...... The majority of Bahamians will not be hood-winked by the PLP Mafia in 2017

Posted 25 February 2017, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

The guy lost the election in 2007 and at that point should have figured out he was not a popular prime minister. Unfortunately for the FNM they got T-boned by the 2008 global financial crisis and they failed to recognize the average Bahamian would have voted for a goat in 2012 if it meant a chance of something different. Unfortunately for the average Bahamian, the PLP has done zero to help them. It could easily be argued that between legalizing the numbers shops, screwing Bahamar up, adding more taxes, pissing away the money and failing to come up with one slightly creative solution in 5 years, most people are worst off than ever before. So all the opposition have to do is hold it together and offer the slimmest of hope for change...........

Posted 26 February 2017, 7:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Sadly the problem is much deeper than you would like to think purely from a cultural standpoint. Therefore replacing an already well fed and fattened bunch of crooks with a very hungry and malnourished bunch of crooks would likely exacerbate our country's death by a thousand cuts. Like you, I want to be more optimistic, but unfortunately history shows the single most telling sign of a doomed country is the lack of available political alternatives which usually results in a dictatorship of some kind at the end of the day.

Posted 26 February 2017, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Never underestimate how people vote... no matter how much bad news or damning economic projections are made by external creditors and agencies.... a large portion of our population doesn't even remotely comprehend the gravity of the situation. Combine that with lackluster opposition and a jackasses running in separate opposition parties, this will be a PLP election. This retardation will continue

Posted 27 February 2017, 8:39 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The PLP will lose Out Island seats and many suburban seats this time around ......... FNM - 23 ......... PLP - 16 ........ Others - 0

Posted 27 February 2017, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The PLP will lose this election ........ by 5 or 7 seats

Posted 27 February 2017, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

realfreethinker says...

You mean they may win 5-7 seats aye?

Posted 27 February 2017, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The disgust with this government is so prevalent that I cannot believe that there are enough cool aid drinking yellow shirts to return this bunch of mobsters for another five years of rape and pillage of what's left of our national assets. I will be astounded if the people of this country allow Christie another term. I mean, how bad do you have to be???

Posted 27 February 2017, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

You mean how bad off do the voters have to be as we already neck deep in the shit and they still can't smell it.

Posted 27 February 2017, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

FIVE of the REBEL SEVEN are apparently negotiating their way back to the FNM. It is also rumoured that Brent Symnonette may run in the election. A wise Hubert Minnis will make Brent deputy leader so that he can garnish the support of those with finances to back the party. It will also distance Loretta Butler-Turner from getting close to Hubert Minnis to goose him again about the leadership. And if the FNM wins Minnis will not only have someone with DPM experience to be DPM but also a seasoned, career politician. The logistics of getting LBT back to contest her Long Island seat may be difficult, but it may be worth it in the long run. She stands a strong chance of winning and despite her obsession with the leadership post, she is a good and local politician.

Posted 27 February 2017, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Our PM is blowing smoke. . .he is mirroring. . .read the 48 laws of power. . .doc Minnis is showing a confidence that a novice party leadership should not be showing as it goes up aaginst an incumbent governing party. . . all of us well know that tactic. . **.reaction formation** a from of displacement as a defense against the social conflicting emotions that results from the "dogging out" heaped on him by just about every quarters in this nation. . .this deference mechanism with all of its finger in the air collectively show a defeated and fearful man (HE ALREADY FEELS REJECTED BY HIS OWN PEOPLE). . . the "treed" tiger who growls from a breach of a tree at a lil young lion at the bottom of the tree! I guess Fred Mitchell is running the national campaign. . .classic Gerbolism. . .they are running text book Machiavellian. . .either MP Mitchell is the brain or they have a PR group on tab. . .mentally they are defeated. . .the PM demeanor shows it! They can't run on their good will with the people. . .they have none. . .so they are trying to focus our attention of the other side. . .**THEY ARE LOST!** Lol!!!

Posted 28 February 2017, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

HarryWyckoff says...

Posted 28 February 2017, 8:36 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Just ring the bell then. . .we done "potting out" to show ya where ta put that. . .RING THE BELL MAN!!!

Posted 8 March 2017, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

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