Henfield: Gangs told to recruit marchers to join PLP parade

RANARD Henfield, lead organiser for the We March Bahamas group, has claimed that he was approached by two “gang leaders” on Sunday who allegedly told him they were asked to “convince the streets” to march with the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) on Majority Rule Day instead of the activist group.

He made the allegation in a Facebook post on Monday. He also posted an open letter to PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts, suggesting that the two groups march side-by-side from Clifford Park to Bay Street. Mr Henfield wrote that his group is certain Mr Roberts would put “country over party politics” and accept the invitation to march together for a “common loftier goal.”

We March Bahamas and the PLP have conflicting marches planned for next Tuesday, which is Majority Rule Day.

“I pray about everything,” Mr Henfield wrote on Facebook. “Most times, God says ‘stand firm but remain humble!’ One of my biggest concerns is keeping the We March supporters safe. The next is to give a voice to the voiceless, then raise awareness to their plights and help them bring about change.

“On Sunday, I was approached by two different gang leaders at two different places, both of whom advised me that they’ve been asked to convince the ‘streets’ to march with the PLP instead of with We March. Both of them have chosen to stand with the people and have issued their orders on the streets that the people must stand up to government,” he alleged.

“While I understand that some supporters of the status quo are trying everything possible to muzzle the people’s voice, let us stand firm for one more moment then begin our journey towards a better Bahamas for all!”

Last Wednesday, in a Facebook post Mr Henfield revealed that “after several weeks of back and forth” the Cabinet Office rejected the group’s application to protest in Rawson and Parliaments Squares because the “event conflicts with another event” already booked for that date.

Late last year, Mr Roberts announced that the PLP had also planned a march to mark the 50th anniversary of Majority Rule.

We March Bahamas had planned to protest on Monday, January 9 - the original observance date announced for Majority Rule Day.

However, in early December it was announced in Parliament that the holiday would be observed on the actual date of the historic event, Tuesday, January 10.

The change in the public holiday calendar has been perceived by many as an attempt by the government to strike a blow to the success of a second event by We March Bahamas.

Representatives from the group have said they are going ahead with their plans for a march despite the rejection from the Cabinet Office for use of the areas they had requested.

In his letter to Mr Roberts posted online on Monday, Mr Henfield wrote that he was concerned about the perception of animosity between his movement and the PLP.

“We March is not anti-PLP, anti-FNM or anti-government,” Mr Henfield wrote. “We March is a movement of the Bahamian people that want to see an end to petty politics and have government focus on fixing The Bahamas. You and I can agree that there are a lot of changes to be made to benefit our people.

“. . . It would be in the best interest of our people that we, the PLP and We March organisers, publicly state that both sides want the same thing, a country where the Bahamian people can freely, peacefully and respectfully voice their concerns and mandates on any administration. It’s in the best interest of all Bahamians that we both publicly state that we want to put an end to political victimisation and oppression.

“Further, that we both want the administration of the day and any other that will follow to listen to the people and follow the people’s will. It is in this spirit of ‘love and unity,’ ‘pressing onwards, marching together’ that I propose that we march side by side in black on January 10 from Clifford Park to Bay Street and that we publicly and immediately ask the Bahamian people to stand united on Majority Rule Day rather than be divided by petty politics, egos, political agendas and misunderstandings,” Mr Henfield wrote.

We March Bahamas staged a massive protest on November 25, 2016, where more than a thousand people marched from Arawak Cay to downtown Nassau. A large group of protestors also occupied Rawson Square for 12 hours as part of the demonstration against the government and the status quo.


TalRussell says...

Comrades! Before I get to the part where theres a Waving Da White flag in surrender to the PLP, didn't Ranard, say he was steeping back from the "We March" leader's position?
And, if this is not a stumbling to the knees white flag surrender to PLP Party Chairman "Big Bad" Brad, then what in the hell is it?
Okay, Renard, explain how it is at all possible for you to Unite with the forces of the governing PLP and still save a straight protest face... unless when things are like hunky dory with even the PLP, every political enemy comes in the name of a "Big Bad Friendly" Brad?

