Nottage: PLP is best for policies to fight crime


Tribune Staff Reporter

WHEN Bahamians ask themselves which political party has the best policies to fight crime and improve people’s lives, they will say the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) does, National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage claimed yesterday.

Stressing that last year’s decrease in murders compared to the previous year - from a record 146 in 2015 to 113 - was due to strong police work and Urban Renewal, Dr Nottage said officials cannot be satisfied because there is still more work to do to combat violent crime.

His comments came on the sidelines of the New Year’s Day Junkanoo Parade.

“I think when you look at the whole broad spectrum and public policy and the impact that it has had on the quality of life in our country, there’s no doubt that the only party that has a plan, a strategy, projects, policies that have been benefiting people is the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and I think anybody taking a fair look at the progress of the country over the last four years would admit that the PLP is well suited to see its policies through over the course of the next five years,” Dr Nottage said.

He may have been referring to the government’s broad policies; however, his comments came after he was asked by The Tribune to reflect on how crime and the Christie administration’s efforts to combat it should weigh on people’s minds in an election year.

In opposition, the PLP infamously erected billboards around New Providence, emphasising the number of murders that took place during the Ingraham administration, which was in office at the time. The billboards declared that under five years of the Free National Movement there had been more than 490 murders.

According to The Tribune’s records, there have been 572 murders since the Christie administration came to power in May, 2012, with promises to solve the problem.

However, killings decreased last year compared to 2015, which saw a record 146 homicides. There were 113 homicides in 2016, according to The Tribune’s records, a 22.7 per cent decrease year-on-year.

The murder rate increased significantly in the final quarter of 2016 after a quieter period in the summer raised hope that the country would record its lowest number of murders since 2010, the last time the murder tally failed to reach the three-figure mark.

Instead, 2016’s tally was the lowest since 2012, when 111 people were killed. November and December were the bloodiest months of last year, with 14 and 15 murders respectively.

Dr Nottage said yesterday that 2016’s decrease was a result of policing strategies and help from the public.

“It’s not a natural ebb and flow,” he said. “It’s a mixture of strategies introduced by the police force and due to the assistance we’ve gotten from the public and Urban Renewal police officers who concentrate on community policing. I am pleased with the performance of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) with respect to fighting crime. Crime decreased significantly through the course of the last year but I’m not satisfied. So long as we have crime, particularly violent crime, we cannot be satisfied because there’s lots of work to do.”


viewersmatters says...

GTF too early to be talking shyt 2017..STFU please!!!!!!!!! and do us all Bahamians a favor and find the most uncomfortable spot in the deepest part of darkness where it's burning hot.

Posted 3 January 2017, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

viewersmatters says...

Mr. Nitrate should be damn shame to even comment on such statement, he has no honor or pride to even be proud of this countries development or crime rate. Where is the honor in the nation leader they all should hang their heads extremely low and walk directly into darkness until it's time to meet our maker.

Posted 3 January 2017, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Hogfish says...

just talk as much sh!t that does come from a donkeys ass and hope that some other wutless negro might believe it.

BUT even the poorest dumbest illiterate shack rat that the P HELL P has kept trodden down in they own shit and misery don't believe a word yall evil devils says no more.

Yall have brought curse and misery from God himself and you all going to hell for it.

Posted 3 January 2017, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

There is nothing positive to say about our crime figures! If this guy truly understood that this fell under his portfolio, he would have stepped down years ago. He obviously does not have the mental capacity to think.

Posted 3 January 2017, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

Dear Dr. Bernard Nottage,

Fuck you.

The Bahamian People

Posted 3 January 2017, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

The blank stare in his photo says it all... "Where am I? Why is everyone staring at me?"

Posted 3 January 2017, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Crime exploded in this country under the PLP in the late 1970s and 1980s .......... and the leopard has not changed its spots eh??????????......... who has the murder record and the downgrade record, public service teefing record, and the low school GPA record and the FDI failure record??????????? .......... and BJ had something to do with all of them since 1977.

Posted 3 January 2017, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...

Couldn't have said it any better.

Posted 3 January 2017, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Sheeprunner12 you just threaded the needle there. Sounds like the beginning of a good campaign slogan to send them home. How this sound? "Who led the country when crime exploded in the 80s? The PLP! Who led the country when the economy was downgraded? The PLP! Who led the country to a record murder rate? The PLP! Who led the country when we achieved the lowest grade point average in the history of Bahamian education? The PLP! Who allowed millions and millions of tax papers money to be stolen at Road Traffic, BAMSI, etc. without accountability? The PLP! Who sold the management to BEC to an American concern who cant keep the lights on, causing Bahamians millions of dollars in losses - stoves, water heaters, Tvs, washers- fried? The PLP! Who can't tell us where the VAT money gone? The PLP! It is time my people. It is time. We gat to save ourselves from this path to HELL. Roll out PLP! Roll out! You are FIRED!