Posted 3 January 2017, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Four PLP members will be at the march wearing WE ARE BAHAMAS T-shirts and their famous PLP sunglasses. Their mission is to start fights with the RBPF or PLP majority Rule marchers hoping the crowd comes to their aid as police wait near by in riot gear out of sight out of mind. YOU MUST NOT JOIN THE FIGHT, they want to discredit this march as the World watches and a riot will put an end to your cause for sure. Again I tell you, DO NOT JOIN THE FIGHT, the fact that gang members are involved in their politics should scare the living $hit out of every Bahamian. If this is true, the PLP has just deliberately exposed themselves to the masses that they are a well organized crime syndicate, and has no fear of it's oppressed people. You can't imagine depth of this if this is true, this could mean they have full control of the drug trade, and control of the wars between the gangs; maybe that's why their never around when the gangs are killing themselves(They know when it's going to take place)? Wow, this is unbelievable, this is almost made for Hollywood, they are telling the Bahamian people to their face that they are the problem, 100% of it, and don't give a F**K what you think; they feel cornered!....LOL....unbelievable! Let's call Hollywood, F***K, might as well make some money while we're at it! TalRussell and Birdiestrachan work for the PLP, don't believe a word they say or give them any information that may lead them to you. Their still trying to figure out who I am, all you need to know is that the walls of parliament have eyes and ears; and their talking.

Posted 3 January 2017, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Tal, stop your nonsense .......... If there is any truth to this, this is a serious indictment of the PLP .......... this proves that they are a criminal organization

Posted 3 January 2017, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Sheeprunner2, just asking for clarification on some serious complications that the two would even think marching as one group. To walk a fine political line can be dangerous... But in the meantime, didn't Ranard, not just publicly announce that he was stepping aside as the "We March" leader?
Sounds more like something we'd expect to see coming from a poorly conceived Loretta type strategy.

Posted 3 January 2017, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

The Gang members are marching with Henfield. What about Toggie and Boggie. I believe
their names were.are they marching with Henfield also . He has been around long enough to know that mouth can say anything and it does. keep on praying Henfield it is a good to do so

Posted 3 January 2017, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

You are so ignorant it ought to be illegal and in many countries, probably is.

Posted 3 January 2017, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

I keep telling you that the PLP will do anything at this point to keep the Bahamian people oppressed under thier power. Now do you belive what I tell you, a true corrupt mob they are, they know their time is coming to an end. Get these fooking thieves out of your lives once and for all; March!

Posted 3 January 2017, 7:45 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Publius, Birdie isn't ignorant, Birdie is the one who wipe the $hit off the media's microphones when his lover Perry Christie finishes taking a $hit on them. Don't be so hard on him, you know $hit will always attracks flies.

Posted 3 January 2017, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Tal, seems that you don't at all understand Renard Henfield and his efforts... He is into trying to help this country and help straighten out this wutless GOVERNMENT. He is NOT into political garbage and politics at all!!!!!!!!!!!! POLITICS CANNOT BRING UNITY TO THIS BAHAMAS!!!

Posted 3 January 2017, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Quiettone, essentially I need you help me understand his political, social or community purposes. .... One day Renard publicly signals out the PLP to wage warfare.... The next day he claims to possess true Wave White Flag justice, but only after he had gone all public to announces his stepping back from the We March leadership?

Posted 3 January 2017, 9:52 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

I'm guessing some of the PLP gangs and thugs have steered his path.

Posted 4 January 2017, 7:29 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If the government wasn't in bed with the gang leaders goons and thugs then crime wouldn't be s problem. If you don't believe me ask Toogie and BoBo

Posted 4 January 2017, 7:53 a.m. Suggest removal

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