Posted 3 January 2017, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

But the scary thing about all of this Greentea, Cobalt et. al is that they use as their slogan ......... Believe in Bahamians !!!!!!!! ......... What kind of cruel sarcasm is that?????????

Posted 4 January 2017, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Greentea, I agree with you fully and everyone else re this man. I think V. Alfred Gray, Nottage and Bradley Roberts are the very worst persons in the PLP, and perhaps even in the Bahamas!!! Sometimes I think that God is punishing us because we have allowed this wutless government to treat us so badly for so long. That is why I regard the We Bahamas March as the best thing that has ever happened here in the last 50 years. And every day I seriously pray for Renard Henfield and that God would fully guard and protect him!!!

Posted 3 January 2017, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Speaking of crime do you see how they are manipulating the gas ⛽️ and electricity prices? Even though oil is still one third the price it was a few years ago gas is almost up to $4.50. Electricity prices are through the roof. Some consumers whose power was off for most of October got bills that were much higher than the regular bill. And BPL is printing on the bills boldly: your usage increased by 1,600 % over last year. (Yes, One Thousand,Six Hundred percent). So how could a house that has no power for three weeks out the month go from $85.00 to almost $1.000? And the gas prices are not only going up here but places like Mexico that produces oil are complaining. Even parts of the US are seeing sharp price increases. And while Mexico says their problems is due to corruption and politicians 'teifin' all the money and not building new refineries causing that country to have to import gas, the gas companies are claiming the cost of refining have gone up since the price of oil dropped from $156.00 to less than 1/3 the price and hence the increase in gas prices. There was a plot afoot years ago to push the price of gas up to $12.00 a gallon in the US and up to $15.00 in Canada and around the world. This is while gas remains below $1.00 in Saudi Arabia and other oil producing nations. Oil is in plenty supply, a glut. The Bunker C used to power BEC is actually sludge left over from refining oil. Despite it being banned in many countries we continue to pay a premium price for it. Hence the outrageous light bills. Who's hands getting grease? Who pockets getting stuffed while the average Bahamian cannot afford gas or electricity?

Posted 4 January 2017, 6:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

OPEC said that they will decrease production in the coming months to raise prices so Bahamians are paying in ADVANCE for more expensive fuel so that the dealers have the cash to pay for the more expensive fuel\- that they will then sell to us at even higher prices with the excuse that gas has gone up. We are constantly chasing the tail as consumers.

Posted 4 January 2017, 12:25 p.m. Suggest removal

EasternGate says...

Agree with all of the above statements!

Posted 4 January 2017, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Who the hell woke BJ up again????

Put his old, useless ass back to sleep please.

That is one useless man. I wouldn't hire him to drive a garbage truck....

Posted 4 January 2017, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Just don't do anything at all is a policy decision?

Posted 4 January 2017, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Millennial242 says...

So am I to believe that crime is down because the murder rate has decreased compared to last year? That would be all nice and dandy if CRIME=Murder...what about all the other types of crime that is still rampant in this country? Come on...please...this tunnel vision approach is alarming (and vexing). Please...everyone...WAKE UP. Crime is up....ALL CRIME.

Posted 4 January 2017, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

Poverty is a crime....

Posted 5 January 2017, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

To think that Nottage and this entire failed cabinet of ministers will likely be offered to the electorate for re-election makes me sick to my stomach. Truly, if Bahamians vote these jokers back into office then there will be no use complaining of the consequences. Crime is rampant across The Bahamas and particularly in New Providence and Grand Bahama. There might have been a slight reduction in the murder count compared to the previous year but that will bring little relief to the population give that armed robberies, home invasions, rapes and other assaults continue unabated. Nottage and the PLP have absolutely no idea how to deal with serious crime and Nottage himself is completely unsuited to the role of Minister of National Security.

Posted 4 January 2017, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The next government after the PLP term ends in March should vote to change the MP Pensions Act in order to not pay any of this present PLP group a frigging red dime for their wutless administration ......... to think that our taxes will have to go to pay Perry a $200,000 per year pension for destroying this country since 2002 is beyond comprehension.

Posted 4 January 2017, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

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